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achilles, come down — Lost Lake 
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Played by Tasha who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Landen Stark
You said you'll never be forgiven 'til your boys are too

Landen enjoyed exploring the lands his parents once traipsed over when they were younger. His parents were all old now, content in their retirement. Could Landen have been content at home? Perhaps, but he felt a voyage at his age was almost necessary. Even his father had left his home around his age, despite all of his nerves, and Landen felt it crucial for him to do the same, his nerves be damned. It helped that he had his brothers, though for the moment being they were apart from each other. He had little doubt that all he needed to do was follow the havoc to find Leith, and where Leith was, he was certain Leggy could not be too far.

He personally had made his way up to the mountains, his nose curiously sniffing around for plants that might survive in colder temperature though with the particularly nippy cold, he wasn’t holding much hold for finding anything useful. He tried to keep an eye out for plants wherever they went in case one of his brothers, probably Leith, got into some kind of fight or scuffle and needed to be patched up. There was no shame in admitting he was the most adventurous and rowdy of the bunch, even if Landen had started to pick up some of his qualities himself.

Contact exposure to a Tasmanian devil would do that to a wolf. He hummed quietly to himself, an inquisitive nature about him when he caught the scents of other wolves, his head tilting to the side. He didn’t think he had caught so many living scents in one place in quite some time… how odd.

Played by Cade who has 875 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
It had been quite a while since Chan had stayed home this long, but it had yet to feel any kind of suffocating. He found himself enjoying the time as though it were a reprieve, catching up with his family @Nash and @Moonshadow, planning for the future with @Aleister and @Neha, and better getting to know @Lila and @Flair. He wasn't sure what it was; maybe he'd finally sated enough of that wanderlust. Regardless, this time felt different than any other time he'd stayed on the Lake's shores.

That wasn't to say he spent all of his time in the company of others. Chan still liked time to himself and his thoughts, taking him outside of what was once Cove territory and toward the Eastern fringes of the forests that edged the Lake. He'd been hours into his walk when he crossed a new scent, one distinctly of his own kind but utterly unfamiliar to Chan.

He diverted towards it, letting out soft woofs as he trotted along in an attempt to reach out to the other. It wasn't often others made it up the mountain!
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Tasha who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Landen Stark
You said you'll never be forgiven 'til your boys are too

He heard a soft woof, his head poking up and staring around until he caught sight of the other wolf, his head tilting to the side shyly. He offered a soft woof in return as he curiously made his way over to him. “H-Hello.” He greeted shyly. Suddenly, he wished his brother were here. Perhaps if his brother had been here, he might be more courageous but truthfully when his trusty guide was not around, he was often afraid of his own shadow. He was not prepared for it, for any social interaction.

Still, there were the cards he had been dealt. “Ah… ‘ave ya seen any plants growin’ around ‘ere?” His mother’s accent slipped out with ease with a shy smile. “M’lookin’ fer some wintergreen.” He had no idea if this wolf would even know what he was talking about, but there was something in his gut saying that it was the best way to approach this conversation. Maybe he was still a little bit of a basket case... maybe.

Landen is travelling with Leith and Legolas
Played by Cade who has 875 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
The other wolf did not decline his approach, but appeared timid nonetheless. Chan kept his posture friendly, tail wagging at an easy pace and ears tilted back. He meant to communicate through his body language that he intended no harm.

"Plants," Chan repeated as he mulled the question over. What had his godfather taught him about foraging near the lake? It took effort to recall, but some things floated gradually to the surface of his mind by the time the young stranger specified what it was he was after.

"Oh wintergreen, yeah definitely," he answered with a grin.

"Got sick once as a pup eating too many of those. I can take ya right to some."

He even began to turn, though kept his eyes on the other wolf to confirm that he did, actually, want to be led.
(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2021, 11:23 PM by Chan.)
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Fresh tracks show an injured deer has recently passed by. Hunt opportunity! +10 Health
Played by Tasha who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Landen Stark
You said you'll never be forgiven 'til your boys are too

Landen listened as he repeated the word, and he felt for a moment that the man must think that he was certifiably insane. His clarification seemed to help, and Landen was eagerly following him. He caught his choice of words, his head tilting to the side. “Did ya grow up ‘round ‘ere?” He asked curiously. He seemed to run into a lot of wolves who had grown up in these parts and he felt jealous… though he knew that his mama and papa had found them a good home after the coyotes.

“Some of m’siblings grew up ‘round ‘ere too… ma mama n’ma papa had a pack ‘round ‘ere but there were some nasty ‘yotes and they relocated far from ‘ere.” He explained, perhaps oversharing though there was just something about the man that made Landen more comfortable than he had been before… like a connection that Landen longed to have to these lands that the other man had. "Ah came back with ma brother. We've been wanderin' 'round."

Landen is travelling with Leith and Legolas
Played by Cade who has 875 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
"Yep," Chan chirped back, but he didn't expect what the younger wolf would tell him next. In fact, the man came to a stop altogether and turned around to face the other once more, interest aspark in his unmatched eyes.

"The packs left because of the coyotes?" he asked, perhaps a little too eagerly. At this point, he had put the mystery to the far back of his mind, having not found so much as a single hint this whole time. Could he really be handed the answer so easily now that he left it to chance? Figures, he thought, but not unhappily.

"I thought they had receded. Who were your parents? Mine're Moonshadow and Tagg, my mom led Fallen Tree Cove here."

Maybe they had just left the mountain, and Chan had merely been once again lucky to have not run into any on his way out. At least he had the comfort of knowing that his own family had not been driven out by the beasts. Chan was a wolf incapable of hate, but the closest he came was certainly with his feelings about damn coyotes.
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Tasha who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Landen Stark
You said you'll never be forgiven 'til your boys are too

He grew up around these parts… but he didn’t know of the coyotes? It seemed to puzzle Landen, because he had thought it common knowledge. At least, that was how his parents had made it sound. He hummed softly and nodded. “Aye, nasty buggers… at least that’s what ma parents told me.” He explained further. “They seem ta ‘ave gone tho.” He was stating the obvious now. “M’brother was gonna show me where th’pack used ta be, but Ah made a venture up ‘ere fer some wintergreen.” Clearly, as Chan was guiding him to some at this very moment.

Moonshadow and Tagg. Those were two names he had never heard in stories, alongside the name Fallen Tree Cove. “Ah’ve never ‘eard any of those names.” He offered almost apologetically. “M’parents are Lachesis n’ Lilya… they lead Driftwood Surge… n’now they’re leading about a cycle’s travel from here.” A cycle was just his fancy term for a month, really. “S’good ta see other wolves though. Fer a while, m’brother n’Ah thought we were alone.”

Landen is travelling with Leith and Legolas
Played by Cade who has 875 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
The younger wolf confirmed it, by word of his parents. While it might not be the reason for every pack's departure, it certainly helped the desolation make sense. Whatever circumstance hadn't cleared out, the coyotes had taken advantage of until it was no longer hospitable for wolves to live here. Like parasites without a host, the scavengers would then have had to move on as well. Chan snorted softly. Of all things, no wonder his dad had been in all out war with them.

And after all of that, his own house killed him.

"Ah, I don't know of them either," Chan admitted with a smile; at least they were even? It didn't bother him much that other packs might not have heard of the Cove, as it had been near impossible to keep up an accurate map of the goings on within Relic Lore in its heyday.

"Good for them, though," the expression upon his lips stretched into a grin as he spoke earnestly; it was good to know that the coyotes had certainly not won, and that families had made it through.

"Yeah no doubt. When I first got back it was practically empty, it's such a relief to see all the new and old faces."

Chan turned back onto the path he'd been going before his company had obliviously dropped a miniature bombshell on him. He still wanted that wintergreen, after all. The red-berried bushes liked particular half-cover clearings throughout the wood, and one was relatively nearby, luckily enough.

"So you n' your brother are like, on a tour?"
(This post was last modified: Apr 12, 2021, 07:26 AM by Chan.)
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Tasha who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Landen Stark
You said you'll never be forgiven 'til your boys are too

Landen felt better when the man admitted that he didn’t know of them either. He thought perhaps his father or mother had simply forgotten to tell him about one part or another and he didn’t like to go into a situation without all of the information. The idea of doing such a thing just made him anxious in all of the worst ways. What if something bad happened to him because his father had forgotten to mention some kind of archnemesis who loathed the last name Stark? He would no doubt be running for the hills.

He smiled softly and hummed in contentment at the words. He nodded eagerly. “Definitely! M’momma always said if there aren’t any wolves ‘round then we ‘ave no business bein’ there.” Then again, his mother had her rather eclectic moments, especially as she had started to get a little bit older. He hummed again at the question, his eyes clearly weighing the wording before nodding. “Suppose ya could say that. M’brother was born ‘ere n’Ah told m’parents Ah wanted ta see the world… it just kinda translated ta windin’ up ‘ere n’ Leith is like a tornado, so I just kinda follow the destruction and see where we end up.” Not actual destruction, though with Leith he supposed anything was possible.

Landen is travelling with Leith and Legolas