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Played by becca who has 42 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Nightingale Forest
Random Event! There is an active change in the Northern Lights! The sky lights up in greens, blues, and even shades of purple.

The one bad thing about adventuring was how quickly she grew bored.

Especially when life seemed so...sparse. The land was expansive but she had met so little faces. It had become nothing like she had imagined. Still she attempted to keep her spirits up high. Especially as winter settled in with a firmer grip, if she could judge by the way her coat fluffed up like a cloud.

So she tried to mix things up here and there. Change her routine, flex what little skills she had. The former led to her even being up at this hour. Usually she found herself trying to sleep through the darker hours...

Yet the sky seemed not so dark tonight. Instead it glowed, wiggled and flowed like a river. Shades of green, blue and others in between blended with each other to make ripples that dazzled.

"WHOOOOA!" She practically howled her delighted surprise. Audible for all to hear.
Played by Melorama who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The river had long since frozen over, but he followed it along the snowy bank nonetheless, hoping it would lead him to a non-frozen source of fresh water he could drink from. The snow itself clung to his paws, and he could feel them begin to tingle with the cold, and changed his mind to find someplace to shelter that was warm and cozy. He could get some water later when he wasn't freezing his limbs off. It got too cold at night for him to be out and about, but fox dens were far and few between at this time of year, so he had found himself sticking to the forest where he knew of a few places to settle down in. But this night he had gotten distracted and lost track of the time.

Wrynn's gaze was pulled upwards to the night sky as colours began to dance across the expanse. His mouth opened in amazement, tail tapping excitedly by his hind legs, as he gazed upwards. Usually the night sky was black, sometimes a dark blue, but tonight it was a myriad of greens, blues, and purples moving in waves and ripples, almost like a chaotic river, but in the sky. At the sound of another wolf's howl close by he immediately shrunk into himself like a turtle going back into its shell, and whipped his head around to make sure there was no one coming straight for him.

When the howl died down and he saw no one, he tentatively stood up, albeit still crouched. He hadn't been expecting that, and was thoroughly shaken as he began to move again, once more looking for an old fox den to settle down in for the night, but keeping an eye out for the strange wolf too. His paws lead him in a strange movement, not quite linear along the frozen river anymore, and after a little bit he emerged into a small valley where he could finally see the other wolf. Maybe he could just turn around and go in the other direction instead of facing them?

He turned to step away, and in doing so stood on a stick that snapped in half with a loud crack! Just his luck.
(This post was last modified: Dec 20, 2021, 02:01 AM by Wrynn.)
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a small pile of bones gathered on the ground, there might be some marrow left in them. +2 Health
Played by becca who has 42 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Nightingale Forest
Well, nobody returned her call, and so she figured this must have been a magical moment that only she would experience. What a tale it would be to tell when she found another soul. That thought alone would be enough to carry her through another night.

Or so she thought.

A sudden crack nearby summoned her attention away from the colors in the sky. She could not believe it anymore than she could believe the waving colors. Another wolf. She couldn't help it that she shot upright into a stand, tail quick to whip around behind her.

"Hey! HEY!" She called out jovially. "Are you seeing this?!" Called out before she jutted her chin up towards the dancing skies.
Played by Melorama who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
He had hoped the wolf somehow hadn't heard, but he wasn't going to be as fortunate tonight. Wrynn winced at her loud shout, bringing his head closer to his shoulders in a partial crouch as he ducked his snout, not expecting this woman to be basically yelling at him. But after a moment he realised it wasn't in anger, but instead in joy. His gaze flitted from the night sky then back to her, and he nodded in response, but then figured that she probably couldn't see the small movement very well with the distance between them.

"Uh, yea, yea I am!" He said in response, raising his voice somewhat louder than his normal talking volume, but his voice cracked a little on the last word. Wrynn wasn't used to talking so loudly, between being a loner with little interaction with others, and when he did interact he was often shy and quiet, his voice didn't often get used so roughly.

Wrynn then slowly moved closer, head still ducked as he walked, until he was close enough to be able to talk without needing to almost shout at her. "I've never... never seen this before," he said with the smallest of wags, hoping she would be friendly and not yell at him again, even if it had been in joy.
Played by becca who has 42 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Nightingale Forest
Admittedly, she was grateful that he moved closer instead of having them continue to yell.

Although she did notice that he was...small! Like her! Not as small but certainly smaller than Punkly or Leander. It certainly made it easier to be around him when he was still a stranger.

"Oh! Neither have I!" Not yelling, but it was hard to contain the excitement that bubbled up in her words. "What do you think it means? Like...grey clouds bring rain. Do you think the colors bring something?" Surely this didn't happen for just no reason!

Or...did it?

She did not find great comfort in this simply being a thing!
Played by Melorama who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
For once he had found a wolf who was actually smaller than him, and it definitely threw him off. He was used to looking up at everyone, but now found himself staring straight ahead. This was very weird. While she wasn't yelling anymore, she still sounded very excited, and he found himself stepping back a few steps, ears twisting back a little at her still loud words. She was a bit much for him to deal with, and he found himself hoping she'd get bored him of him quickly so he could slip away without too much fuss.

"I dunno," Wrynn said with a half shrug, now looking back up at the sky. The colours confounded him; he had no ide what they meant, or if they were signifying the start of something else. But they were pretty to look at. "Hopefully something good?" He attempted a smile, but it came out more like a grimace the more he thought about it being the beginning of something bad.
Played by becca who has 42 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Nightingale Forest
Truthfully, she was a bit oblivious to any discomfort he had. If only because her own emotions carried her very high. She just figured anybody else would be as excited as her too!

Although his answer did not supply a lot, she still found herself in agreement with its meaning.

”Maaaaybe it means winter will be good. Just like spring showers bring flowers.” She felt proud of herself for coming up with such a concept! Besides, what else could such a magnificent show of color mean? It seemed so similar to a rainbow or a field full of lush blooms.

”What do you think about that? A good winter for us!”

She could certainly use it if she would remain alone and from the smell of him (or lack there of) she figured he might need it too…
Played by Melorama who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The girl seemed sure that the lights were going to bring good fortune for them, but Wrynn wasn't in full agreement. They were pretty colours in the sky, how could that change something down on the ground? He cocked his head to the side at the short phrase she offered up, trying to think it over. Did spring showers bring flowers? He thought they just grew after the snows melted, not from the rain when it fell from the sky. "They do?" He asked curiously, bringing his head up just a smidge so it was in line with his shoulders.

He felt less off guard the more they talked, even if her excitement was a bit much for him. But at the very least she seemed friendly enough to not be the type of wolf to get mad at him and snap at his face with her teeth. Wrynn stood silently as she directed a question at him, mouth hanging open a bit as his brain struggled to think of a good response. "Oh uhm... that'd be... that'd be nice?" His only wish would be that it wouldn't get as cold, and that the easy prey stuck around for a bit longer. He struggled a bit to stay warm with his thin coat and lack of extensive body fat, and his hunting skills were a bit of a joke.

"Do you have plans for the winter?" She seemed to have a lot of things figured out while he was just trying to get by each day, and struggling at even that.
Played by becca who has 42 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Nightingale Forest
She'd nod her head with certainness for his first question.

Then found silent amusement in his answer for the second thing she stated. It would be nice, wouldn't it? Why the hesitation! Perhaps he liked the hardy cold but...well, Nightingale would never judge aloud but she did think he did not look the big snowy type!

"No plans, no. I...had this great idea to go on a real grand adventure but didn't think winter through." Laughed at the humor of her expense. Truthfully she liked to remain...purposefully unaware of the doom that loomed on winter, and these lights helped distract her further from the fact that living would get hard.

"Whattabout you?"