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Everything You Want — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Kai who has 160 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kateri Vuesain-Slayer

Kateri had found her way to one of the worn paths in the cove. She'd found her way from the medical den on the path. Her injury still hurt a little but she knew it was getting better. The pup was in search of something to do or someone to talk to. Maybe she could find one of her brothers or maybe her sister. She was growing bored with sitting around and just wished her leg was better already.

She didn't find someone. Instead she found the trail of a rabbit. She might not be able to hunt just then but she could work on her tracking. She didn't have to be fast just have a good nose. Though she might doubt hers was good after losing her wait. The Vuesain-Slayer girl took a deep breath. She had to stop letting the fact that she'd gotten lost rule her life.

Her mind was made up. She would follow the trail and see where it took her. At least then she could be doing something that would benefit her later when she was bigger. That was when she left the path to follow the scent through the trees of the cove.
(This post was last modified: Sep 22, 2022, 04:51 AM by Adonya.)
Played by Tasha who has 354 posts.
Sanguine Cove III. Shaman
Aquene Slayer

But I put it out of my mind Long enough to call it courage To live without a lifeline

Aquene did not enjoy the panic that gripped her any time she caught Kateri’s scent drifting away from the den. She did not like the feelings that overcame her but she could not help it. It reminded her of the way her scent simply tapered off and her daughter had been lost. She was following the scent, keeping a fair distance behind as she silently fretted about the state of her herbal stores. It was her first winter within the Cove, and she had not been prepared for the number of injuries that she had come across due to predator and disaster.

She could tell her daughter was following a scent herself, and the hints of rabbit rose through the scent of her daughter as she followed along. She was curious, and ready to see her daughter in action. She knew she had been bored, and was looking to get into action… and even still she debated stopping her… she really should, just to be safe. But was she being overprotective because this was her own flesh and blood, because this was the daughter she bore? “Kateri?” She finally called out softly to the girl.

She made herself known, coming into view as she caught up to the girl. “You should be resting. You’re not yet fully recovered.” She fretted as only a mother would, looking her over to make sure she was otherwise safe.

[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Kai who has 160 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kateri Vuesain-Slayer
Kateri could smell that the scent was getting stronger the further she followed it. She knew from the lessons she'd gotten that she was getting closer to her prey. Though she knew she couldn't chase it if she wanted her leg to get better she was still rather excited. She had actually tracked the rabbit until she'd almost caught up with it. Just a little further and she would have had it but her tracking was interrupted when she heard her mothers voice say her name.

The dark pup stopped with one forepaw in the air. Busted. Slowly she set her paw down before turning to face her mother who expressed that she should be resting. She sighed in frustration that she'd been caught and that she'd been so bored. She knew that she was supposed to be staying in the den but she'd slept so much that she couldn't sleep anymore. The only fun she'd had since coming back was when she'd snuck out the other times.

She didn't like having to sneak out or keep it from her mom but what could she do. Her mismatched gaze looked up at Aquene, "I know mama but I need to get out and do something. I'm so tired of resting. I just wanted to find the rabbit. I wasn't going to chase it. I've been careful, I promise." She pleaded her case hoping that maybe her mom might go easier on her.
Played by Tasha who has 354 posts.
Sanguine Cove III. Shaman
Aquene Slayer

But I put it out of my mind Long enough to call it courage To live without a lifeline

She knew her daughter was getting restless, but she wasn’t to make sure that she was okay before she went and pushed herself too hard. In many ways, it was such a bad trait that she had passed onto the young girl. Aquene herself never knew when to slow down and take time to let her body rest either, which was why Nash often had to remind her to settle down and eat some food. Her daughter’s mismatched gaze found her and she offered a sympathetic smile to her daughter. She knew it was frustrating, but this was just the way it was.

“I know, my sweet little girl, but resting is what is going to get you back on your paws chasing rabbits faster.” She encouraged. Perhaps if it weren’t her daughter, she might have been more relaxed on the medical restrictions she had placed, but she could not help the protective fire that burned deep in her heart. “I know you have, Kateri.” She assured, knowing her daughter wasn’t trying to push herself too hard. “What if I told you a story? Would that help a little?” She asked hopefully. “We could sit out here if you’d like, keep you out of the den for a bit.” She hoped it was enough of a middle ground to pull at her daughter’s interests.

[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Kai who has 160 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kateri Vuesain-Slayer
Her mother wasn't mad about her sneaking out when she found her. This was a relief to Kateri. She really wasn't trying to get into trouble she was just going crazy being cooped up in the den. Thankfully Aquene seemed to understand how bored she was and how much she wanted to get back to running around with her brothers amd sister and chasing after her father while he did all his important stuff. She frown when her mother talked about rest being the fastest way for her to get better.. Kateri did understand that and she wanted to get better but it was really hard to stay in one place for so long.

"How long do you think it will take for my leg to get better?" She asked because she needed some idea of the kind of time she was looking at. Then Aquene confirmed that she knew Kat was doing her best to be careful. She looked at her paws, "Is it okay to be mad that my leg is hurt?" She only asked because there were a lot of times that she was mad about it but was it right for her to be? She's the one that got lost and she was the one who'd slipped and fallen so she didn't know if it was okay. Her tail swept the snow when her mother offered to tell her a story, "I like that idea very much," she said nuzzling into her mothers fur. "We can stay here? That's a lot better than going back to the den."
Played by Tasha who has 354 posts.
Sanguine Cove III. Shaman
Aquene Slayer

But I put it out of my mind Long enough to call it courage To live without a lifeline

Aquene could understand her daughter’s restlessness but it would not make her worry less. There was no sense in getting angry about her wanting to stretch her legs when she had been cooped up after such an ordeal that had pulled her far from home. That was not the kind of mother the healer wished to be. She wished to be caring and supportive just as her own mother had been. Still, she gave her daughter a gentle nudge with her nose in assurance that she understood what the girl was going through. Aquene might lose her mind if she had to lay down and simply rest like she made her patients do. She had been fortunate enough to never suffer such an affliction that made her pause, apart from recovering from childbirth in which she had not wanted to move anyway.

The question came and she offered a sympathetic smile. “That, my dear daughter, depends on how quickly it recovers… resting and not pushing yourself will shorten the recovery time.” It was truly in her paws. Timelines were difficult to place when it came to regaining leg strength. The question came and that was when Aquene settled down, letting her paws rest in front of her as she laid down. “It is… it’s okay to be mad, or sad, or tired… regardless of what is going on. It’s okay to feel.” It was important for her to instill that in her daughter. Her emotions were a shield, and they helped protect her from danger.

“Of course, we can darling.” She assured as she nipped lightly at her daughter’s ear. “I bet some fresh air feels good after the stifling herbs smells, huh?” She knew not everyone was as keen to such scents as her. While they brought Aquene great comfort, others they could make sick to their stomachs. “Would you like to hear about where I grew up?” She had never talked about it, actively avoided talking to anyone in the pack about it partially because of the pain and partially because of the shame she felt… but it was time her daughter knew where she came from, and what it meant to be a Slayer just as she had learned what it meant to be a Vuesain.

[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Kai who has 160 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kateri Vuesain-Slayer
Looking up at her mother Kateri knew she was lucky. All this time she'd been so worried that she'd be in trouble for getting lost and worrying them or going out when she should have been resting. Instead she was met with care and understanding. Aquene understood how she wanted to go out and be with her brothers and sister or just explore in the cove. Even work on her hunting skills. She was grateful to have a mom like her because she didn't think she could handle being yelled at for not doing what she was supposed to.

Kateri was worried about how long it would take. The answer she was given was expected and not really what she wanted to hear but she nodded in understanding. "Do you think it would be okay to rest outside the den sometimes?" She asked thinking that maybe of she didn't have to always be in the den it would be easier to rest. The young girl was also curious if it was okay for her to feel the way she did sometimes. "I am mad that it happened that I lost my footing and fell. I'm sad too cause I want to do the stuff I used to do and can't," she explained looking down at her paws and sighing. When her mother spoke next she smiled up at her, "The fresh air is nice but all of this time resting has given me some time to think. I think I've come to a decision," she admitted. That had just been one benefit of all the rest. She'd also remembered a little more about her time being lost. "I'd like that very much," she said curling up against her mother. She hadn't learned about her mother's life before so it was exciting to finally get to learn more about her mom.
Played by Tasha who has 354 posts.
Sanguine Cove III. Shaman
Aquene Slayer

But I put it out of my mind Long enough to call it courage To live without a lifeline

These things happened, and while she knew it was stressful on a parent, she had been Kateri once. She had gotten lost and driven her mother sick with worry, but in the end everything had worked out. She was just relieved to have her daughter back. Cooping her up in a den would do no good, and the mother knew that too, no matter how she wished to protect her from the world who had already proven it could hurt her.

The question came and she smiled softly, nodding in response. “Yes, and when your leg is stronger you could even go with me on short trips to collect herbs if you’d like.” She offered, knowing it would be a way for her to stretch her legs under supervision. She knew not every wolf was as invested in plants as she was, but she also knew that her daughter liked to help. Sympathy leaked into her gaze as she expressed her anger and her sadness, using her words to describe her thoughts and feelings. She truly was growing up, and it made Aquene’s heart grow in that moment… it also made her consider if maybe this following spring Kateri might have siblings to play with and guide… it was a topic she was not sure of how to approach.

The fresh air was nice. Even Aquene needed out of her stores to get away from the stiff air that tended to linger inside. Her daughter curled against her and she smiled softly as she thought of how to explain it. “I came from a pack just like this one… it was called Cold Stone Trail. Did you know you’re your grandfather lived on this very mountain when he was your age? He did… I did not realize it until I came here myself, but your grandfather, and your great-great-uncle and great-great-aunt all lived around this place at one point.” She began to introduce as she looked around and enjoyed the scenery for a moment in reminisce.

“Our pack was a family… your grandma and grandpa were the king and queen and they were kind. The borders were protected by strong warriors. Your grandmother was a very gifted healer… she taught me everything that I know. Your great uncle Lachesis was as well, he also taught me everything I know. Together they turned me into the Shaman that I am able to be for you and the rest of the Cove. My great aunt, your great-great-aunt Lilya was a strong warrior just like your grandpa. She was fierce and protective… they led a pack that lived separate but close to Cold Stone Trail.” She figured starting with the dynamics might work the best.

“You have many aunts and uncles too… As far as I know they are all still at home with your grandpa. There’s Natalia, Dusk, Agravain, Percival, Aisa, Morgause, Kaliska, and Ciqala.” There were a lot of names. “And they were just about as different as different could be. They loved to run around and explore. Ciqala was a scout, just like Chan is. She’d go on big missions to far away lands and return with the best stories… and Kaliska? She was funny. She learned all of the stories and histories of the Trail, often telling them to anyone who would listen… your grandfather started to train her as a diplomat and a historian to carry out history down the generations.” She spoke fondly, warmth clear in her tone and a bittersweet sadness in her eyes. She wished her mother were here.

“Dusk and Percival were fierce warriors just like Aunt Lilya and your grandpa. I once watched the two of them face down a mountain lion alone. I still think it was a miracle they returned with few injuries and your grandmother had quite the lecture for them while she treated them.” She recalled how terrified she had been. It had been one of her first days in training, with her older siblings going off and doing something reckless like that. “And Aisa? Agravain? They were hunters. They could track a herd for days. I’ve never seen a patience like theirs. I bet they are where your get your hunting skills from, hmm?”

(This post was last modified: Jan 29, 2022, 01:20 AM by Aquene.)
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Kai who has 160 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kateri Vuesain-Slayer
Kateri was tired of being cooped up and being able to go out and do what she used to. She also knew that her mother was right, she needed to rest for her leg to get better. It only made sense that she figure out a way to get out of the den and also be able to rest which was where her idea came. Maybe if she was resting outside the den she could at least be able to hear the birds and watch what was going on around the pack. Maybe even have some visitors, that would be nice.

Returning her mother's smile she wasn't surprised when her mother agreed to the idea. The surprising part was when Aquene said that she could go with her to collect herbs once her leg was stronger. "Will you teach me about the herbs. I've seen all the help you've given the pack mama and I want to learn so I can help them too." It was something she'd been thinking about for awhile. The time she'd been stuck in the den had allowed her to be sure of her decision.

It was story time again, Kateri loved to hear stories. This one was especially special because it was about her family. Specifically about her mother's family which she hadn't heard about yet. She was so curious about the wolves that help her mom become who she was and maybe things that might have been passed down to her.

Kateri curled up against her mothers side resting her head on the matching fur there. She listened so close but there were so many names that she didn't know if she would be able to remember them. "Our family came from here?" She asked when Aquene spoke of her grandfather living on the mountain and some of her other relatives having been in this place at in point or another.

Then her mother started talking about her grandmother and great uncle Lachesis being healers. How they had helped her her mama learn all that she knew. In that moment she knew that she'd made the right decision. She should follow in their pawsteps and her mothers. Kateri looked up at her mother, "Do you think I could be a good healer and warrior too?"
(This post was last modified: Jan 30, 2022, 08:20 PM by Kateri.)
Played by Tasha who has 354 posts.
Sanguine Cove III. Shaman
Aquene Slayer

But I put it out of my mind Long enough to call it courage To live without a lifeline

Aquene could not help the proud smile that came on her features when she asked about learning how to heal. It warmed her heart, and it made her miss her own mother with just a twinge of grief in the moment. She was stepping into her mother’s paws by teaching her own daughter about healing… she remembered how excited her own mother had been when Aquene first asked to learn… her and Lachesis both. “Of course, Kateri. I’d love to teach you if you want to learn. Did you know it was my mom who taught me everything I know?” It felt like passing something down, like a generational gift.

Her daughter listened attentively, questions occasionally rising that Aquene answered on the spot. “Yes, our family did… my dad’s side of the family, just like your dad’s side of the family.” Her mother had never set foot in the Lore, though she recalled her namesake, Aquene’s older sister, having visited upon her ventures. She had heard all about it from her. “He learned how to hunt and fight here.” And her father had turned into quite the warrior and guardian, at least in her eyes. She was quite viased.

Her smile broadened at her last question, lightly tending to her daughter with soft displays of motherly affection before she answered. “I think you can do whatever you put your mind to. You’re a Vuesain and a Slayer… and that means that you can be good at anything you want to be good at.” She assured her daughter, giving her a soft nuzzle of encouragement.

(This post was last modified: Feb 03, 2022, 05:14 PM by Aquene. Edit Reason: Typo )
[Image: jNJyCis.png]