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sparks send fire down the wire — Lost Lake 
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Played by Tasha who has 373 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Aquene Slayer
Walk of Shame Set morning after this thread, around 11am @Aleister

But I put it out of my mind Long enough to call it courage To live without a lifeline

Aquene really wasn’t sure what had gotten into her. Well, that was a lie, she knew of a few things that had gotten into her, but she still felt just a hint of shame burning in her pelt that she had just gone and thrown herself at the man. Still, he didn’t seem the mind, and he had still been there in the morning once the weather had calmed, ready to lead her to where the rest of his small unofficial group lingered. That made her feel… less cheap? She wasn’t terribly sure how to act, so she had simply reverted back to her quiet and sweet nature. The hormones didn’t scream nearly as loud now that she had given into the temptation her mother had warned her about.

Was her mother proud of her? She doubted it… but it was too late to change anything, and honestly, it felt nice to be wanted… if only for a night. VAYKO“The area seems nice.”[/VAYKO] She commented idly as she walked alongside him. She hoped he didn’t feel too awkward about what had transpired the night before. VAYKO“Yesterday, you said you all weren’t quite official… I’m guessing you probably mean to make it official soon?”[/VAYKO] She was just curious about the general workings of this group that she had, pardon her French, thrust her way into.

Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

Was he supposed to feel sleazy? Within a two night span, he spent considerable time with three different women. Two encounters were spent helping resolve their spring heat issues. However, Aleister didn't exactly feel guilty about the encounters, like he probably should. Instead, he was actually happy, chipper even. No more was he frustrated and pent up with irritated emotions. The dark agouti Vuesain found he was able to find release and it just so happened to involve doing the dirty with strangers. Though at least one of the strangers, he was bringing home. His mother would probably be happy at that small fact.

Namid probably wouldn't be proud, but hey at least he was trying to do the responsible thing. Even though, Aquene was the one who wanted to join him and asked to come back to the Lake with him. But that's besides the point, right?

He had snuck out during the night while the chocolate woman slept, though he had returned before she awoke to return with her to the Cove. His lover friend making idle conversation while on their journey back to the Lake. Smiling politely, he turned his mismatched gaze over to her as she mentioned how the area was nice before asking whether or not his group would be making it official soon. "Yes, I think very soon we should be able to, especially now that you are joining us," he answered truthfully. They would definitely have use for a healer within the ranks, making everything a little more reassuring that they could make it.

(This post was last modified: Mar 10, 2021, 09:50 PM by Aleister.)
[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Tasha who has 373 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Aquene Slayer

But I put it out of my mind Long enough to call it courage To live without a lifeline

Oddly enough, she didn’t feel as cheap as she probably should. She was allowed to enjoy herself, right? At least some of the feverish behavior that Spring brought about had faded with the encounter from the night before, her head clearer which was a relief. It had been her first heat, and she had to say, she was not a fan of how the hormones affected her. He answered her question and she smiled softly in turn with a nod. She was glad that she could be of some assistance. “Do you have any other healers?” It would be helpful to her to have someone to assist, or someone to assist her depending on who had more experience.

She could get a lay of the land and then figure out the best place to store herbs. Her home was not far from where her father’s uncle Lachesis had settled down with his mate, and she had often made the voyage to learn from the master himself. She knew just what to do when creating a new herb storage. Still, she was more distracted than she should be. “I… I’m really sorry about last night?” She apologized rather awkwardly, not entirely certain she should apologize seeing as he had been a rather willing participant in the activities. She did not yet know if there would be consequences for their actions, and would not know for some time. “I’m not normally… like that. I mean, I guess I don't really know if I'm normally like that around this time of year because it was my first but I think I was just... I... I'm just gonna stop talking.” She admitted, not wanting him to think that she was someone who simply seduced men. She was a girl a man could take home to their parents!

[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

Her caramel gaze looked to him as he spoke, another question leaving her lips as she asked if he had any other healers traveling with him. At the moment, Aleister didn't have anyone else looking to their healer. Both Chan and Nash were going back and forth about whether they would like to pursue being a hunter or scout for the Cove. At the moment, there wasn't anyone who had approached him yet about becoming a healer. "No, I believe you would be the only one we have." Aquene must of come from a family knowledgeable of medicine as she was pretty young to already have enough experience to ask for the role. Hell, it took him almost 6 years to decide he wanted to take over the family heritage. "Was your mom or dad a healer?" Aleister asked with a raised brow as she looked over to her as they walked.

Aleister hadn't realized how their encounter probably made her feel extra awkward the next day while walking back to his home. He had always been a little impulsive with decisions, though the dark agouti Vuesain was trying to work on that part of himself. Spring was still just an expectation. The bachelor was not tied down to one female, so he didn't see why he should have to feel guilty about what he did in the last few days. When things happened, both parties were willing, so he didn't see any reason to let the guilt or embarrassment get to him. He certainly didn't want Aquene to feel bad about herself, so when she apologized about what happened between them last night his mismatched gaze looked to her softly.

"Don't be sorry. I had a wonderful time," he replied with a careful bump to her shoulder with his cheek, hoping to get her out of the funk she may be in. The brunette continued on to explain, his eyes lingering on her face as she spoke. As she finished a grin was plastered upon his face, "Does that mean you are gonna be my new stage 5 clinger?" He joked with a chuckle, again hoping to raise her mood away from the dark depths of self loathing. That wasn't a nice place to be.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Tasha who has 373 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Aquene Slayer

But I put it out of my mind Long enough to call it courage To live without a lifeline

Admittedly she was a little surprised to hear that they didn’t already have a healer. Her parents had always been adamant to have at least three in the pack, though she supposed that had to do with the untimely demise of her grandfather and her own father’s hypervigilance on the matter. It made sense perhaps. The question fell and she nodded. “Yes, my mother… two of my sisters and one of my brothers as well.” She had an admittedly large family, which had been both comforting and suffocating at the same time. It wasn’t the time to get into traumatic backstories, however, so she found it best to leave it at that.

“My father always stressed the importance of knowing how to heal, and I had an aptitude for it from an early age. My father had an uncle, Lachesis, he and his mate settled down nearby after coyotes drove them from their original lands and so I trained with him for quite a bit, figuring it was better to learn from somebody who wasn’t my mother. I was afraid she would try to baby things for me. My mom fell ill shortly after I returned so my sister took over my training from there.” Her mother had been kind, but could be perhaps just a little too motherly at times after all. She had no idea that the lands she referred to were the lands she now walked.

He assured her that she didn’t need to be sorry, a shy smile as he bumped her shoulder as she started to ease up to the idea. Well, at least he had a wonderful time. Admittedly, she had too, but she never knew how to act in these situations. She chuckled softly at his words and offered a soft snort in response. “A little bold to assume you’re cling-worthy.” She teased back, unable to help herself as he lightened the mood successfully. She felt much better about the night they had shared now, and a little less anxious about it all as well.

[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

Answering his question with a nod and explaining multiple wolves within her family were also healers. At least that was a good thing in his opinion as there would be more heads full of knowledge and experiences shared between all of them to creating a better healer all around. Aquene wasn’t some self taught healer that thought she knew what she was doing. She went on to talk about her father and an uncle who’s name was rather familiar, though he let her finish instead of interrupting.

“I actually know of Lachesis and his mate, though at the time he wasn’t a big fan of who I hung out with.” The story now didn’t matter much as both packs were no longer here within the Lore. The pack his sister wanted to join had disbanded before they even left the Lore, a sentiment that didn’t really rattle the Vuesain. He truly had only joined to make his sister happy and be with her as she worked on herself. Though that whole thing had been a disaster in his nomadic opinion.

His smile widened as she snorted and threw a retort back in his face, prompting him to reach out to nip at her cheek playfully. ”Just give it some time to settle in.” He teased again, as they finally approached the Lake he called home. His gaze fanning out to see if there was anyone around, thankful when he surprisingly found none. He wanted to give her some time to settle in before having to meet anyone as she still seemed a little uncomfortable with everything still. “Well, here it is, the infamous Lost Lake. You want a tour?

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Tasha who has 373 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Aquene Slayer

But I put it out of my mind Long enough to call it courage To live without a lifeline

Aquene’s eyes widened when he said that he knew Lachesis and his mate. She liked both of them, as well as her sort of pseudo-cousins in their children, though some were certainly more wild than others. “Really? My Uncle?” She asked, a little surprised to hear about it. She only knew of the calmer side of Lachesis because it was all that she had ever seen. “Wait, was it around here?” She asked, once again confused as she looked around the mountains in a new sort of light. “The area that my uncle was from… it’s where my father was born… he doesn’t like to talk about it much, but he spent much of his early years exploring the lands.” She explained to further explain her interest in the story.

She laughed softly as he nipped at her cheek. She even dared to nudge at his shoulder a little with her maw. “Oh, I’m sure you’ve got all the ladies swooning after you.” She teased lightly, though honestly, if those ladies were anything like her, then her statement probably was not far from the truth. They reached the lake and her eyes widened as she looked around in awe of what was around her. “It’s stunning.” She commented with a wide grin. The question brought an eager nod. “Yes, please!” She was eager to explore the new lands she was to call home. “I ought to start looking around and creating an herb supply too.” She always leapt into things, clearly, and she wouldn’t want to delay a moment, particularly with how tricky it would be to find certain herbs while the biting cold of winter still held out a little while longer as spring fought it’s way into the Lore.

[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

She was surprised when he mentioned knowing her uncle, though they honestly never formally met so he most likely wouldn't know of him. However, he did know of the pesky pack that settle a day south of him. "I never formally met him, but I found out about him over three years ago when I was on the east side of the mountain in the lands far north. My sister and I settled in with a pack in Turtleback Lake which was about a days south of his pack in Kingsfall. He was not entirely happy about it, which I don't blame him," he explained. The whole thing was a disaster from start to finish, in his opinion.

Sweet laughter filled his ears as she nudged against his shoulder in turn before teasing him again. He certainly was no Casanova, but apparently as of late he was sort of a ladies man. Aquene's statement did make his mind wander to Mavis who he coincidently met while he was out getting some fresh air while Aquene slept within the cave. Their encounter was interesting to think about as she thought he was already promised to another. Aleister was still a bachelor, free to choose who he wanted to spend his time with. And at the moment, Aquene had his attention.


A smile crossed his lips as she commented on the Lake's beauty and agreed to a tour. "Follow me this way, my lady," he teased softly as his mismatched gaze glistened with mischief. He would lead her towards the temporary communal den they occupied, though they were going to be moving locations quite soon in favor of the location Chan found. "Here is the temporary communal den," he stated stretching his back out with a bow once they arrived. Again, he was surprised to not run into any of his companions while showing her around. "I was actually born a short distance from here and brought in with the rest of the pack once I was old enough to walk." Though, he certainly didn't remember it, but knew it had happened with the stories of traditions that his parents wanted to pass down to him.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Tasha who has 373 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Aquene Slayer

But I put it out of my mind Long enough to call it courage To live without a lifeline

Aquene listened with interest as she explained that he had never met her uncle directly. It did sound like something her Uncle would do. “Yes, he can be… quite protective of his land and family.” That she had definitely seen, and it all made more sense now, at least in her mind. “He had always told me the Surge was on the Lake, so it makes sense that he would get defensive if anyone settled nearby.” She hummed again, trying to take an unbiased approach towards it all. She had known her uncle a long time, but she hadn’t been there so it would be wrong for her to try and make a black or white opinion about the situation.

She had to admit, it was nice to have a moment like this after the events of the night before, and she certainly felt much better now about returning and helping him form a pack. There was promise there, not of something more per say, but of a friendship at least which was all she was really looking for. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she wondered if there would be consequences for their actions, but it was far too soon to tell about that. She knew that she would be the first to know, and she could figure out what would happen from there. It wasn’t worth bringing up at the moment.

She followed him, a light flush to her cheeks at the tease with a soft chuckle in response. He was really laying it on thick, wasn’t he? She poked her head around, the mingling of scents revealing his companions though the den was vacant at the moment. “Temporary?” She had to ask, because temporary implied it would not be for long. She smiled at the story. “That sounds like a wonderful tradition.” She admitted aloud as she looked around more, poking her head around the den and everything. “Who are the others who are with you?” She asked curiously, wanting to know more about her future packmates.

[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

“He was definitely willing to fight for his family.” Which was a characteristic he could always understand and value. Aleister would have fought tooth and claw for his sister and honestly still would if she needed him even after abandoning him. Family did mean something for the Vuesain, though it did take him a few hiccups to begin to value them. “The pack my sister and I were with actually settled on the same lake. I could take you there sometime if you’d like?” He offered, perhaps she would want to see where her uncle lived and where her father was born.

She questioned his temporary term for the den, a nod given her way. “We are moving a little ways from here, creating something new.” He replied, leaving out the fact that this was basically a burial site for the Eastfall patriarch. Some gruesome details could be left out right? His mismatched gaze watched her intently as she moved around, poking her head through the area getting a better feel for the area he supposed. He smiled at her comment on his family’s tradition, his mind wondering if they were going to face consequences for last night and if they were going to be practicing that tradition. But quickly she redirected his mind with another question.

“We have the Eastfall family. Chan, Nash and Moonshadow. Chan and Nash are brothers, while Moon is their mother who actually once led my birthpack for a time. Chan and Nash were born here too.” He stated, his gaze looking out towards the cove shores as he continued. “Then there’s Lila who is a old friend of Chan’s. We also have Flair who may just be temporarily staying, though she’s been with us for a few months now.” It was difficult to not mention his sister in the mix. This had been their joint plan, but now he was captaining the ship my himself.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]