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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 54 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Random Event: The weather is starting to shift, but for the better or worse?
All welcome! Associated fight thread: here.

While most of her adoptive siblings chose to surge West toward those fabled forests, Walrus opted to veer East as the mountain rose up to separate Relic Lore in halves. While she loved and tolerated her family, they were far more chaotic than she, and the woman was seeking a break from their constant ruckus and upheaval. She entered the map chased by a storm of ice and snow, and it appeared to lessen with every stride forward.

The weather she'd endured clung to her coat in shards, but she paid it no mind. Her peach eyes remained forward, toward the land over which the clouds thinned and the sun managed to filter through. Her lips lifted in a gruesome smile which showcased her long-teeth; she had arrived. It was time to see what this world held for her, on her own.
(This post was last modified: Jan 23, 2022, 01:46 AM by Walrus.)
Played by Tasha who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyrrith Morhen

While not ideal, the mountain’s chaos had been comforting. It reminded him of home, of sheltering against brutal winters with tales shared by his blood brethren… still, he needed to move on. He had scaled his way down, wandering whichever way he thought she might take, searching endlessly for any sign that would ultimately lead to her. He regretted what he had said out of desperation, of driving her away with a spear of ice through her heart and anger in her belly. It had been his fault, and he was driven to make it right, for her.

The weather was starting to lessen, and he was glad such foul winds had not followed him down the mountainside. Each stride grew more confident, commanding as he made his way through the frozen Fen that had landed at the base of his exit point from the dangerous Pass he’d been forced to cross through. Why had he decided to scale the mountain in the first place? He was not certain what had led him to do so, but he would never make such a mistake again.

For a moment, traces of black fur made his heart race, his eyes widening as he made his way towards that who he had just spotted. He was met with crippling disappointment, a deep inhale revealing a different scent, a less appealing one than the one he had been searching for. He made no greeting, instead turning hoping to make a quick escape before his intrusion was noticed. A pause for conversation would not do him well, and truthfully the man was not much of a conversationalist. He loathed being forced to socialize during such an important mission just as much as he loathed sharing a den or himself for the things he had said.

Cyrrith is travelling with Vesemera and as such she has a right to enter any of his threads regardless of whether or not they are marked private
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 54 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Walrus prowled forth, swiftly met with the stench of another on the slowing winds. He approached her at a quick pace, and appeared to her to stop just as swiftly. His change of expression was noticeable, though she couldn't place what exactly was being communicated. It didn't much matter. The man turned his back to her, and instinct kicked in.

She started forward at a jog, then a sprint when the proper proximity was reached. She aimed to charge him from the side, and throw her shoulder hard into his ribs or own forelimb. The goal was to dominate through aggression, ambition driven by the exhilarating introduction to true freedom.

the attack is a miss!
(This post was last modified: Jan 23, 2022, 01:45 AM by Walrus.)
Played by Tasha who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyrrith Morhen
The attack is also a miss!

Cyrrith was content to simply turn and leave the woman alone. He would not have wanted an interaction if the situation were reversed, and so he felt he had even been doing the polite thing… logic dictated that if neither party were interested in conversation, then it could be ignored. She did not say anything, and so for the moment he had thought he was in the clear. He was free to continue his search elsewhere and not have to worry about the mundane nature of small talk…

That was until his ears perked to the sound of a sprint, cursing silently as he rolled to the side, a snarl on his features. What. The. Fuck? What had he possibly done to provoke this. Hazel eyes narrowed as he charged towards the beast that had chosen violence, aiming to throw his body into her, using all of the might in his muscles.

Someone had pissed on her breakfast, and she was taking it out on him. He felt he had to be certain of that. Why else would she attack him when he had not provoked her? For a moment he considered that perhaps the nature of turning away and ignoring her presence might have been enough but he had never met someone so sensitive to those things before.

It was strange, and he did not have much time to consider it.

Cyrrith is travelling with Vesemera and as such she has a right to enter any of his threads regardless of whether or not they are marked private
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Fresh tracks show an injured deer has recently passed by. Hunt opportunity! +10 Health
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 54 posts.
Inactive No Rank
He moved in time, able to do so effortlessly given the racket of her approach. Her teeth flashed in a wide grin, brows pressed devilishly downward. The stranger returned the strike and her paws never stopped, curling her around and after his own flank with teeth. To the other forest creatures watching them, they appeared as a snake attempting to eat it's own tail.

She wasn't getting a purchase, but it didn't deter her from continuing to try, doggedly in fact. Once Walrus wanted something, others would find it incredibly difficult to keep her from it, regardless of how little stake there was to be held.

a miss!
(This post was last modified: Jan 23, 2022, 02:48 AM by Eros.)
Played by Tasha who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyrrith Morhen
Finally, a hit!

It appeared that his quick moves had only seemed to encourage her. There was a part of him, deep down, that was unnerved with the unnatural grin on her features, the way she seemed to enjoy her thirst for blood. His eyes narrowed in determination. Her paws moving her out of the way in time as he skidded, bracing his paws as his limbs splayed to lower his center of gravity and give him a better control over his own body. It was like she was not of this earth, her ferocity and savagery to attack someone who was simply looking to escape from a conversation.

She had gone after his flank and he had swung it out of the way causing need for his skidding to a halt, another snarl escaping his lips as he charged at her, looking to slam his body against hers to throw her off balance. He wanted to force her down, force her to submit so he could be done with this silly and quite irritating display that she was providing for them both, forcing her into. No doubt the creatures were amused from attack after attack missing, the way they danced around each other without ever finding a hit.

For a moment it reminded him of Vese, but he would not let such thoughts distract him from his own pride. He could not afford to let her consume his thoughts in the thick of the fray.

(This post was last modified: Jan 23, 2022, 02:36 AM by Cyrrith.)
Cyrrith is travelling with Vesemera and as such she has a right to enter any of his threads regardless of whether or not they are marked private
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 54 posts.
Inactive No Rank
At last they collided, though it wasn't on her terms. She took the opportunity regardless, snapping her jaws at him as he closed in and connected. Luck was not on her side, however; he surprised her with his strength, which sent her skidding back through the trampled snow and ice. She dug in her paws to halt, and her eyes glinted back at him from across the brief distance. She bared her fangs, lips still turned upward.

He was quick, and muscled, but she was a long way from losing this bout.

Walrus feinted left.

a miss!
(This post was last modified: Jan 23, 2022, 02:59 AM by Walrus.)
Played by Tasha who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyrrith Morhen

Finally, contact was made. Cyrrith was pleased that it was on his terms, and in that moment he felt his second wind washing over him, a gritted determination fiercely captivating his gaze as she skidded backwards. Her eyes glinted back at him and he could see how the contact had renewed her own vigor as well. This fight was not over yet, he just needed to pray that things would continue to fall in his favor, though he knew thoughts and prayers had little to do with it. He had trained for this, to handle combat.

His eyes narrowed as she feinted left. He cared not whether it was her intention to go left or not, rushing for her shoulder regardless, just following the path of her body wherever it took him as his jaws snapped, hoping to be met with meaty flesh. Perhaps teeth sinking into her would deter her from further action against him. He was still quite irritated that his time of peace and attempted resolution of his disinterest in interacting with her at all had turned into a fight. Granted, he was more than willing to admit that he preferred a fight to a conversation. It was not for the violence, simply for the lack of words. The body could not lie like the wolf could.

He was faster than most thought when looking at him, and his muscles only helped him further along. He liked to think his fighting spirit aided too, if only as a psychological tool to keep him going when things looked bleak.

Cyrrith is travelling with Vesemera and as such she has a right to enter any of his threads regardless of whether or not they are marked private
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 54 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sink in they did. She felt him latch onto her, but rather than shy away from the grip she met it head on. Her own jaws snapped forward, using the forced proximity to her advantage. She curled around and grabbed at his ribs, looking to nip and pull at the sensitive skin and meat, drawing blood if needed. She wanted to cause him to release, so that she could attempt to grapple with him.

More than lusting for red, she wanted to prove her strength in holding the other down against the ground. Still, she was a long way from her goal as things stood.