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you're not going to heaven [s] — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Ghost who has 641 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle
Private for @Vanadis
RE: Violent thunderstorms overtake Relic Lore.

Spring was killing him. Or at least that’s what it felt like. His encounter with Clover had brought little relief and he felt like he had a thousand fleas living on his spine. The only thing that brought him any reprieve was to keep moving, keep exploring, just try to give her some space. It wasn’t like she was his mate or anything, and he felt a little awkward because he didn’t know what to say now. They were friends who had done something for the good of the pack, but it made Viorel’s feelings very confused. At home it had always been mated pairs who bred, never just one night stands or...business encounters, he had no example on how to handle it.

As usual the salt and pepper wolf was skulking about in the night, enjoying the quiet that it provided. But, tonight he wasn’t alone. After finding Vanadis also awake in the dark the pair had set off to see something that ‘neither of them had seen before’. It was exciting, and lighthearted, as were most of his adventures with the cream coloured wolf, and it brought relief to the storm that brewed in the young man’s head.

Unfortunately, the storm in his head was not just figurative. Almost as soon as the pair had entered an orchard full of cherry trees that had just begun to blossom, the sky opened up. Out of seemingly nowhere the clear sky had darkened with clouds, before lighting up with an incredible lightshow. Viorel had stopped where he stood, yellow eyes on the heavens in awe as streaks of white lit up the angry clouds, leaving purple like scars across them. The man’s mouth fell open in shock, even on the coast he had never seen a storm roll in so speedily, and with such violence.

And then the rain came. Ducking his head as the first freezing drop pelted his muzzle he couldn’t help the cuss that slipped from his mouth, ”Oh fuck, we better get moving.” Nudging Vanadis gently behind the ear he waited for her to move before following her, hopefully somewhere out of the rain.

Played by Pinn who has 148 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater VII. Subordinate

When the first waves of spring washed over her, Vanadis made herself busy. Whether it was cataloguing plants, or stalking birds, or running, it didn't matter, because it kept her mind from straying to places that perhaps it shouldn't. It wasn't easy, denying herself something, so when she finally ran out of things to do, she paced. That's why, when Viorel offered her some small reprieve in an adventure, she jumped at the chance. At least she wouldn't have to have all of these feelings if they were moving.

They wandered north, through trees, and fields before finally ending up in an orchard. There were hardly any fruit trees around the Loch, so she'd been eager to explore, but the clouds grew overhead, and the first brilliant bolt of lightening shattered across the sky. Pale eyes swiveled to her companion, watching as he flickered in and out of the darkness with every subsequent flash.

A laugh tumbled from her maw as the first drops hit, "Afraid of getting wet?" But she was forced to eat her words as a sheet of rain came hissing towards them. His nudge was more than enough to get her moving, and suddenly they were tearing across the orchard in search of cover.

Another flash of light reveled a hole in the Earth, nestled up under a set of surface roots near the base of a tree. Without thinking of what could possibly be in there, the Archer set to digging out the slightly caved in entrance, and slipped inside as soon as she was able. "I guess we wont be seeing the orchard tonight."

Played by Ghost who has 641 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

Viorel had been excited that they had succeeded in finding a place like nothing either of them had ever seen, so it was disappointing the storm was ruining that for them. Still, her tease was enough to get his dumb-boy brain churning looking for a retort about how of course he’s not scared when the rain spoke for him. It was icy cold as it pelted against his face while they ran, yellow eyes blinking comically as water made his vision swim and sting. Lightning crackled overhead, no longer awe staking, now it sounded like a threat to take cover.

Blunt claws scraped at the earth urgently before they had opened the hole big enough for them both to fit, and Viorel didn’t hesitate to duck inside behind the woman. It was a tight fit and the man found himself quite snug against Vanadis, and by now they were both soaking wet. Grinning at her words he responded, ”When you invited me swimming a couple of weeks ago I didn’t quite imagine it happening in the middle of a bunch of trees like this.” It honestly looked like the pair had been splashing around in the creek. Like a couple of wet rats.

Viorel was thankful to be in here with her, sharing her warmth. But the closeness brought the smell of spring in waves off of her body and it was hard to ignore. Suddenly, another crack of lightning struck and thunder was close behind, loud enough the small den they had found shook. It was like the world could hear his thoughts and didn’t approve.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Pinn who has 148 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater VII. Subordinate

Once safely tucked inside the den, Vana allowed a puff of air to slip from her lungs. As much of an inconvenience as the rain had been, it had served it's purpose of setting her heart to pump, and her paws to move in a way she found thrilling. Viorel was quick to squeeze in after her, settling in whatever room she had left for him, though there wasn't much to be had in the first place.

His words elicited a small smile to form at the edges of her maw. "I was under the impression that only one of us would be swimming." The fae offered him a pointed look that definitely meant she hadn't planned on being the one to brave the waters. Perhaps the drenched fur currently clinging to her skin was karma for toying with the idea of pushing him in.

But now, without the excuse of the outside world, or the movement of her paws to abate her sudden awareness of his warmth, Vanadis felt her gaze flickering over Viorel's face, lingering on the smile still evident on his lips. He was handsome, but she'd always thought that, and he was fun, but that.. that was confusing too.  A sudden flash of lightening, and the boom of rolling thunder startled her out of whatever.. thoughts she'd been having, and her gaze swiveled wildly to the entrance. "I uh.. hope it lets up soon." Maybe she shouldn't look at him.

Played by Ghost who has 641 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

The man couldn’t help but laugh, he would have shoved her if they weren’t already tucked so tightly in the den. Instead he nibbled teasingly on her muzzle, ”And who exactly do you think was going to have the pleasure of taking such a lovely dip?” The words were a joke, and his tone was light, but something about being this close to her caused his breath to catch a little in his throat. Looking away quickly Viorel cleared his throat gruffly. His mind was spinning and it felt like he couldn’t get a grip on it. He knew his responsibility, he knew Vayko expected children from one litter, and he knew that Clover had offered and they had attempted. But, had it worked? He didn’t know, and didn’t know how long he would have to wait and find out. That wasn’t the only confusion, Clover was a friend, a great friend, but would they ever be something more?

Vanadis was different, she was beautiful and sarcastic and so much fun, and Viorel couldn’t deny the flirtations that happened every time they were together. Glancing back just in time to see the woman turning away he tried to lighten the mood again, get his head out of the tail spin it was in. ”Now who is afraid of a little rain Archer?” His heart pounded in his chest, and before he could stop the words from happening he added gruffly, ”Are you in such a hurry to get back?” Why did he say that? What would everyone think of the two of them squished together in this hole. How would Clover feel? She shouldn’t care, they were just friends. Or at least that’s what Viorel was so desperately telling himself. Just friends, just friends.

The storm raged on.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Pinn who has 148 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater VII. Subordinate

His muzzle connecting with her own sent a pleasent shiver down her spine. She tried to mask it in a feigned attempt at shaking out her coat, but there wasn't really enough room to do that anyway. Her maw opened to speak, the ease of her words falling into the air between them. "Well, it seemed like you wanted to go for a swim, and since I'm so thoughtful," She cocked her head. "I thought I might help give you that extra push that you needed." At least if whatever this feeling was was unknown, their banter was familiar.

Her eyes narrowed playfully at his jest, and her gaze swung back to him. Vanadis thought to lightly shove him, or to counter with a quip of her own, but as more words began falling from his maw, her response fell away.

There was a part of her that was in a hurry to get back, a part of her that said that whatever ease they had between them already could be ruined if she weren't careful. They were just friends, or at least they were supposed to be. Flirting was harmless, and it wasn't weird to think your friends were good-looking, or fun, or to enjoy being around them. They were just.. comfortable with each other, and yet she had been unable to keep her eyes on the entrance, unable to dismiss the heat she felt in his proximity. Her heart met his, pumping in her ears as her light smile faltered, turning into something more akin to devilish. "Careful Vi. I might start to think that you like spending time with me." The words were meant to be playful, but when they left her mouth they held a certain.. suggestiveness to them that she hadnt intended. Or had she?

Played by Ghost who has 641 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

Viorel thought maybe she was trying to shake some of the water off of her pelt and shifted away to give her some more room. Or at least as much as he could make in this small den that they had hastily created. The few centimeters between them offered a little bit of relief to the spinning in his brain and the salt and pepper wolf let out a soft sigh. He almost wanted to whine. Life had been so confusing and hectic the last few months since they had been dropped here and he just wanted to turn his mind off for a little bit.

Vanadis was good for that, for him. She usually helped him have fun and be young and not think so hard, but now she was causing more confusion than he had ever felt. When their eyes met the voice in his head screamed ’be careful’ but he didn’t want to be. He wanted to meet that devilish smile with one of his own and say something that would clear all the confusion for them.

That would have been the smart thing to do.

Instead he said this: ”When have I ever been careful?” What a reckless thing to say. What a reckless way to feel.

Thunder crashed again, shaking their den and bringing Viorel back to his senses a little. Clearing his throat again he turned his eyes away from her, ”Maybe trying to see something we had never seen before was a bad plan for tonight.” He hoped she would say something to cool off the situation but the Valle knew one thing: he had no more resolve left.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Pinn who has 148 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater VII. Subordinate

Patience, and restraint were hardly qualities Vanadis had been blessed with. She gave in to all of her compulsions, acted upon her desires, and hated denying herself even the simplest of life's pleasures, but she'd been doing do well until now. Perhaps it was his voice, or his eyes, or the moment, or spring. There were a million things she could have blamed it on, but there was no denying the magnetism she felt towards Viorel as his question fell between them.

He cleared his throat against the thunder, and made an attempt of changing the subject, but she hadn't missed it, couldn't ignore the possibility of it. Her soot-dipped muzzle drew closer to him, and her gaze flooded with want, and need, and all of those things she had been denying herself. Finding her voice, the Archer spoke, "I don't think it was." Her brain should have been screaming, alarm bells should have been going off. She was crossing a line, and yet, for the first time since the 'start of spring' her mind was quiet. "And if you've never been careful, then why start now?"

She felt the next crack of thunder as though it rippled through her bones.

Played by Ghost who has 641 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

The implication in her eyes and words were too much for Viorel to handle anymore. Yellow gaze met her peach and it was like electricity flowed between them and it was undeniable. The storm was leaving as quickly as it had come but the wolf didn’t even notice that the rain was slowing. His heart had been pounding before and everything had been spinning, but now it felt crystal clear, almost too clear.

Pressing his forehead against hers and clenching his eyes shut his words were only a whisper, ”Are you trying to be my girlfriend Archer?” He had meant it to sound teasing, flirtatious, but it came out more sincere than that. If she said yes, that she wanted to be more than friends or even that she was even leaning that way, he would give in, he knew it. If she rejected him he could hold it together. He would go back home and find Clover and be the man he was supposed to be. It felt like the rest of his life was hanging in the silence.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Pinn who has 148 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater VII. Subordinate

Vanadis felt the storm within her rage as her gaze locked on his. He was intoxicating, and really, he had always been, but this was different. This was something and if she was already crossing lines tonight, the wolf figured that she might as well let herself succumb to it. What was the danger, here in this den, hidden away from the world, to allow herself to give in to temptation?

Her eyes closed as his forehead neared, and Vanadis found herself leaning into his touch. Somehow this was more.. intimate than she had been expecting, and yet her body responded as though it already knew. Viorel's question sent an unexpected flutter through her stomach, and her pulse quickened until the noise became louder than the passing storm outside of their den. Whatever resolve she'd had before, not that there was much, was gone as she slid her muzzle along his, stopping to nibble at his cheek before she finally speaking. "That depends Valle," She moved to nip at the spot just below his ear. "are you trying to be my boyfriend?"