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Race Against Time — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank
This is a continuation/Splice of the thread <a href='http://relic-lore.net/index.php?showtopic=637&st=20&#entry4458' target='_blank'>Oops!</a>

The moment she left the small den, her feet literally flew over the snow, carrying the white wolf as fast and far as she could go. She knew that if she pushed herself to the limits of what she could do - she could reach Bramble falls by dawn... She didn't want to leave Raigo alone all night- but it was the fastest she could travel. If she were healthier and in top form, perhaps she'd be able to go faster, but for now, she moved as quickly as she dared push her already worn body. She knew of the herb, that there was one, but hadn't the faintest clue what it looked like, or even if it grew in the deep winter months. Her worry for the pup and her fears that he might not make it spurred her faster and faster still.

The fallen log in her way wasn't even an obstacle as she soared over it without thinking, the wolf's concentration and hearing centering on her own body. The deep, even sounds of her breathing as she ran, her eyes flicking back and forth not for other wolves as the danger, but the trees in her path. They picked out a raceway even before she realized that she'd processed a safe course through the strange trees around her. Her tail flew like a banner behind her as she splashed through a small stream that shot off of the larger river to her northwest, and the cold showering her pelt didn't even phase her as she traveled onwards. Vlarindara could feel her wide paws packing down snow as she pounded her way across the landscape, not even bothering to worry about what creatures she might be disturbing.

Her mind was wholly centered on her target, and the path ahead. It wouldn't do to fall into a hole and break a leg, so she had devoted part of her thoughts to inspecting the landscape around her even as she picked the straightest course, the quickest path. Around trees at a speed that might have terrified her if she'd thought about it, but she didn't, her attention was strained for the sound of rushing water that she knew was Bramble Falls. More water ahead, but not the water she was looking for and instead of splashing into it, she took the time to race along the bank, sending snow, dirt and the occasional splash of water every which way. A few rabbits, even a deer or two darted out of her path - but she had no mind for them, the sound of the waterfall was closer now, close enough to hear it.

The eastern sky was brightening as she finally made it to the falls, her eyes looking up the expanse of them. She'd heard of these falls, but had never yet seen them herself, but she didn't have time to sightsee. Now that she had stopped, she realized how hard she was breathing, how unsteady she was on her feet. The white wolf closed her eyes and lowered her head, forcing herself to breathe slower, to calm her racing body down. She would have to make the trip all over again - but she couldn't push without a small break, even a few minutes would do. After her breath wasn't burning in her lungs, she began to look for a way up the mountain, but after a few minutes of wandering had found nothing.

A single, long noted howl of frustration lifted from her throat - her voice sweet and mellow even in the song that all wolves were able to sing. There wasn't a message in the song, persay.. but simply a wolf voicing the frustrations and fear of the last few days - a sound she hoped might reach the ears she was aiming for. Vlarindara stopped, listening even as she waded into the calmer end of the falls to sate her burning throat. She'd listen for an answering call, and if there was none, would call a second time. This time, a message encoded in the melodic notes. Simple, but urgent nonethe less. This time.. if she didn't get an answer, she would have to turn back - pray that she could do something for the pup.

"Raigo is sick, I need help!"
(This post was last modified: Jan 25, 2011, 08:05 AM by Vlarindara.)
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

O C C | ...so worried for that pup; you have no idea. LOL.

Resting along the snow-covered ledges, Borden Lyall allowed a yawn to part his stiff jowls. Since Weldering and Atiris had joined Midnight Plateau's ranks, he had been able to be relax a bit more than usual. He stood up and looked down at the forest below, his eyes confirming that nothing had changed since he last glanced down at least an hour ago. He sighed and stretched out his stocky limbs, arching his back in deep bow. He was just about ready to settle back down and take a few more moments before starting his daily patrol of the land, when a howl filtered through the early morning air.

Only taking a minute to analyze the tune, he started making his way down the mountain. Then, the caller, let loose another song, this one more urgent than the one before: Raigo is sick, I need help! Borden's eyes widened... Raigo... Vlar! He slid down stony paths, sending bits of snow over ledges and to the forest floor below. At the top of the large icy waterfall, his eyes scanned the rocks below. When he didn't see her, he howled in response, a simple note to tell her that he had heard her.

Peering over the edge once more, he searched for a way down; but being unable to find one, he went around and jumped down, using a few well-placed boulders as a makeshift stairway. A low whine emitted from his throat. His ears flattened against his skull. What had happened? Did something go terribly wrong after he returned to Mount Dire? Had the bear returned and left an inflamed wound in the youth's hide? He looked to and fro, pacing around one side of Bramble Falls. While one half of him was stricken with worry, the other half was raging with anger. He should have stayed with them a while longer; Alexander would have understood. He should have at least hunted for one more night. Their lives seemed to have had a rocky start to begin with so why did it have to get worse? What kind of karma could have turned around and given them hell?

Edging toward the river, his stomach churned, "Vlar!" There she was. He bounded through the rushing water to get to her. The frigid water bit at the areas between his toes, but, other than that, he was fine. His tail wagged slightly as he approached her, glad that she was alright. "What happened?" he looked at her, meeting her eyes as though the answer alone would be there. "Where is Raigo?"

Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank
At first, she hadn't heard anything and was starting to turn back when she heard the answering cry pierce the air. Instead of leaving, she turned, looking in the direction of the mountains, the cry to see if she could spot him coming down the pathway. Unfortunately, she hadn't seen him, but when she heard his call, the female turned and bounded through the water towards him. She felt a wave of relief wash over her, while nothing like the pure trust Raigo had in her, it was nearly the same. She didn't bother stopping short of the larger male, but instead came to a halt next to him as she rubbed her side against his. The relief was evident in the female as she swung her tail back and forth a few times before his question was asked.

"He slipped into the river north of the den. When I heard his call and came from hunting, he was stranded on a rock in the middle of it. She spoke quickly, a slight shake beginning to form in her muscles - but not from the cold, or even the fact that she was wet - from fear. What would have happened if she hadn't made it? What could have happened if she'd been faster to his aide? What if she couldn't help him now? "I got him out.. but he couldn't get back home. We stayed overnight in a burrow I'd managed to make bigger, but he's sick. He can't manage to drink water without it coming back up. He's not had anything to eat in over two days, and I don't know what to do.."

The she-wolf ducked her head, whining slightly before she could stop it. "I'm scared for him, Borden.. I don't know what else I can do." There, she'd said it. She would *NEVER* mention it to the pup.. she couldn't afford to shake his faith in her. The female closed her eyes and tried to block *OUT* the images that threatened her - the thoughts of what would happen if she failed. "I promised him he'd be alright, but I... can't help him. My mother once told me of a plant of some sort.. I don't remember anything about it other than it was green.. That's not going to help us much." She had begun pacing, her legs splashing in the water - and it felt good - helped to clear her head.. Slightly. Vlarindara was still shaking, still afraid and doing her best to NOT panic and become *COMPLETELY* useless to the pup.
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

She romped into the river, rushing to his side as he nervously smiled. He lightly nuzzled his muzzle into her back, glad that she had found her way to him. Listening to her story, about Raigo and the river and how sick he had gotten, Borden shook his head slightly, almost not wanting to hear anymore. He tried to nudge her gently, to usher her out of the river but she began to frantically pace. He clenched his teeth as she went on about being scared for the yearling, promising that he would be alright despite what had happened, and how she couldn't recall the type of plant...

His ears folded back as he watched her figure tremble as she walked. "Vlar," he whispered, his brows raising in worry. Thinking that she hadn't heard him over the the stirring water, he repeated her name a little more loudly the second time he opened his mouth, "Vlar." His tail dropped down into the water, and he turned his ears forward as he walked in front of her to cease her distressed pacing - that should have gotten her attention."It'll be okay. Just... don't panic." He shook his head, "Don't. Panic."

One thing Borden could not stand was seeing her in such a state. He wondered how far she had traveled and how long it had taken her to get here. It must have been a long trek, if it had taken him a good part of the early morning to head back while running along the river, she probably took just as long or longer. It occurred to him that Raigo had probably been left alone for several hours now. "What plant?" he finally asked, wading towards the river bank.

Whipping his tail about and shaking out the water from his underbelly and chest, he shivered slightly. His eyes closed for a few brief seconds as he did so, but when they opened again they were trained upon her, still glimmering with concern. It then dawned on him that he just might be useless in a situation like this. The lessons his mother had given him about plants and herbs had all been forgotten; his years of solitude never called for the use of anything medicinal, in fact, he was miracably kept from harm due to always being quick on his feet. Another whine sounded from his throat, anticipating what she would say next and if she would come out of the stream.

Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank
She came to a halt when he stood in front of her, her ears falling back to her neck before they lifted again and listened to his terms. She hadn't moved in anger- but in fear.. as worried as she was for Raigo and that she might not be able to help him. When Borden told her to stop panicking, she closed her eyes and lowered her head, taking a few moments to breathe, to listen to the water and the sounds of the forest around them before opening her eyes and lifting her head. This time, they were brighter, more resolved. The female followed him from the water and stood far enough away form him at first so that when she shook, the water didn't just soak his pelt again.

"My apologies.." Her tone was much more under control, her expression thoughtful rather than scared or worried. Oh, the worry and fear was still there, but she refused to let it control her. Not right now. "It...she said that it was more like a root..the part we want is the root.. rather than the leaves.. but you had to find it by its leaves.. unless you know what to look for - and I certainly don't..." She sighed, but came to sit right next to him, her eyes closing as she attempted to think - to understand what it was her mother had told her all those years ago. "It did all kinds of things. I remember having to eat it once myself.. when I had gotten sick at first.. before they moved on. It was..when my mother brought it to me.. it was yellow.. the flowers, I mean. The root itself looked like a normal root.. but of a bush, or a small tree rather than a plant. It was larger, kind of fat."

She sighed, watching Borden and finding some solace in the fact that he was as worried as she was - though he held it better. "I wouldn't.. know where to find something like that..So I came to you...to see if you knew of a place where flowers like that grew...maybe I could chance digging up some of their roots.. to see if they're like what I remember." Vlarindara looked at him again, meeting his eyes before they slid away, her attention focusing on his feet. She really didn't need to go pissing off the only friend she had right now with social faux pas and eye contact. Not right now when she didn't know where the hell she stood. "They grew in a bush..kind of like roses, but not. I remember mother bringing the entire bush to me, and having me eat what I could of the root - but she planted the rest. I'm..sorry if that's not much help..."
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Only when she recomposed herself did Borden really take into account the task at hand. She needed a plant, a root of some kind with distinct leaves. His brows knit together now, unsure of what to do without letting her down. All of the afternoons he spent with his mother were a blur. Every berry was deemed as unedible in his mind and, as far as his mind went about consumable vegetation, tubers were distasteful and leaves were simply repulsive to consume.

Doubting he could help, he quietly watched as she continued explaining, the idea of this certain cure becoming nothing but an image of the average plant, bush or tree. He wished he remembered what his mother had taught him. Watching as she took a seat beside him, he exhaled unavailingly. His own gaze fell to the ground before him, biting his lip. He should have listened, should have remained with Raigo and Vlarindara, should have... should have, should have, should have... For a few seconds, Borden pitied himself, even feeling even more sorry for Vlar and what had happened in his absence. He felt responsible in the very least. If he had been around to keep an eye on him, perhaps he wouldn't have gotten ill.

Daring to look at her, he lifted his gaze. "I... I'm sorry," he mumbled. "I don't know what to do. I don't know my way around identifying plants or trees or bushes. I wish I knew how to help, but I don't." He gave her a disheartened look.

Seeking this remedy was probably Raigo's only hope, he figured; if it weren't, he knew Vlarindara would have probably found another solution to his sickness. Borden's heart sank, unable to stop visualizing how terribly the pup was suffering.

Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank
She listened to his comments before leaning towards the other wolf before she buried her nose in the thick fur around his neck. Her ears were laid back against her neck as she nuzzled him, knowing he was as worried for her charge as she was. "It's alright.. I know he'll make it through.. we all will." If wolves could cry, she might very well have, but instead, she sighed, enjoying the scent that was Borden - the mixtures of his pack and lands.

"Might the other member of your pack know where flowers like that might have grown once? If I could get a general idea.. I could dig around to see if I couldn't find a root for him." She knew her time was short, but she didn't want to simply discount the help that he could offer - even if it wasn't his own. She still had no pack, so asking the member of another to do something wasn't going to work - unless it was a pack member asking.

She hadn't moved from where she had settled her face, cheek and neck into his own neck fur - she was comfortable there.. it was warm.. besides, she could convince herself that even as she sat here talking things over with him, she knew that any ounce of help he or his alpha could offer would be a blessing. Raigo was warm, he had food and water nearby- but she couldn't return without anything - she refused.. but if it took too long, she would have to go back to check on him.. to hunt for him again if he'd managed to eaten. Her worry for the pup escaped in the form of a soft whine, one she clamped down on. No, she would not falter. She refused!
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Shock. Feeling her nuzzle up against him with her face to his neck sent a chill down his spine. His body involuntarily shivered for a split second and when she mentioned about Alexander knowing about plant life, he swallowed. In all actuality, he didn’t know where his superior was and whether or not he was an earshot away. He was sure he couldn’t contact him for the time being, leading him to believe he had possibly drawn his last straw. Wait…

His mind wrapped around the thought of Weldering and Atiris, but he couldn’t help but wonder if either of them knew of the certain plant she was looking for. His ears burned as he thought, another possibility coming to him. Swift River. She probably should have asked them first, thus saving energy due to their territory being closer to the Thicket than the Mountain. ”What about the river wolves?” he asked, a hint of hesitation in his tone as he changed the subject. ”Have you asked them?”

Odds are, she probably didn’t, wanting to exclusively ask for his help before anyone else’s. He had promised her not too long ago that he would help her – and Raigo – for as long as they needed him. However, now his aid was absolutely required and he had nothing to offer but solace as they thought of what to do and how to go about doing it. He rested his jaw lightly over the crown of her head, at a loss for action. His right ear turned to the side and he straightened his posture, filling his lungs with air.

Calling out into the chilly morning sky, his baritone howl sounded, a bit clearer and louder than the call she had beckoned him with. Help, he cried. A yearling is gravely ill… Please. Help!

Kneading his paws into the snow and river stones underneath them, he fretfully, but patiently waited. If someone, anyone, would be willing to help, he would reward their good deeds by any means they saw fit. If no one answered back, he would have to do the best he could to assist Vlar in searching for the roots of this precious plant she described. It would be like searching around in the dark without a flashlight, but he figured searching blindly would be minutely better than not searching at all.

Played by Kiva who has 36 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Atiris Heavenstar
<blockquote>The first call had reached Atiris like a voice whispering to her in a dream. She looked up from the rabbit's trail she had been following just as the call ended, ears flicking forward and back. Had she heard it? Or had she imagined it? She'd heard calls much like that before, and the memory made her shudder...She did not like to hear that type of call, one filled with dread, anxiety, frustration. It was a call to arms and Atiris had been through similar horrors before. She frowned, and decided that she hadn't heard the first call at all. It had been the wind through the trees or maybe just some figment of her imagination.<p>

She continued with every intention of catching the rabbit and eating a bit of it while stashing the rest. In the winter she could not expect to find a rabbit every day and even if she did, there was no guarantee that she would catch it every time. In the winter hunting became harder than ever especially for petite Atiris who had small feet which did not help her to stay above the snow at all. The only hope she had of catching a meal would be on days when there was a crust thick enough to bear her weight even while running.<p>

The scent became fresher and stronger still but the terribly loud call of her beta male ripped through the air, snapping her to attention. Borden was calling for help quite urgently, and Atiris pranced on the spot for a second in hesitation. She wanted that rabbit...But it could wait. With a worried and frustrated yelp she left the rabbit's trail, her stomach gurgling and her mind racing. Had it been Borden's call she'd heard first? What yearling was it he was referring to?<p>

She was a swift wolf and arrived punctually in response to Borden's call. There was another female present and Atiris could not smell blood, though she could sense panic and frustration, the air was thick with it. Her ears flicked back as she skidded to a halt near Borden, out of breath. The female certainly wasn't the yearling, and confusion showed plainly on Atiris' face as she puffed out two words: <b>"What,"</b> and <b>"Help?"</b></blockquote>

Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank
At first, she frowned at his question, looking confused before shaking her head, looking rather confused. She honestly had no idea *WHERE* the other pack lived... She'd been told along the river, but in general, she'd stayed as far from other wolves as she could. "I-...No I don't even know where they are located.. I knew you'd mentioned the mountains..I came here first." She frowned, not even sure where to start looking - she supposed she could follow the river - but there wasn't *TIME* to go hunting them down.

When Borden shifted his stance and howled, she wondered if he was calling to that other pack - if there was a medic among them. The white wolf had been ready to add her own voice to the sky when she saw movement on the mountain. The first reaction of the female was to take a step back from the other wolf - the one charging at them with such speed. However, when she stopped next to Borden, Vlarindara blinked, wondering if she was part of his pack, but laid her ears back against her neck.

"It's...The yearling is mine." She had spoken quietly, not wanting to step out of bounds from the older male with this wolf who seemed to be his subordinate. Vlarindara was relieved that he'd called for help - maybe the female knew the herb they required. She settled down into the snow, laying in a sphinx like position and trying to control her fear and the nearly uncontrollable urge to go racing back to the den. She could see the sun higher in the sky than when she'd arrived - but not noon.. Not yet. Amber eyes returned their attentions to the female wolf who had answered Borden's call. She seemed full grown, yet was quite small, causing a smile to touch the face of the worried wolf. She would be quite fast..
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