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Breakthrough — Dragonveil Fold 
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Played by Flywolf who has 629 posts.
Sanguine Cove I. Leader
Nash Eastfall
RE: Nash, the thick frost of the night before has hidden a slush puddle, and now your paws are soaked!
Takes place 10/2 early morning

Winter was on its way, that much was certain. Every morning he woke up, it was growing clearer, and he had the same thoughts as he stretched and snuck out of wherever it was he'd chosen to sleep. He did spend a lot of nights curled up with @Moonshadow and probably would begin to do so more often as the temperatures dropped further. She was old enough now that he wanted to make sure she didn't get too cold.

Whatever a sleep schedule was, he was pretty sure he didn't have one any more. It was getting darker earlier, and the sun was rising later. His internal clock was still adjusting. Mostly he just rose when he thought he needed to and went to bed when he was tired, or his mother caught him. Today, he was up early. He wanted to head down further into the pass and scout for prey, maybe bring a couple of the others for a hunt. The cold would drive most of the prey further into the valleys, and food would be harder to find.

He knew there was a second lake somewhere down here, but he could never seem to find it when he was looking. As expected, he ended up in the Dragonveil Fold, which meant he'd gone the wrong way. He wandered toward the water, scanning ahead of him for any sign of movement. Frost was thick on the ground, and he was hoping to see footprints from prey. The water was still running, so maybe-

There was a faint crunch, and then Nash was ankle-deep in slush.

Lovely. What good was winter fur if it was wet?

Played by Brian who has 206 posts.
Inactive XI. Subordinate
Daesamar Silverveil
Daesamar Silverveil
There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle.

Daesamar’s silver eyes shone as he stared up the mountain’s peak far in the distance to the north, he inhaled the chilly air and let his thick tail sway softly while remincinging about the old pack that had been near one, one he had called home years ago. The landscape had changed subtly in the time he had been off exploring, enough that he looked upon the land with the same quiet awe.

Crooked ear flicking, Daesamar turned toward the south and started to make his way down, mindlessly roaming  and trying to get familiar with his old home once more. Colder weather meant prey would be scarce and soon he’d need to start worrying about it, but he managed to survive off of hares for the most part, so why not enjoy the day before it got too much worse?Humming softly, the large wolf stepped through the frost covered grass, then he froze.


Opprunatinsitic and assuming that there maybe something nearby he could catch, he crouched down and inched his way forward, then he caught the scent, another wolf, and a pack wolf. It had been awhile since the young wolf had encountered a pack wolf, was their territory nearby? Slowly he made his way forward, and paused when he spotted the dark coat. “Hello? he called out quietly, rising to make sure he was seen, he didn’t want to risk startling another.

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Played by Flywolf who has 629 posts.
Sanguine Cove I. Leader
Nash Eastfall
Nash spent several moments just staring at his wet feet, tired and resigned. Of course. He sighed and backed up a few steps to clear his feet of the slush, then shook them, nose wrinkling at the biting cold. Hopefully the day would warm up enough to thaw out his toes before the cold could really damage them. He should probably still visit Aquene later to be safe. The last thing he needed was to go into the winter handicapped.

He only had the briefest warning that there was another wolf present before he called out a hello, and Nash looked up. Anther dark man stood not far from him. When had he arrived? Nash had thought he was getting better about paying attention to his surroundings, and he'd specifically been looking for other living things - he'd let his wet feet distract him far too much. Still, the stranger didn't seem interested in a fight, and the smell on his coat indicated he was probably alone.

"Hello," Nash said amiably, shaking one foot again. It really was cold. "I'm Nash. What brings you up the pass?" It was meant as a friendly question rather than an interrogation, but he internally winced at his wording. He still needed more practice at being social, it seemed. This is why @Chan was their ambassador and not him.

Played by Brian who has 206 posts.
Inactive XI. Subordinate
Daesamar Silverveil
Daesamar Silverveil
There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle.

Daesamar ‘s head tilted to the left, his right ear flicked and he curiously looked the dark pelted man over, his eyes drawn to the leg that was shook. “Daes, and just exploring…I used to live around here” he said quietly while moving to settle down onto his haunches. “If your leg is soaked you could lay out on a rock and let the sun dry it, I’d be happy to help kill the time with chatting,” [/b] he offered up bluntly, he didn’t even try to hide his eagerness at a friendly chat, his tail started to wag behind him, betraying it.

Taking a moment, Daesamar looked around and then back at Nash, suddenly asking “Have you ever seen the sunset from up on the mountain? Or the sun rise? It’s beautiful this time of year” As soon as the words left his mouth, he looked toward the ground, a nervous groan escaping him and he tucked his chin in against the fur of his chest. “I was er heading up there to see if I could get a better view, wondering how different it looks now,”

(This post was last modified: Oct 03, 2021, 12:51 AM by Daesamar.)
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Played by Flywolf who has 629 posts.
Sanguine Cove I. Leader
Nash Eastfall
Nash didn't miss the movement of eyes that followed his paws and worried for a second the man might attack, but he introduced himself instead. Daes.

His ears pricked up at the mention of living in the area. He didn't remember him from the old Cove, but he was pretty sure another pack had lived somewhere around the mountain. And it's not as though his memory was perfect; it was possible he had been in the Cove and Nash just hadn't known him very well.

"That's a good idea. I'd love to chat for a while. I'm in no rush," he said, appreciating the chance to just talk with someone new. He glanced around them and located a large, relatively flat stone closer to the spring bubbling up from the ground. He wrinkled his nose again; his paws were likely to get wet on his way over if he didn't watch the ground for any other stealth-puddles. Still, he picked his way over, and managed to avoid getting his back feet wet too.

He settled down, front legs stretched out in front of him. It wouldn't take too much longer for the sun to peek over the mountaintops and into the valley. Hopefully then it would warm up. "There's room if you want to come sit with me," he said. "I'm from the mountain; my pack, Sanguine Cove, is on the shores of Lost Lake. I was born there, actually, but for a while..." Well, that would be a long complicated story. "You're welcome to come up with me, if you'd like. It's starting to get colder but it's still beautiful."

Played by Brian who has 206 posts.
Inactive XI. Subordinate
Daesamar Silverveil
Daesamar Silverveil
There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle.

Daesamar held his breath while waiting for a response, unsure what Nash would say. He could understand it if he didn’t want to speak with another for any length of time, most of the loners he had met were grumpy. Hearing agreement brought a small happy whine from the large wolf, his tail wagging behind him. Watching Nash carefully, he followed him over toward the rock, stepping where his guide stepped to avoid getting his own paws soaked.

Letting Nash get settled first, Daes flopped down beside him on the edge of the rock with a heavy thump, his eyes closing and a smile on his snout while listening to what his new friend had to say. “Sanguine cove, I haven't heard of that one, I was a part of one called Clear Water Tarn,” he said wistfully while looking off toward the mountain’s top.  Looking back toward Nahs, Daesamar’s ears flicked when he caught the pause in what he was saying; he blinked when he was given an offer to come up with the other wolf.

“I’d like to, Our pack fell apart and I’ve been exploring for a while and trying to learn about healing. I had a teacher but he passed, I’d like to be a part of a pack again. I can pull my own weight, and others if needed,” he offered up hopefully while scooting closer as a cold breeze blew across the rock. “It is starting to get cold, reminds me of when I first came here, I was just on my own, not even a yearling yet,” he said, then his attention was turned toward the wet ground “This lake, you ever splash in it and just make faces while trying to catch the water?”

(This post was last modified: Oct 03, 2021, 05:36 PM by Daesamar.)
[Image: q2GKNw0.jpg]
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Played by Flywolf who has 629 posts.
Sanguine Cove I. Leader
Nash Eastfall
Daes seemed surprisingly excited that Nash invited him to talk while his paws dried, but then he himself had been desperate for conversation - or any friendly encounter - when he'd been alone. Two years was a long time to wander.

"You probably wouldn't have heard of us, if you're just returning," he said, nodding slightly. "The pack used to be called Fallen Tree Cove - when I was born - but when I was a yearling something happened and everyone just vanished. They only started coming home in the spring, and we formed Sanguine Cove." There, a brief history, and if he wanted details Nash could give them. See? He was getting better at not overwhelming new folks with information.

"I don't think I'm familiar with Clear Water Tarn, but I also didn't know much about anything beyond our borders until everyone disappeared," he said. He thought the name had a nice ring to it, fitting for the area they were in.

His ears rose when Daes agreed to come up with him. Nash had yet to bring someone home with him since the Cove officially founded; that had been best left to the others who were more socially adept. His tail thumped against the rock a few times and his mouth fell open into a grin. "We'd have to ask my brother, the acting alpha, to be certain, but I don't see why he'd turn you away. And I'm sure our healer, @Aquene, would be happy to teach you what she knows."

He had to admit there was a curl of jealousy in his stomach at the thought of another man spending so much time in her company, but he squashed it down. There was no reason for it.

"Splashing?" he asked, head cocking, and looking down at the water. "I do at the lake we live by sometimes," he admitted. "Not so much, anymore, unless I'm fishing. Do you?"

Played by Brian who has 206 posts.
Inactive XI. Subordinate
Daesamar Silverveil
Daesamar Silverveil
There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle.

Daesamar closed his eyes when he heard the name of the pack, it did ring a bell, a vague one and he closed his eyes while trying to figure it out. Then it clicked and he said “The packs were neighbors, I don’t remember any of the wolves, but I think I remember the pack’s smell and they were mentioned a couple of times,” He said while nodding to himself, glad that he figured that out. Listening in on the history lesson, Daes paused and tilted his head to the side.

“it’s strange to think that you and I could have merely been a bit apart at the same time, I don’t honestly remember when I left, it’s been hazy and mixed together but winter had come at least twice since I had last been through here.” He looked down at his forepaws and said “The Tarn was nice, it was a beautiful location, I might try to find it again soon just to watch the sun rise from there again,” Hearing that there was a healer, had Daes’s ears shoot up vertically and another happy whine escaped him.

“I’d be honored to speak with them both and see, I don’t have much experience sadly, but I want to learn, I’ve never been much of a fighter,” He explained, splashing was brought up and Daes grinned while nodding. “All of the time, it’s a fun way to pass the time, and spend time with others just playing,”

[Image: q2GKNw0.jpg]
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Played by Flywolf who has 629 posts.
Sanguine Cove I. Leader
Nash Eastfall
Daes was right; it was strange, thinking about having neighbors here that he didn't know, that might be coming back. He knew the Valle family wasn't far, in their own Dead Empress Backwater pack, and that they had good relations with them. Sharlee had been nice, and while Nash hadn't met the others, he hoped they were all like her. Chan seemed to think well of them, and he trusted his brother's sense of others. It was much better than his own.

He nodded along as his new acquaintance talked. "It was two winters for me too. I wandered around the area, looking for my family on my own. I'm still not sure how I did it," he admitted. It was something he hadn't talked much about with anyone; he didn't want his mother and brother to feel guilty, and Aleister was in no position to talk history when he was recovering from his illness and trying to be a father. The vague sense of wistfulness he got in Daes's words about watching the sunrise struck a cord with Nash. "I don't know what the sunrise from the Tarn might have looked like, but the ones we get in the Cove are spectacular. Might be similar, since they're both up the mountain." He wasn't sure what the offer was meant to be, since he'd already agreed to come up, but it felt right to say.

"I'm not much of a fighter either, but I'm the pack guardian so I need to get better at it," he chuckled nervously. He shouldn't be admitting that part to outsiders, even if they weren't going to be outsiders for long.

He hadn't played with others for the sake of playing since... well, Siyet had been the first in quite some time. "I bet it's fun," he said for lack of anything more relatable.

Played by Brian who has 206 posts.
Inactive XI. Subordinate
Daesamar Silverveil
Daesamar Silverveil
There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle.

Daesamar’s head lowered when he learned that Nash had been spending those two years looking for his own family, Daes shook his head sadly. “I gave up on trying to find my birth pack, we were separated nearly three years ago when a rival pack invaded. I was put hunting, maybe around 9 moons old, and they struck, I ran and...kept on running,” Daes admitted sadly, his ears fell back against his head and he sighed softly, unsure why he was even going into the details.

“I don’t care how many sunrises I see, each one is special, it’s something my mother and I used to do every day, so I always try to see it when I can, and share it when I can,” He said, the sadness slowly replaced with his old eagerness as he asked “Want to find out? We could see how the sun looks from here, and then we could play,”

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