Alvar walked along the edges of the vast expanse of water in front of him, the furthest east he'd ever been. The smell of fresh spring air hit his nose along with the distinct scent of fish. The wind blowing through his fur gave him a fresh feeling that he hadn't had in months. His paws stung slightly from the hike here, and he put them into the water to cool off while he lapped at it and tasted the delicious mountain flavors that washed into it. His tongue tingling slightly as he drank in everything around him alongside the water. He drank his fill and stood back up straight, watching above as a small group of geese flew north, to parts unknown to him.
He turned and walked some more, the trees above the shoreline waving back and forth with a satisfying ruffling sound of the brand new leaves, the creaking of the wood sounded in his ears alongside the sounds of birds that flitted above his head. He smiled and let out a nice long howl, not caring who heard him, he was just so glad to be back in The Lore. He wanted this place to be his home forever, and he wasn't going to leave again, this howl, was his mark, a declaration that he was here to stay. And with that, he felt his heart race, and he trotted on a little further...