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love my friends to death — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Ghost who has 642 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle
Loose timeline since I'm not sure when @Andrey came back from his trip
Shortly before midnight, Clear sky, -14.8F/-26C

Modern loneliness

Viorel was pacing. He hadn’t been able to sleep again tonight, the thought that he hadn’t seen his brother in more than a week was troubling to say the least. Normally a search attempt is more successful in the day time, but the teen couldn’t wait until morning, his paws itching to get started. What was worse, he had no idea where the other dark wolf had gone, only a vague description of ‘east’ from Vayko. Well, there was only so east he could go before he hit mountain, and the Valle certainly didn’t want to climb that in the dark.

Yellow eyes flashed back to the stony craigs that loomed over the falls, and Viorel left out a frustrated growl. Everything in this place was so foreign, if this was the Estuary he would be so familiar with all the landmarks and know what to do. Here? Here he couldn’t risk taking a wrong path on the peaks and ending up at the bottom of an icy ravine. The thought brought up the memory of the sinkhole he had met Vanadis at, and a shiver went down his spine. The image of near endless falling was hard to get out of his head, even harder was the thought of how it would feel when the falling ended.

Not knowing what else to do, at least right now in the dark, at the base of a giant waterfall with a stone giant over seeing him, Viorel stopped pacing. Closing his eyes and lifting his muzzle to the sky he called for his brother, hoping against all odds that Andrey would be able to hear him somehow.

we’re never alone

Played by arla who has 41 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Andrey Valle

His trip, unfortunately, had not been successful. But Andrey did not know if he expected it to be. This place was vast and he had no clue how far they were from the Estuary… just because the three of them had ended up here did not mean the rest of their packmates and family had as well. He had encountered another who had come from the coast, but not the same one as the Valle’s. She, too, had woken up in this strange place without any recollection of how she had gotten from A to B.

It was all so strange.

Despite his lack of success, Andrey had been taking his time getting back to the western side of the mountain range. Partly because crossing the mountains in the winter was not one of his brightest idea, but he also hoped he would run into someone else from the Estuary by now.

But, alas, he remained unlucky. The only luck he seemed to acquire was making it across the mountains without succumbing to winter.

A familiar call lured him away from his initial route. His brother had come calling. Had Andrey actually been missed? He exhaled sharply through his nose at the thought and quickened his pace. He was curious as to whether the two V’s had found anymore of their packmates, or had created deeper routes in this strange place…

Hello, brother, he greeted as he approached the dark male, his brows furrowed as he tried to read his brother’s expression. The scent of the white female was still prominent on his pelt… among others. A frown quickly developed on his dark features. Interesting.

Played by Ghost who has 642 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

Modern loneliness

It really was against all odds that Andrey was anywhere near him, let alone close enough that he could make a timely appearance. Dark eyebrows raised in surprise over striking yellow eyes as the sound of pawsteps in the snow met his ears. It felt like a trick. And yet, it wasn’t, soon after the pawsteps he was greeted with the sight of his twin. A goofy smile broke out over Viorel’s face and he moved forward to bump playfully into his brother.

”You sorry bastard, you actually crossed over the mountain and back alone didn’t you?” Viorel knew his brother was less than thrilled to be here, and might not be receptive to the idea of staying, but he had no idea how desperate he was to get home. Or, how stupid he was to think that going that far in such unknown dangerous terrain was a good idea. Still, it was rather impressive. ”What the hell man?” Was all he could think to say, he wasn’t going to admit he admired his gumption, but it also wasn’t his place to lecture his brother about how stupid he was. Well, he was probably still going to, but for now he was mostly just happy to see Andrey back alive.

Viorel broke eye contact with his brother to look back towards the peaks. He sure as shit wouldn’t have climbed those in the winter alone.

we’re never alone

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by arla who has 41 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Andrey Valle

He offered his brother a cheeky smirk as the yellow-eyed Valle bumped into him. Clearly he was not too upset over Andrey’s absence—or he was waiting for the perfect moment to unleash an onslaught of What were you thinking?!s and Are you stupid?!s.

Was I not supposed to go alone? he retorted coolly, the lopsided smirk still present on his dark features. You and Vayko seemed a little preoccupied so I went for a stroll. A casual stroll. Over snow-covered mountains. Twice.

No big deal.

He shrugged. Don’t worry, he continued, his features softening slightly as he briefly averted his gaze, you didn’t miss much. Didn’t find anyone from the Estuary. Got some very vague directions on how to get to the ocean from some local but not sure if it’s our ocean. His trip had been a disappointment but it had been nice to stretch his legs and see more of this strange place. Which just reconfirmed how much he disliked the mainland and could not wait to find a way back to the ocean he missed so much.

Played by Ghost who has 642 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

Modern loneliness

The cheeky smile and cool retort was met only with dramatically rolled eyes, oh Andrey, always the ‘cool guy’. Shaking his head in exasperation at the choice of the word stroll, Viorel made no comment on it. He certainly wasn’t going to give his brother the satisfaction of telling him how impressive his little ‘stroll’ over the mountains and back was. The playful expressions dropped into a frown at the news that all of the adventure had been for not, it seemed Andrey hadn't found what he was looking for.

Still, the serious mood couldn’t last forever, and Viorel had good news of his own to share. ”Well, maybe if you hadn’t have run off so fast you would have had better luck. We found @Sharlee and @Modesto, no sign of anyone else yet though.” Like their sister, or their mom. But an extra cousin and an aunt was better than a slap in the belly with a wet fish, right? Unfortunately, his brother had missed a lot while he was away, and Viorel was going to have to be the one to fill him in. Suddenly he shifted on his paws a little uncomfortably, he knew that Andrey probably wasn’t going to like the next bit of news quite as much, ”And, we have other news too.”

we’re never alone

(This post was last modified: Feb 17, 2021, 07:22 PM by Viorel.)
[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by arla who has 41 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Andrey Valle

Well shit, maybe he should have lingered around a little longer before conquering the mountains. It was a relief to learn that more Estuary wolves had been found but it was also quite troubling. How many of them had been brought to this strange place? What had happened to the Estuary pack—were there any remaining members? Or had their slice of heaven along the coast been completely disbanded? It made his stomach sink just thinking about it. He just hoped that wherever they were they weren't alone. That they had another packmate with them. A relative. Someone.

”And, we have other news too.”

A frown graced his dark features at his brother’s words. He did not like the sound of that. His brows hardened into a tight line as he tried to read Viorel’s expression. And what news do you have?  

(This post was last modified: Mar 01, 2021, 12:29 AM by Andrey.)
Played by Ghost who has 642 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

Modern loneliness

He was less than thrilled to see that his exciting news had been taken in stride and that his mysterious news caused a frown. Viorel had been hoping that Andrey would have been a little more buttered up upon hearing of the discovery of two more Valles. Oh well. Here goes nothing he supposed. Dark nails scratched against the frozen earth beneath as the teen flexed his toes in anticipation. Yellow eyes stared back into brown for a moment, trying to size up exactly what his brother was thinking, but came up with nothing.

Setting his jaw firmly he started, ”While you were gone, Vayko and I decided that we are going to stay here even after the thaw comes.” Viorel paused for a moment, again trying to judge Andrey’s feeling before continuing smoothly, ”We are going to build a pack of our own, something that belongs to us so we won’t have to live in the council’s shadow. Sharlee and Modesto are staying with us as well, and Clover as our healer.”

The salt and pepper Valle was more than aware that this news was probably going to be met with less than enthusiasm. Following the last sentence quickly he finished, ”We would like you to stay too obviously, but the decision is yours.” How awkward would it be if he said no? But if he did refuse, there would be nothing that Viorel could do about it but accept it and hope Andrey changed his mind.

we’re never alone

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by arla who has 41 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Andrey Valle

He could not even feign surprise.

His expression remained neutral, although the corners of his mouth dipped slightly, as his brother announced that he and their cousin had decided to stay here. Permanently. A sour taste filled his mouth as he tried to digest the news, his tail twitching idly behind him. K. His brother continued, stating that they were going to build a pack of their own to no longer live in the council’s shadow. Double K. Could they not have done that by the ocean, away from the Estuary but still close to the ocean that nurtured them? Why here of all places? The place they were dumped by the two-legs—hoomans, whatever. It did not seem right, and Andrey was not happy with this announcement.

His frown became more prominent at his brother’s final words. He did not want to stay, but he did not know what to do. Since arriving here he had planned to return to the ocean with his brother, cousin and whatever Estuary wolves they collected in this strange place. There was no part of him that had even considered staying. But now… he felt if he left his brother would be disappointed in him. And what if he returned to the Estuary and there was no one left?

I— he started, frown still present on his lips as he tried to think of a response that wasn’t what the @#%! are you doing, brother?!

I don’t know. He couldn’t think of anything better to say.

(This post was last modified: Mar 05, 2021, 04:03 AM by Andrey.)
Played by Ghost who has 642 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle
Fade on your next post?

Modern loneliness

Viorel had obviously been hoping for a more positive response from his brother, but he had not been dumb enough to expect it. Yellow eyes took hefty note of even the smallest of frown pulling on Andrey’s lips and had to actively work from mirroring the expression. He knew that his brother missed the ocean. And he got it, really he did. But Andrey had not even tried to give their current situation a chance, and frankly it stung a little to think that his own flesh and blood didn’t believe in his ability to lead.

The darker wolf’s frown grew deeper and this time Viorel could not keep his salt and pepper brow from furrowing in response. He wanted to lash out out of hurt from the hesitation, but the yearling held it in. It was there behind his eyes, but at least he felt composed enough to swallow it down. Looking away he murmured, ”At least think about it please.” Turning back towards home he said, ”Let’s get back to the others, they’ll be happy to see you.” Even if you’re the only one who doesn’t want to stay with us, he added silently. Setting his jaw in a line, Viorel began the long walk home.

we’re never alone

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by arla who has 41 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Andrey Valle
He did not understand why his brother was so quick to give up on returning home. Why he was so quick to make a home out of the place they had been dumped in. Sure, the Council had not been the greatest, but they could have made a home elsewhere along the coast. Started fresh by the ocean. Where they belonged. Not some strange place that these hoomans had decided their home was. It just did not make sense. His nose twitched as his frown remained. He could tell his brother was hurt by his lack of enthusiasm, but Andrey could not feign it. His brother would have probably been more hurt if he faked it.

At least think about it please. He nodded. Andrey could not, and would not, promise anything. He would stay, for now, but this place was not his home no matter how hard Viorel tried to make it one. It was not the ocean. It was not where he belonged.

“Lead the way, brother.”

(This post was last modified: Mar 20, 2021, 02:00 AM by Andrey.)