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Played by van who has 161 posts.
Paradise Falls VIII. Subordinate
"It must be so cold up there," he mused, not even wanting to imagine the frigidity of the weather even further northward. And she'd traveled down by herself? Riven shivered at the thought. And here he was, complaining that he'd had to go just this far up north. He was such a baby. "You're really strong for having come down here all on your own." And he meant it, too. Clover might be one of the toughest wolves alive.

"That sounds like a plan," he confirmed, tail swishing as he followed the small woman. He made sure to keep his pawsteps light and quiet - he wasn't the best hunter, but he was lightweight, and he could be quiet when he needed to.
Played by Melorama who has 395 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
She paused for a moment, taking in the blond boy's words, and a soft chuckle leaving her maw. Describing herself as strong was not something she had ever done, in fact it was quite the opposite. She had very little brawn, instead using her mind when it was needed, but perhaps he meant it metaphorically? "Thanks," she said in response, knowing it was rude to not acknowledge a compliment when one was given out.

Riven seemed happy enough to follow her lead, and so she began walking again, nose switching from testing the air, to dropping down near the ground for any faint scents left in the snow. "Do you have much experience hunting rabbits? She asked of him, flicking one of her ears back to hear his response even if majority of her focus was on finding some prey. The small morsel would be the easiest to catch with just the two of them, as even in a pair she was not wanting to risk taking down anything of similar size or bigger than herself.
Played by van who has 161 posts.
Paradise Falls VIII. Subordinate
No, he meant it literally - Riven was fairly certain that he would not survive any more northward than he already was. It was cold, and he hated it, so much. Clover must be some sort of anomaly - wolves weren't meant for that kind of weather. Or maybe they were, and Riv was just a wimp. That was much more likely.

"I have much more experience hunting herbs," he admitted with a soft huff of laughter. "I'm not much of a hunter, but I have caught a few before. Just tell me what to do," he told her, following the older woman. Momentarily, he wished that he'd been taught basic hunting skills back at home, but there was no point in that. "Do you know where to find some?"
Played by Melorama who has 395 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
Clover grinned back at the boy, her interest having been piqued at his mention of herb hunting. "Are you a healer, too?" It would be nice to have a chat with someone who also knew about herbs who was not part of her family, and she wondered if they would be able to discuss their own healing practices before they went their separate ways. The knowledge that would present would be invaluable to both of them, and she was always happy to not only teach others what she knew, but learn from others as well.

"I usually come across them while they're feeding, sometimes that's in a meadow, other times in a forest." She also did not have too much experience hunting solo or for small prey, but since living on her own she had had to develop some new skills in order to survive. "I've found it's easier to creep up on them from downwind while they're preoccupied and then pounce on them before they can escape. Once they start running it's almost impossible to catch them." Clover was fast, but she quickly learned that rabbits were faster, and unless they could be cornered, trying to catch one once it had started running was a difficult task.