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Pushed as far as I can go — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Melorama who has 391 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
Afternoon, dated back to 01/20/2021. @Aleister only please!

Clover had travelled south in search of food, hoping prey would be more plentiful in that direction as she had yet to explore it too much. But she did not stray too far from the place she was tentatively calling home, still wanting to keep an eye on Ana even though she was able to start slowly walking around now. Her chin lifted up, head tipping backwards so she could gaze at the sky above, listening to the odd bird calls as they chirped in the distance. It was quite a peaceful place, but she could almost feel the snowy ground hum beneath her feet, as if there was an energy in the grove trying to make itself known.

Her fur felt charged, paws almost tingling as she walked through the snow, gaze now on the ground as she looked for any disturbances in the snow that might reveal prey nearby. She could not smell anything, but maybe her eyes would serve her better now that she was not in the thick of the forest anymore. Hunger clawed at her stomach, and she licked her lips in anticipation, nearly salivating at just the thought of finding something to eat. She would grab something to eat herself, then try and bring something else back for Ana.
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
aleister vuesain
i keep going to the river to pray

On his way back towards the land from this first scouting trip, he hadn't been able to find much information of what had caused everyone to leave the Lore. However, he would soon have to come to the conclusion that he may never know. Perhaps, it was for the best. Forcing them all to look towards the future and only that. Though, being the experience traveling loner, the Vuesain male knew you always had to keep one eye behind you. In case something or someone wanted to sneak up on you. He wasn't going to let the past keep him from his future her in the Lore, but he sure was going to watch out for it.

Keeping his pace smooth, but deliberate, the dark agouti male traversed through the snow with ease having plenty of years of experience under his belt. Though, those years never made it warmer to the male. Winter was always the most dreaded season to live through, but it was an essential one. Months to reset the land while the rest of the year spent on regrowth.

He almost missed her as she blended beautifully against the snow covered land, but his mismatched gaze hardly missed anything. Since his path crossed with her, he decided to alert the stranger of his presence as he would rather avoid a conflict. Letting out soft chuff in her direction, he kept his body relaxed as this was not his land to claim. Neutral ground was good. 

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Melorama who has 391 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
The audible chuff alerted her to the presence of another, and she lifted her head to come to face with an agouti coloured wolf, but their most striking feature were the mismatched eyes: one sky blue, the other a golden yellow. She took note of the relaxed posture, letting any tension drain out of her body that had arose from being somewhat caught off guard. "Hello," she said cheerfully with a smile, tail swishing gently behind her. "I'm Clover." He was quite a bit bigger than her, but then again most wolves were so she was accustomed to having to tip her head back slightly in order to look at their face.

She could smell the faint musk of at least one other wolf on his pelt and so assumed they would be close by, but given how this wolf was trying to make himself appear non-threatening she felt confidant there was nothing to worry about. She glanced about briefly, brows raised curiously. "Do you live close by?" Clover would hate to be infringing on an area another wolf was living in, even if it was not officially pack territory. They all had mouths to feed, and she had other places to go to hunt if he was using the grove as his own hunting grounds.
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
aleister vuesain
blood is thicker

The small female turned his way, her amber eyes falling upon him seemingly scanning him for any signs of danger. Having already set his body in a relaxed posture, he hoped to sooth any worries the woman had about him. He was merely passing through to get him, no funny business here. White shoulders lost all tension as she greeted him with a smile, her name falling from her ebony lips. Clover, she introduced as he dipped his head slightly in proper greeting. I'm Aleister, he returned, a smile lifting his ebony lips.

Her coat was littered with various scents, but he couldn't be sure if she belonged to a pack or if she had been coming across a lot more wolves than him. Perhaps, she may have more news on what happened to drive everyone away or if there were more returning souls to the Lore. Her gaze shifted to look around them before she questioned him. She seemed polite enough, but until he could feel her out a little more, he was still on guard. I live over on the mountain, he answered, throwing his muzzle in the general direction of the Mountain of Dire. The mountain range was a very large area, so keeping his home generalized was in the best interest for now. How about you? Maybe, she would be more trusting and divulge details.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Melorama who has 391 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
The friendly nature of the agouti male put her at ease, leading her to believe that he meant her no harm, and so she sat back on her haunches. This way she would not have to hold her neck at an awkward angle to look at him. Her tail tapped gently on the snowy ground as he offered up his own name, the name rolling off his lips easily. She had met so many wolves with unique names, a far cry from the names of her family which she had deemed to be quite ordinary.

Her ears pricked at the mention of the mountain, dark amber eyes glancing over his shoulder at where she knew the mountain ridge to be. The idea of living on top of a mountain was, well, preposterous, not that she would ever voice it to somehow who did live on one. Where or what did they hunt? Certainly finding any common herbs would be difficult as quite a few liked damp and dark conditions or lived along water sources, neither of which would be easily found so up high. "I'm settled down back that way in the forest with a couple others," she said with a motion of her muzzle in the direction she had been travelling from. "What about you? Do you live alone up there?"
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
aleister vuesain
the rogue prince

Her gaze followed his as he motioned to the mountain where him and his family inhabited. Having kept the exact location vague for now, he wanted to keep them as safe as possible until he could be sure there would be no threat. Or at least a very limited threat. She mentioned she was living in the other direction with a couple others. Aleister couldn't help but wonder how many others were there. At least it wasn't just them that happened upon the Lore again, the land was getting repopulated again. The Vuesain wasn't sure if that was a good thing or bad thing.

She continued to question if he was with anyone. Having spent almost his entire life as a loner, he was always cautious on what information to give out and to whom. At least she admitted she was with others. Clover was willing to give out some information. No, I have a few others with me as well, he answered again vaguely. This tug of war information game wasn't getting them very far. However, Aleister wasn't quite ready yet to show his cards. Have you and your friends been here long? I've noticed the lands has been very vacant as of late. Perhaps, she was willing to show her cards?

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Melorama who has 391 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
Her gaze returned to his when he mentioned being in a group, the idea of forming some type of alliance with them in the future filling her mind. Having others nearby that they could go to for help was something she was interested in trying to set up down the line, but for now it would do to simply be friendly to Aleister and the others he was with. Maybe one day they could trade something between their two groups, as she was sure they would not have access to the wide variety of herbs and medicines that was necessary for a healer to sufficiently look after others.

She shook her head when he asked if they had been around long. From what she gathered, the Valle group had arrived just before she had, and she had not spent much time milling around in the north before coming across Viorel in that... ghastly forest. "Only a short time, we've only recently arrived here, but I have noticed a lack of other wolves around," she said with a slight tilt of her muzzle, still curious as to why the lands had been so empty. "Do you know why? I can't imagine it was anything good that made these lands so empty." And hopefully whatever it was did not return any time soon.
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
aleister vuesain
the rogue prince

Keeping her own cards hidden, she only revealed that her and her group had only arrived to the Lore just recently. She observed the absence of resident wolves as well, wondering what could have possibly made them disperse. Aleister only had one theory and he wasn't sure if this was the reason or if it was far worse. In honesty, the agouti male hoped his theory was true as the unknown was even further worrisome.

The last time I was in the Lore, there had been an influx of coyotes. I left before knowing any outcome, but I wonder if they became such a problem where it drove the herds away therefore driving everyone else away. It was a decent theory, but one that has yet to be deemed true. Perhaps they will never know the truth. I haven't been able to find anyone that knows the truth, so it may just be a theory, he answered truthfully.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Melorama who has 391 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
One more round each after this one and you fade with your post?

She listened silently as Aleister spoke, curiosity filling her at his phrasing. So he had been here before, seemingly before whatever happened that drove the wolves out? She did not feel like prying about it too much, but the curiosity dug its way to the surface and she could not help herself from speaking out. "You lived here before?" The coyote theory seemed sound enough, with enough of the creatures they could certainly drive out a pack, but it would not have been pleasant, and surely bloody, to have driven out so many packs at once.

"If I ever find out what happened, and we meet again, I'll be sure to let you know." She smiled as she spoke, still thinking about one day forming relations with his group. They would need allies, and if the other wolves Aleister was with were as friendly as him, then surely they could all get along. Her gazed shifted to the slowly descending sun in the sky, taking note that before long it would be sundown and she would need to return back to the others. But she still had to find something to eat for the day, so perhaps it would be best to cut the interaction short. "I'm afraid I must be on my way, but it was a pleasure to meet you, Aleister." She was sure they would run into each other again, with them living not too far away from each other.
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
aleister vuesain
the storm is here

’You lived here before?’ The alabastern woman asked after he explained his theory about the coyotes running amuck through the Lore. It was just a theory, but it could be a realistic explanation as to why the Lore that was once so heavily populated was now almost abandoned. Yes, I was actually born here, he answered matter of factly as his mismatched gaze looked over to her once more. I lived here on and off for years.

Many of years were spent outside of the Lore, some of which he regretted, but Aleister would also not be the wolf he was today if he hadn’t succumbed to the wanderlust that plagued him since adolescence. Same, he returned with a smile to match her own. Though, if we ever find the truth will be the tough part. The truth was taken by those who left the Lore before anyone could return to learn it. Perhaps the truth was meant to be a mystery. A dangerous mystery that lurked around the bend, waiting for the Lore wolves to become comfortable with their world once again before it swept the rug under their feet. Her amber gaze lifted to the descending sun on the horizon before turning back to him. Nodding in agreement, he had the same feeling it was time to carry on. It was a pleasure meeting you as well, Clover. Safe travels.

exit unless stopped
(This post was last modified: Feb 11, 2021, 12:47 AM by Aleister.)
[Image: lMaXPz.png]