This world was a far different place. Much more thick forests and open, delicately flowing fields. It lacked the salt licked rock, the chunning sands, and quite so obviously, the vast open ocean. After Modesto's encounter with @Viorel, the smokey woman had set off with a stubborn determination to find the sea once more.
But she could not find it. She sniffed, she traveled, but not single tinge of salt was on the chilly winter breeze. She was beginning to come to realize she was truly and utterly lost from home and that enraged her.
So she decided to head towards the mountains, beyond the tangled and dark ghastly forest she so hated already. She thought that maybe from atop the high reaches she might be able to see the streak of endless blue in the backdrop which marked the ocean. A hard journey, especially in the winter, but a necessary one for the seafarer regardless.
She is stopped then from her mission only by the sight of one of the first places she thought truly beautiful since loosing her home. Skyfall Glen was a vast, open and crystal lake at the base of the mountains, the towering rocks at one end and forest to the other. She gave a happy skip to the shoreline, half disappointed that it was not sand she was met with but still half happy that the chalky ground here reminded her as much.
Maybe here, if anything, she could find solace.