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Played by Tasha who has 307 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
RE: Vayko, you accidentally skid into a tree after slipping on some ice. Open to 1-2!
what i really need now is a double shot of crown

Vayko truly did not know how these things happened to him. It was actually quite distressing to know that the universe had some kind of vendetta against him. First, an alien abduction. Then? A fight with a turtle that led to a broken paw and a plague and now this. His nose, gushing blood as he leaned forward and simply watched it drip out. The culprit? A fucking tree. God, Viorel was never going to let him live this one down. He had thought that the turtle incident had been bad… but this?

He had been chasing a rabbit that had escaped hibernation early when he skid across a slick patch of ground and his face went directly into the tree. He did not want to call for @Clover for fear of this getting around the pack. Some leader he was, always getting hurt by fighting creatures or worse, inanimate objects… seriously, what was his luck? He didn’t know what to do other than to lean his nose down to avoid the blood running down the back of his throat. How was he supposed to even handle this situation?

Played by Cade who has 513 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
Eros smelled blood, and followed it's stench upon the wind. There was nothing tantalizing about it - in fact, his stomach twisted sickeningly as his mind ran rampant with possibilities. He rushed toward where the scent was wafting from, picking up on Vayko's presence long before he saw him. What was confusing was the lack of other scents; what had harmed him, if not another animal? His uncle was too young to die asleep, wasn't he?

When he saw the young man, blood pouring from flared nostrils, Eros' body froze, veins and all. His peach eyes widened like the full moon, and his jaw dropped.

Oh my fish, even his thoughts struggled to grasp words, latching onto one phrase. He had no idea how or why, but Uncle Vayko was dying. What the heck was he supposed to do about that?!

"... U-... Uncle?!"
(This post was last modified: Jan 03, 2022, 06:20 AM by Scully.)
Played by Flywolf who has 340 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Archer Valle
Archer was out wandering on his own, although he was intentionally crossing Eros's path every so often to check on him. After the incident with the body, he didn't want to leave his brother alone for too long if he could avoid it. He also didn't want everyone to know he was stalking his brother. It's not like he paid this much attention to his other siblings.

This time, when he crossed Ero's he also caught the blood that had snatched his brother's attention. Archer's ears shot up and he picked up his pace, coming upon the scene even as Eros was stammering. He spared a glance at his older brother. "Uncle Vayko!" he said, mind racing. He'd had one lesson with @Clover about healing; what had she said about bleeding? Had she said anything? Could he help Uncle, or would it be better for him to go get the other mother? "Uncle Vayko, what happened?"

Archer is very haggard and thin; it is obvious he is not doing well.
Played by Tasha who has 307 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
what i really need now is a double shot of crown

Everything would be fine if he could just stop Vi… U-…Uncle?! Well, fuck. He turned his head slightly to the side to see Eros frozen in shock and what looked almost like fear and he huffed lightly. Great, now his cousin was going to hear all about this. Uncle Vayko! Shit, there were two of them here now? Viorel’s spawn always seemed to be everywhere at the most inconvenient times. He loved them, truly, but god he wished they were anywhere else right now. “I’m fine, kids, I promise… I slipped and fell and hit my nose but it’ll stop bleeding soon.” He was quick to assure them, though he was sure that the site itself was gruesome.

Eh, it was a way to put some fur on these boy’s backs… they’d all see blood eventually, and in Vayko’s mind, the earlier they got used to it, the better off they would be of course. “Archer, could you please go find Clover for me?” He asked, figuring he might as well put them to good use. “And neither of you tell your father about this, you understand?” It was better left a secret because he did not particularly feel like putting up with Viorel’s lighthearted taunts, not when he was already in a bit of a foul mood.

Played by Cade who has 513 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
Thankfully, it wasn't just the two of them for long. Archer was at his side, as Eros could always depend on him to be. Unfortunately, the raising of his own voice did the opposite of soothe his earth-colored sibling. The young valle squirmed with concern.

He didn't notice that Vayko was agitated they'd appeared - that was kind of just him, in the pup's experience.

The older wolf assured his nephews he was 'fine,' but Eros for one was not convinced. His Uncle was just trying to be brave. It seemed he knew the heftier boy was nothing but a puddle of worry, sending Archer to go get Mama Clo, but he wanted to help too! There had to be something he could do, right?

His peach eyes began to look around frantically, trying to find leaves that looked like the ones Clover had shredded to coat him that one day. She'd said they helped with all sorts of things, right? His gaze settled on a broken conifer bough resting in a snow drift. That could work...

And neither of you tell your father about this, you understand?

Eros' head twisted back around quick enough his neck crackled, wide eyes begging are you serious? from his Uncle. Not tell Dad something? Like, keep a secret from him? Nuh uh, that was wrong - but then... he vividly recalled his father's words: when an adult gives an order, you must listen and do what you're told. He glanced at Archer nervously, wondering what his brother thought of the command.
(This post was last modified: Jan 06, 2022, 05:58 PM by Chan.)
Played by Flywolf who has 340 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Archer Valle

Archer Valle

Archer knew Eros was worried, and his posture as Vayko tried to assure them informed him that his brother was most definitely not assured. The darker boy shot a worried glance at Eros, and then stood at attention when his uncle requested he go get Clover. He could do that. He spun and dashed away fast enough that he didn't hear the instruction to not tell his Da, not that he was one to run and tattle.

He sprinted through the icy forest, nose working to find Clover. He crossed her scent and pulled up short, skidding a short distance across the ice. "Clover!" he called. "Uncle Vayko's hurt and we need your help!"

Archer is very haggard and thin; it is obvious he is not doing well.
Played by Melorama who has 391 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
Clover had been working hard to refill some of the food caches when Archer's form came speeding her way, going as far to skid along the ice to a stop when he found her. She turned to face him, mouth already pulling into a tight line from worry when he called out her name, and then she gasped softly as he continued. What had Vayko done now? It seemed him and Viorel were always getting themselves hurt, and if the turtle incident was anything to go by this was surely not going to be a simple thing. She nosed at the boy's shoulder, trying to get him to breathe and calm down.

"Take me to him now," she said in a calm voice even as worry began to flood through her body, but she needed to stay level-headed otherwise everyone would panic and make everything worse. Already her mind was running over many different possibilities as to what was wrong and what she would need to use to help him. But with Archer here she could send him off to grab something from her den if it was dire enough that Vayko couldn't walk there himself. Clover moved to follow the boy as he turned to lead her to Vayko, moving her short legs as fast as she could go without slipping on any hidden ice patches.
Played by Tasha who has 307 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
what i really need now is a double shot of crown

Neither child spoke of not mentioning this to Viorel which did not aid his prospects at all. Still, he could worry about the potential embarrassment later. He was more focused on the scarlet liquid dripping from his nose and the metallic taste it carried. Wolf blood was gross, especially when it was his own. It was not long before Clover arrived, being guided there by Archer, a soft sigh as he continued to lean his head forward. “I swear I have no idea how this keeps happening to me.” He grumbled lightly, clearly not pleased with his own situation at the moment.

“I slipped and slid into a tree… and then my nose started bleeding and there’s a lot of pain up near my eyes.” He explained because at this point he knew the drill. Explain what happened so she can properly assess the damage. It was a little cute that he was so well trained, though not surprising seeing how often he seemed to fall ill or get injured as of late. The universe truly hated him.

Played by Cade who has 513 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
Archer was gone. Eros blinked, unsure what to do at all now. He opted to just keep his mouth shut, and not make any promises. Then he couldn't get in trouble if he did tell his dad, right? Thankfully, Vayko didn't press the matter. Clover showed up quickly, and their Uncle gave her the same story he'd given them.

Eros' tail whipped back and forth with nerves while he hunched down and watched his other mother with imploring eyes.

Please fix Uncle Vayko...
Played by Flywolf who has 340 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Archer Valle

Archer Valle

Archer led Clover to the scene of the crime with his tail held high, proud to provide this crucial service. "Uncle Vayko I got her!" he declared when they returned, and stood aside to let them talk. He noted his brother's worried expression as the older Valle boy waited, and Archer quietly padded to his side. "He'll be okay," he said gently. "Clover's got him."

He turned his attention to the adults again, paying especially close attention to how Clover handled the situation. He knew exactly two herbs that were good for sickness, but it seemed like what was most useful around here was helping injuries. He cast a brief accusatory glance at his brother.

Archer is very haggard and thin; it is obvious he is not doing well.