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The Ties That Bind — Secret Falls 
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Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
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Oksana Baranski

What would her mother think if she knew that Askan could be the key to finding out what had happened to Lachesis and the Surge. Oksana remembered well the way Inna had spoken of the grouchy man. That was the impression she'd gotten of him the first time she'd met him. She would however give him some credit. He'd humored her, she was young and he hadn't sent her away or immediately walked away. Still she knew that Askan was partially or a lot to blame for some of the things that had happened to her mother. Inna was gone though and Oksana made her mind up to not hold grudges. 

Her expression brightened when the woman said that she had heard Lachesis name. The way she described the relationship between the two men told Oksana that this stranger wasn't lying. "They were very close. I was in Lachesis pack," she explained. A frown did cross her features when she was asked more about her former alpha. "No, I haven't any idea where he went. I don't know if he's even still alive. I was hoping to find out if he was alright and if Driftwood Surge had escaped whatever had happened."

The way her mother had spoken of what she knew Oksana imagined that every one leaving probably happened quickly. There wasn't anyway to know for sure unless she met someone who had been through it. Shr was fine not finding out but she really did want to know about the old alpha. 

Table by Arla
(This post was last modified: Jan 23, 2021, 06:18 PM by Oksana.)
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Played by Alice who has 56 posts.
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Marian Selwyn-Tainn

"So it's dead quiet that way too?" She asked, gesturing north with a pointed flick of her snout.

She assumed so but she'd rather get confirmation from her than have to trek up that way herself. It was true she was sort of aimlessly wandering about the Lore but she didn't wanna have to trek further than need be. Not in these conditions at least. Come spring maybe she'd be a little more eager to trot about the place but for now it was best if she saved her strength and energy.

It was a bit of a shame that whatsherface was missing her friends and family but there wasn't much Marian could do to help. She wouldn't go out of her way to make the search any harder but Marian just didn't have the drive to step out of her way to help a stranger. Not with something so big at least.

"Who are you anyway?"She asked with a curious tip of her head, her Selwyn yellow gaze roving over the lines and curves of her form. Loner or not she had a sort of sad and mopey air to her, not the sort of wolf Marian would intentionally affiliate herself with. "And you mentioned your Mother, who's she?"

[Image: Marian.png]
[Image: tainn_selwyn_by_marthypie-dcq9dr4.gif]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

Oksana nodded at the question. "I've only been through Kingsfall and the Ethos but its much like this. Overgrown and no sign that anyone has been there in a long time." The dark girl was wondering if it was like that all over the lore. It just seemed so desolate and lonely. It made her sad to think that she had left her mother in the loneliness.  She reminded her that Inna wasn't alone. She had Kisla and Maksim and all of the other family members that had passed before them. "I'm hoping that if we've returned others have too."

Whether she found out anything about the surge or not she hopes she might run into others. She had plans to travel around the lore to see qhat she could find. It would take time but she had that. The only problem was the winter weather, she knew how bad it could get in the lore. Oksana could only hope all the preparations she'd made would be enough to see her through her first winter on her own 

The crow was a little surprised by the question but she answered anyway, "Oksana Baranski, and you are?" She supposed it only fair the ask considering. Then the question of who her mother was came out. She supposed that was expected since she'd spoken if her and the woman had shared who her father was. "My mother was Inna Baranski." Surely the woman knew of her. Oksana was sure Askan wouldn't have many nice things to say in regards to her mother. 

Table by Arla
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Played by Alice who has 56 posts.
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Marian Selwyn-Tainn

So the story was the same everywhere else? Marian wrinkled her nose. Now she wasn't exactly hankering for polite society, or all of the rules and regulations that came with it, but something would be better than nothing. Right? She rolled her shoulders, wondering for the hundredth time whether her trip to the Lore was just gonna be a fly by. A been there done that sort of affair. Except that aside from the beening part there wasn't that much to do here, except yanno wolf things. Eating, sleeping and shitting, nothing fancy.

But it was clear Inna here wanted more than that too. Not that Marian recognised her name, though her Mother's kinda rang a bell.

"Marian." She said with a shrug, like it was no big deal to her. M'mother's Lyanna Tainn. Your mother sounds kinda familiar though. My dad loves to bitch and moan about that kinda shit, I assume they didn't get along?

[Image: Marian.png]
[Image: tainn_selwyn_by_marthypie-dcq9dr4.gif]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young fawn has gotten separated from its herd. Hunt Opportunity, +8 Health
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

Oksana's plan was to travel around the lore like she and her mother used to do sometimes. After this meeting she had to wonder if there was anything out there to find. It was very clear that something had caused everyone to leave. Before she'd left with Inna there had been signs of wolves everywhere, even in the emptiest of places. Now there wasn't anything. The lore was a big place and she could only hope that she and the woman she now spoke with weren't the only ones. 

"Its nice to meet you," she told Marian politely. After all thus new acquaintance seemed a bit more pleasant than her father. "I'm sorry I don't believe I've heard of your mother," she spoke not remembering Inna ever speaking about her. Oksana had to stop the laugh that nearly escaped when Marian spoke about Inna and Askan getting along. "No, they didn't get along at all. It was a whole thing." Oksana wondered if Askan had told his daughter the whole story as Inna had done for her 

Table by Arla
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Alice who has 56 posts.
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Marian Selwyn-Tainn

It was no skin off Marian's nose whether her Mother was renowned or not. She was a decent lady, a good enough parent and that was all anyone could ask for really. Sure, Marian loved her family in her own way but she wasn't...fervent about it, she guessed? It was kind of hard to explain, but being away from them didn't make her appreciate the Selwyns anymore or less. They just were. Oksana was quick to confirm that Askan didn't get along with Inna, and Marian nodded as though everything made complete sense to her. Some things never changed and her Father's attitude was one of them.

"I bet. So you just gonna wander around on your lonesome till you find someone you know?" Seemed a bit reckless, even to Marian. What if they were all gone or had moved onto greener pastures. Wasn't she kinda wasting her time? Not that it mattered to Marian, none of her business and all that.

[Image: Marian.png]
[Image: tainn_selwyn_by_marthypie-dcq9dr4.gif]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

Until speaking with Marian it had been a long time since she'd thought of the bad blood between her mother and Askan. She didn't like to let her mind wander there. It brought back memories that she woukd much rather forget. Now that she had been reminded she couldn't help but wonder if Askan ever thought about it. She of course would keep that curiosity to herself. Sometimes it was better to just not know. This had been a difficult lesson for the young Crow to learn but she had and she lived by it. 

"I suppose for a little while at least," she said replying to Marian's question. "The truth is I haven't really thought it all the way through." She wanted badly to find some of the wolves she once knew. There was the question of what she would do if she didn't find anyone. "How about you? Do you have plans of staying?" she asked wondering if Marian would be staying in the Lore as well.

Table by Arla
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Alice who has 56 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marian Selwyn-Tainn

Marian kinda saw that coming. The woman seemed lost, almost aimless in the way she spoke about this place. Like it didn't make much sense to her anymore, as though everything had shifted away from how it was supposed to be. Marian glanced about, almost expecting to see ghosts of the past wafting around her, like wisps of smoke. But there was nothing but the dense foliage that surrounded them from all angles, nothing but green and brown to be seen on all sides. Maybe it was about time she let go, the past only seemed to make her sad so if she was here she ought to have another go of it. The Lore part two, with hopefully less misery and baggage this time. But of course it was none of Marian's business , if Oksana spent the rest of her days moping then that was her prerogative.

And then Oksana flipped the question on her and Marian rolled her gaze to the slither thin slits of the sky she could see between the branches.

"I guess, got nowhere else to be. Not the Edge though, that place is deader then dead. Surely there's gotta be something worth while here."

[Image: Marian.png]
[Image: tainn_selwyn_by_marthypie-dcq9dr4.gif]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

The truth was Oksana really hadn't given much thought to what she would do next. Not much past seeing if there was anyone in her old territory. It was pretty clear there wasn't any one there nor in Shallow's Edge. That only left the question of whether or not they were somewhere else in the Lore. She hoped that maybe after some time a plan woukd forn but she and herd mom had always wandered so what was the difference really. Oksana thought she needed more time after having put her mother to rest. What she did know whether she liked it or not she had to move on with her life. She needed a better idea of what was going in in the lore. 

She was curious what the other woman would do now that she knew about the edge. The crow nodded along with what Marian said. 

"I'm hoping you're right but I don't think it would do well to stay in the places we know there isn't anything left." Anyways nothing besides the memories of which not all were the greatest ones to have. 

Table by Arla
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you