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Hello, I love you, won't you tell me your name? — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Winter who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Stella Vuesain
For @Mavis and @Aleister, @Leo, @Lynx and AW for SC!.

Her world was spheres of light and sound, ever expanding and colliding. At first there was just the darkness, in which she squirmed about for her mother's warmth and life alongside her equally squirmy siblings. With time, her senses sharpened, and she grew stronger, able to discern more detail from her little world. The rosy-round little pup could now even stumble a few steps alongside her mother, could see the circle of light (and sometimes shadow) that she came to understand was outside. She came to understand that her world was a den and there was more out there than in here, though she had no idea what it all meant. Ma would go out there sometimes, and lately, Stel had watched her go, toddling a few steps after and wondering about it all very much.

She was very happy, of course. The darkness of the den was warm and safe and familiar, she was never very hungry for very long, her mother was amazing and wonderful and strong and warm, her brothers were soft and wiggly and also warm and even fun, if they already annoyed the tiny girl now and then. Fun, annoyance, these were new things too, and she treasured each new thing.

But little Stella was never contented. Each new spark of sensation, each new step, was a revelation to her, and the intrepid little pup was hungry for more and more each day.

This particular morning, as rays of gold fell through the den's entrance, illuminating the motes of dust and turning everything into magic, Stel felt today was the day, for sure this time. She rose, her small round frame swaying on unsteady paws, and toddled her way determinedly to the den's entrance, pausing on the very brink to blink in amazement at the dazzling sunlight and all it illuminated. "Oooooh!" she cooed in excitement, tiny ears lifting and stretching forward. She spared a look back into the den, toward everything she knew, and then turned to face the sun again. She heard birds, the trees, the wind; the world was calling back to her. She saw new colors and light, new shapes and forms, smelled new scents, other wolves! She took another step forward, a paw falling outside the den's entrance, her senses rushing to life all at once, all over again. So this was outside, huh? Yeah, it was the best place ever!
(This post was last modified: Jun 16, 2021, 03:22 PM by Stella.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 160 posts.
Sanguine Cove V. Guardian
Leo Vuesain

The world was a strange place. Until very recently, he hadn’t even known it existed; Well, he hadn’t known anything at all. Since then, the Lion-pup had made a point of learning everything. It was hard at first, when everything was dark, and all he knew was his mother’s warmth and the wiggling of the others around him; Others like me? He’d wonder now and then, but only briefly, before hunger or tiredness overcame his curiosity.


Things became more interesting when his eyes opened. Though at first, everything was blurry, there was still plenty of new impressions. He got to know colors, specifically those marking his mother and siblings, and, most notably, the existence of darkness and light. He was fascinated by that brilliant glow, always coming from the same corner of their home, and making shapes and colors clearer to his weak eyes. He wanted to explore it, but any attempt was always stopped before he could learn anything.


It was infuriating, but he was left to explore what he could, within the confines of his dark home. His nose helped, growing sharper every day. By now, he recognized the three distinct scents of his little family, as well as a few who stopped by a lot. As his eyes got better though, he continued to be drawn to the light.


And now, something new was adding to his awareness of the world: sound. He was starting to hear the stirring of his siblings, and so he heard when the smaller one moved away and turned his head to see her stagger towards the light. At first, he lay still, waiting for her to be stopped, as he had so many times before. But then, suddenly, she just disappeared into the glow, now large shadow appearing to bring her back. A bark escaped the lad in surprise, and outrage brought him to his own, oversized paws, shuffling after her as fast as he could. If she was gonna see the rest of the world, so would he!

”Speech" Thoughts
(This post was last modified: Jun 25, 2021, 12:32 AM by Leo.)
[Image: FFeXvE1.png] [Image: LuHJBlS.png]
Played by Arya who has 35 posts.
Inactive VIII. Yearling
Lynx Vuesain
It had started as an it, it had been warm then cold, and then warm again...   It had felt things, new things after the cold had gone away. It had changed a lot in the time it had been more than just a something wiggling by a fluffy stomach... eventually it had become a puppy. He was still young, still unsure and unknowing but he was indeed there and he was growing steadily discovering things as time matured his sense. Sound, sight, smell, and taste... Or perhaps that last one had always had... But sound and sight had been extreme as they appeared to the young lynx. The sound of his own voice, of his mother's and of the others. The others he'd started to recognize as his little family though he didn't understand quite what family was yet.

With time came also movement, movement to explore and wiggle his way around the dark familiar space. It was safe and warm unlike the other space or rather the opening. The hole in the wall that lead somewhere unknown. But today something would happen something would change as one of the others made the first move. She moved wiggled away from them leaving a spot to cool from where it had once been warm. Lynx huffed in disapproval wiggling around with a snort. His weak puppy gaze trailed her as she went away as she disappeared into the hole, into the faint sliver of light that escape into the den from what was beyond it.

Fascinating, truly fascinating she had left disappeared without retuning. That was new, that was interesting and a sight to see. And what a shame that someone else had to disturb the peaceful moment of realization. The lion-pup barked, an unwelcomed noise yet a catalyst for bad intent as the lynx's own mind started to spin and move as his brother set into motion. He wobbled to his paws and set after the others his oversized feet still difficult to control but not impossible. He didn't bark or call like the other two instead he just followed them. There was no way he was getting left behind or left out. But what was up there what was in the light?

He didn't know because he couldn't see it. The light hurt it made his eyes itch and he squeezed them closed with a displeased grunt. He didn't get what was so amazing and on top of it all, he sneezed wobbling over before falling flat on his face.
Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

Summer was almost in full swing, the weather being warm with mild nights. In the recent weeks since the triplets birth Moon continued to hang around bringing @Kip extra meals just she had with @Aquene. Having little mouths to feed was exhausting, let alone having three to feed. The morning light blanketed the valley revealing the ebony woman carrying a limp marten in her jaws. She had noted the weasel's den a few days before and used the cover of night to hunt the nocturnal creature. It helped that her coat was still mostly all pitch black. The Eastfall mother made her way to Kip's birthing den hoping to just drop her the meal before doing a border patrol. Much to her surprise three tiny bundles of fur were at the entrance of the den when she came upon the den.

A white and silver pup sneezed and fell while a greyish brown pup and a creamy pup with a dark face stood just within the mouth of the den. Moonshadow's silver dusted ears pressed forwards at the sigh of the child falling. She quickened her pace easily closing the remaining distance between her and the pups. Metallic eyes looked around for anyone else. Surely their mother or @Aleister would be around. She also knew that @Chan and @Nash had been keeping close to both litters so possibly someone would be around. Seeing no one, Moon put the marten down and approached the triplets. "Hello loves" She smiled as she laid down near them. She didnt want to startle them but also wanted to make sure they weren't alone.

Word Count: 000
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Winter who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Stella Vuesain
Stella was dazzled by all of it - the way the sunlight hit the leaves, and a million more things she had no words for yet. She felt, more than noticed, the presence of her brothers alongside her, and the ever-present familiarity made her feel ever braver. Tiny ears pricked forward, her eyes were wide with amazement at the beauty of the world. She was gonna see it all!

A series of pup-sounds pulled her attention from the finery of their new surroundings, and she looked toward each of her brothers in turn with a surprised, questioning yip. Were they... somehow displeased? And what even was that noise Lynx's face had just made?

Before she had much time to wonder about it, or further opine her feelings, they were found out - someone had to come eventually, but this too was an excitement and a revelation for the little pup. Stella knew by now a handful of scents that  frequently drifted into their den, but this was the first time she'd seen one of the pack's adults, beside her parents, up close and personal as such. She wagged her small tail so much that she wobbled from side to side, her whole body displaying a joyful puppish greeting and looked back at @Moonshadow in gleeful awe, craning her bright gaze upward to see the taller wolf more fully.

"Hello Loves," the words fell on Stella's ears like a song, and as the woman settled herself next to them, Stella moved closer, sniffing and investigating her large, darkly furred form in only  momentarily subdued excitement. Soft black fur like night-time shadows, a gentle voice, and best of all, a great big floofy tail! Stella wagged her own miniature tail, then looked back toward the silver-eyed woman expectantly, her tiny form dropping instinctively into a play-pose. "Hi hiii!" she chirped back brightly.
Played by PuppyThief who has 160 posts.
Sanguine Cove V. Guardian
Leo Vuesain

The light was blindingly bright, stunning the boy in place as soon as he exited the den. He had to close his eyes, stumbling backwards and planting his rear in the dust with an audible thump. At the same time, the third sibling appeared by his side, similarly overcome with the light. His sneeze rang loudly in Leo’s sensitive ears, making them ache and he shook his head in discomfort hunching his shoulders for a moment until the pain cleared.


Now his eyes had adjusted to the light, and he could start to see the world unfolding around him. The youngest of their group was already out ahead, exploring, and Leo was eager to follow, but just then, a shadow appeared in his vision. Fear was not something the pups had known much of in their short life, but it was a natural response to the unknown, especially something so big and dark. Unsure how to react to this new feeling, Leo stayed where he was, ready to retract into the safety of the den, if need be. But for now his curiosity was stronger, and he watched cautiously as the stranger approached.


Recognizing a wolf, if not one of the ones who would come into the den, he relaxed a little, and even more so when the dark form lowered itself to the ground, speaking softly. It didn’t seem that dangerous after all. It seemed his sister agreed, as she approached the newcomer happily, wagging her tail and calling shrilly. Leo on the other hand remained tentative, studying the adult from where he sat, head tilting and brows furrowing. It was the first time he had seen another wolf properly, in daylight, and it was quite fascinating.

”Speech" Thoughts
[Image: FFeXvE1.png] [Image: LuHJBlS.png]
Played by Arya who has 35 posts.
Inactive VIII. Yearling
Lynx Vuesain
my apologies, didn't want to hold this one up any longer!

His baby blues took too long to adjust to the sudden sunlight, making him a little more frustrated with the situation. He could be relaxing in the darkness of the den where Lynx was comfortable. This, this wasn't comfortable. But as he tried upright himself after his embarrassing tumble, his eyes blinking rapidly the sun suddenly went away. Oh good, good riddance anyway. However, Lynx quickly realized it wasn't because the sun was gone, there was someone else other than his momma and siblings.

Wide eyes looked up to see the dark form of one of the adults, though he didn't recognize her face, he knew her smell. But, that didn't make him less tentative. Well, until his sister started wiggling like a little worm. If she thought this lady was okay, shouldn't he? The scowl that had rooted itself on his face, softened as he got back onto his wobbly legs and padded up to the adult. "Elloooo," he cooed softly before bumping into his sister roughly as he aimed to take purchase of her charcoal ear.

(This post was last modified: Sep 30, 2021, 10:57 PM by Lynx.)
Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

The aging mother settled near the pups giving them their space if they wanted to have it, but also close enough that if they wanted to approach. A warm smile painted itself on her silvering maw as she watched each child react to her sudden presence. The creamy girl padded up to her with absolutely no hesitation, happily wagging her tail while calling out the cutest puppy greeting. Mercury orbs watched the silvery boy follow his sister giving his own adorable greeting before going to initiate play. A small chuckle fell from her maw as the pair began to play. Her attention moved to the third triplet who continued to sit in the den's entrance. He sat with his head tilted and brows were furrowed. "It's alright love." s Moon called to him hoping it would allow him to feel more comfortable. "Welcome to the world little ones" the cove's oldest woman greeted while her fluffy tail swept the ground behind her. This was a big day for the cove, their second litter was healthy and thriving. Moon looked around once more for either @Aleister or @Kip, surely they werent far.

Word Count: 000
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Winter who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Stella Vuesain
Stella leaned against Lynx as he tugged at her ear with his mouth, feeling his sharp baby-teeth but not minding all that much. His warmth was familiar and reassuring, something that had always been there, and despite her brave face, having him there at her side made her feel at home. She could barely contain herself, wriggling happily. The world was big and wide, and it was nice to have someone you knew at your side. Even if they were currently chewing on your ear.

It was probably a good thing to have him there, to keep her from bouncing forward and tackling their large, shadowy newfound friend. Casting a gaze back over her shoulder, she wondered where the other part of their trio was, if he was hanging back.

Her brother's caution surprised her, partly because their very presence emboldened her. What was there to be afraid of? Mother and father came and went, they were out here somewhere - and their scents were strong here. And they had already found a member of their pack to meet! So she gave an encouraging little bark, letting him know that they were okay, and he was too. At least for now, the cove was a harbor safe from storms.