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Played by Pinn who has 48 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hazelnut Donata-Valle
A shooting star flies overhead and you're left with the following prompt: In the distance, a large ball of light falls slowly to the earth. It fizzles out just before touching the horizon line, upon which the wind picks up in a roar that almost sounds like cheering...

Hazey's paws carried her outside of the borders, through winter-bare trees and icy rivers, to a strange field full of broken trees. Without the gnarled branches above you could see the night sky better than anywhere in the Backwater, or at least that's how she felt, since the sickly trees that dappled her birthplace felt.. sniffling as of late. Perhaps it had to do with the disappearance of her mother and the fact that she felt so out of place without the woman's presence.

Finding herself a nice spot at the base of a tree stump, Hazey watched the stars above, waiting for something, though she had no idea what.

Played by Fig who has 54 posts.
Inactive Pup
Marguerite Valle

Nighttime had come and yet Margo found herself not quite ready for sleep. She'd decided that she would stay up just a little longer, maybe go on a walk to get herself a little more tired. It had been a long day for the young girl and her head was still racing with ideas and concepts that she wasn't sure she even had the slightest bit of a grasp on. Yes, a walk would probably do her some good and allow her to sort some of those thoughts out enough to get a few hours of sleep.

She had let her paws take her wherever they wanted to go, kind of functioning on auto-pilot and only really staying aware enough to ensure that she didn't find herself lost. Functioning in this manner almost allowed Marguerite to completely pass through without ever noticing Nut sitting nearby, but she'd managed to catch the other girl in her peripheral vision at the very last moment. The near-yearling was almost tempted to leave the girl be, but something about her outward appearance seemed sad. Margo was pretty sure she could guess why Nut was out here feeling sad, and she didn't want to leave her alone in the cold while these negative feelings were taking place. That just sounded way too lonely.

"H..Hey" Marguerite smiled gently at the girl, inviting herself to sit down at a distance she deemed not close enough to make the snowy-coated female uncomfortable. "The sky is really pretty tonight."

Played by Pinn who has 48 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hazelnut Donata-Valle

Hazey was so lost in thought that she didn't notice Marguerite's approach until the girl spoke, causing the youth to jump. An awkward laugh fell from Hazey's maw as she turned toward her silvery companion. "Oh, sorry, didn't see you there." She offered the excuse before continuing, "But yeah.. it is." The sky was clear, and the stars seemed oddly bright as her gaze tilted upward once more and... wait, something was happening. "Margo, look!" She shouted, pointing her pale muzzle in the direction of a glowing ball. "Do you see that? What is it?" The ball seemed to be making it's descent, falling slowly toward the horizon.

Played by Fig who has 54 posts.
Inactive Pup
Marguerite Valle

Marguerite immediately felt horrible after having spooked the girl.  She should have given Walnut more notice.  The girl was already sad before, and now because of Margo she was sad and had a racing heart.  Margo frowned slightly, looking down at the sparkling snow beneath her.  

It wouldn't take long before revenge played out, however, as Nut's sudden outburst of excitement caused the Valle girl to jump in an extremely similar fashion to what had just happened before.  "What?" The child whirled her head toward the direction that her company had been referencing and managed to catch the tail-end of the event that had been transpiring above.  "I-I don't know! What is that?!" She shot up as if standing would give her a better view somehow. It looked like.. Well, she wasn't sure what it looked like, but it was both amazing, beautiful, and somehow horrifying all at once.  A big ball of fire plummeting down to earth.  What did it mean?

(This post was last modified: Jan 31, 2022, 02:08 AM by Marguerite.)