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garden of eden — Swift River 
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Played by Tasha who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyrrith Morhen

He had managed to find his way back over the mountain, yet another storm delaying his ventures after his irritating encounter with the hostile female who had lunged like a devil for no reason. A poultice of prairie crocus and some scrub pine for the pain and he had been back to moving, the wound near his ribcage almost healed from time and careful attention. Cyrrith continued on his mission; he needed to find her. It had been so long, almost a year since he had last caught sight of her… watching as she fled from the men who sought to kill her.

He hoped she was safe, that he would find her soon. Even now when he closed his eyes her entrancing figure lingered in his dreams. She had captivated him from the moment they met, and that was seldom going to change soon. Tawny ears perked, his trek along the riverbank that was mostly frozen thanks to the frigid temperatures of midwinter brought hope. An alluring scent on the wind that was so familiar, and spoke of home. Could it be? It did not take him long to start following it, desperate to track it to it’s source.

This had not been the first time that he caught her trail, but hopefully this time would end different. In other occasions, it had faded away without a thought for his wishes. It had disappeared before he caught sight of the ebony fur and icy blue eyes that carried him on his way and promised him glory in her name. Vese.

Played by Shannon who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank

there is no sweeter

innocence than our gentle sin

Run. Run. Run. It was the only thing running through her head. It was the only thing that played on constant repeat for the last year. Vesemera couldn't afford to sit still for long. She barely slept for fear that she would be found and she wouldn't be able to fight back. They would find her and kill her before she could ever find him again. Her driving force was keeping herself safe until he found her again. Cyrrith had promised he would find her again. She held onto those words and that promise with everything she was. She had to. If she stopped believing in that then what else did she have? Nothing. No family. No pack. Nothing. She had to get back to him somehow.

Mera had found her way to the riverbank. There was no other scent on the air. She was alone. Then again, she was alone most of the time. It was a good thing for the most part. It allowed her to relax a touch though part of her would always remain on guard. She moved silently, her blue embers scanning the area around her constantly. She had always been small but it was even more pronounced now. She cautiously moved into a trot, long black limbs stretching easily in front of her. She was on the hunt for a place to possibly rest, if she could convince her mind to allow it. It didn't seem a likely venture but she had to give it a try right?

Finally she found a spot that seemed safe enough. She allowed her body to collapse, exhaustion pouring through her. It didn't take long for another scene to find it's way to her. She inhaled it, hackles rising before registering it as a scent she knew. The black wolf got to her feet quickly and scanned the area. Was it possible? Had he found her?

(This post was last modified: Jan 28, 2022, 10:39 PM by Cyrrith. Edit Reason: Code fix )
Played by Tasha who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyrrith Morhen

She had run but he had promised to find her again. It had been his driving force since fleeing Rao Dorthore with brothers he once called friends on his tail, nipping at his hind legs to ensure he went far away. They believed him cursed by the very woman he cared for most. And for what? Because he simply did not wish to conform to their rules, to their society? It was not she who was the monster, but the society that had not allowed the strength of a woman to come through. The scent felt almost too good to be true. Rather than fading off into the void, instead she lingered in the air and she grew stronger.

He picked up his pace, limbs carrying him as fast as they could push from the ground as he hurled himself towards the safe place she had tucked herself away in, the ebony beauty he had devoted his life to coming into view as hazel eyes softened and he let out a breath of relief, her name escaping his lips in a cautiously hopefully manner. “Vese.” His nickname for her fell quickly, waiting to see her react as if he weren’t sure she was there. Perhaps his eyes were playing tricks on him during the year of searching he had managed.

Was it possible? Had his hunt come to an end? What was he to do now that he had found her? “Vesemera.” Her full name slowly dragged from his lips as he crept forward slowly, his head tucked down and craned to take in her form, those piecing blue eyes bringing warmth into his soul. It was then that he dared to reach forward, reaching to brush his nose against the soft fur of her neck, hoping and praying that this figment of his imagination would allow him such a memory.

Cyrrith is travelling with Vesemera and as such she has a right to enter any of his threads regardless of whether or not they are marked private
Played by Shannon who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank

there is no sweeter

innocence than our gentle sin

If anything was keeping her putting one paw in front of the other, it was the promise that Cyrrith would find her. He didn't seem the type to break a promise. He was the reason to keep going because he had to find her. If he didn't then all of this would be for nothing. Nearly dying and being run out would be for nothing. Spending a year on the run and nearly dying multiple teams would be for nothing. She didn't know if she could possibly handle that. So she kept going. Kept pushing. Kept surviving. It was all she could do.

Mera was near dozing off when the scent hit her nose. Her ears swiveled around, listening for any source of movement. Any sign that the scent on the air wasn't a lie. Was she dreaming? Perhaps she'd fallen asleep and this was all just a dream. It felt too good to be true. She heard a rustle and the sound of paws against the dirt that managed to escape not being frozen. Ice blue eyes scanned the environment until she saw movement. She whined softly and her tail wagged hesitantly as she shifted her weight, altering between her front two paws.

Then she heard it. His voice on the air and she whined again, ears pointing towards him. "Cyrrith." She breathed the words, daring to hope that the tawny wolf in front of her was real. He said her full name and she let out a soft cry. He approached slowly but it was her who quickly closed the distance, rushing forward and rubbing her head against his neck just as he did to her. Whines fell from her maw that were akin to crying as she rubbed her body alongside his before turning and pushing her forehead against his thick neck. "You found me."

Played by Tasha who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyrrith Morhen

Relief was unmistakable in his features, his eyes softening at the excitement that found her. The way her paws moved, her tail wagging as she shifted her weight. He was slower in his approach, calm but still uncertain as to whether or not the relentless search had finally caused delirium to settle into his bones Her voice filled the air, just as sweet as he remembered as relief fully caved into his muscles and all of the tension faded at once, his shoulders dropping as her ebony fur brushed against his, the vivid sensation of fur on fur assuring him that she was truly there.

He had found her, finally. In everything that he had been through, from being chased away to his most recent fight… everything paid off in that moment because he had found her. You found me. A soft rumble fell from his chest, a laugh even uncharacteristic to the man. “You were excellent at running.” It had taken him so long, which meant she had done her job well. If it had taken him so long to find her, than others were not likely to do the same. His fur ran along hers, nipping lightly at the back of her ear in a more playful greeting.

“I never stopped searching.” The usually stoic man let the happiness fade into his eyes as he took her in. She looked exhausted, and ragged, but he expected nothing less from the way she ran from the endless hunt for her soul. “Mera, you look exhausted.” He finally commented aloud, the concern clear in his tone. What were they to do now? They could be together without fear of retribution from those who raised him. She was his world because he had turned his back on all he had known for her... he needed to ensure that she was okay.

Cyrrith is travelling with Vesemera and as such she has a right to enter any of his threads regardless of whether or not they are marked private
Played by Shannon who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank

there is no sweeter

innocence than our gentle sin

Mera swore she relief on his features. Those strong, handsome features that she had missed so much. She noted how warily Cyrrith approached her. It was as if they were both almost too afraid to hope that what they saw was real. Still, scent could not lie and they wer close enough now that the smell of him permeated her senses. The feel of his body against hers was so real. He had found her. Finally he had found her.

She heard that rumble in his chest. Was he actually laughing. A wolfy grin found found it's way to her lips as his voice filled her ears again. She chuffed which sounded closer to a snort. "Clearly. It took you long enough." She sassed him back which he really shouldn't be surprised by. It had been a very difficult year. Running had been hard. Keeping herself safe had been hard. She wouldn't bullshit that but it felt nice to hear from him that she'd done so well. He knew a thing or two about tracking after all.

She chuffed again, a softer sound at what he said next. "I never stopped believing in your promise. You are the only thing that kept me alive." Her voice was soft and somber as she leveled with him. She was speaking nothing but the truth. She saw the way he looked at her and her head tilted curiously to the side. Mera huffed at his words though she could clearly hear the concern. "Is that any way to talk to a lady?" She questioned him while also clearly brushing off the statement. It didn't matter. She was fine and he'd found her. It was going to be okay. Everything was going to be okay now.

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
You discover a half-eaten deer carcass. +5 Health
Played by Tasha who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyrrith Morhen

Her smile was just as he remembered it, a devious look in his eyes before she retorted in a way that only she could. He might have immediately lunged in irritation at any other wolf, but with her it was simply part of her charm. It allured him even more. “Well, you know I do like to make an entrance.” He dared to tease back. It had been a hard year for both of them, and lives as loners were not kind to them. They were hardly kind to any wolf who dared travel alone, especially in the winter months. At least now they were together.

He continued his small signs of affection from checking over any part of her pelt that he could see. He didn’t smell an injury of any kind. “I’m here now.” He stated again, as if he needed to constantly assure her that this was real, that it was not a dream… or perhaps it was himself that he was reminding. That driving force had brought them back together. “I could never stop… you certainly made the chase fun. Every time I caught your scent it faded again.” No doubt by her own doing, hiding it as much as she could.

They were safe now. He smirked at her question, nudging her shoulder playfully. “Is that what you are?” He teased again, the faint scent of deer on the wind mixed with blood before he nipped at her ear again. “Here, follow me.” He cooed softly, following the trail towards the half-eaten deer carcass. It was not as good as fresh kill, but beggars could not be choosers and they were both too tired to bother trying to find a proper hunt.

Cyrrith is travelling with Vesemera and as such she has a right to enter any of his threads regardless of whether or not they are marked private
Played by Shannon who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank

there is no sweeter

innocence than our gentle sin

Mera saw that look in his eyes, one that was ever so familiar to her. He had always been more of the silent brooding type but she seemed to have the ability to make him open up more. Not only that but she made him laugh. She brought his guard down. She was also fairly certain that she was the only one who could get away with sassing him as she did. She snorted at his words, shaking her head and nipping lightly at his ear. Little shit. "Well you did that. Could've been a little more dramatic though." She fell so naturally into the teasing that it seemed almost like the last year had never happened.

The black wolf patiently waited as he completed his inspection of her, accepting little moments of affection along the way. Something she had sorely missed. She whined softly in relief as he again reassured her that he was here. Yes, yes he was and for that she was ever grateful. Finally she could stop running so hard. She could relax a little, knowing that he would be at her side. She huffed at his statement, smirking a little. "Glad I could keep you entertained." As he moved, she caught smell of the herbs pressed against his ribcage and whined with concern, gently sniffing at the area. "You're hurt. What happened? Are you okay?" Instantly her guard was back up out of fear, worry, and concern.

Mera snarled playfully at his question and nipped lightly at his shoulder. "How rude of you. Perhaps I ought to disappear again." A shiver ran down the black wolf's spine as he cooed at her. Fuck she'd missed him. She followed him, her head remaining even with his midsection as they found the carcass. It would be enough for the two of them though it wasn't as good as something fresh. Her stomach rumbled as the smell of meat grew strong. She nudged him to make sure he ate too before moving forward. Her teeth sank into the meat and blood stained her fur. Yes, she'd needed this.

Played by Tasha who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyrrith Morhen

He was glad to see that the year on the run had not changed her too much. He was not certain that he would appreciate her charm as much had it changed so drastically in her fear-driven solitude. He felt guilty it had happened on his behalf, that his people had turned on her like that… he still did not fully understand what they saw, or why they distrusted her so. They did not have to worry about that. He was certain he had lost them. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes at her comment despite her charm. “Never good enough for you, eh?” He offered back softly, the amusement inflected with the sheer relief.

She was the only one who could bring him out of his shell just as she was the only one who could bring this many words from his lips as well… it did not last for long, not until she questioned him. He did not answer, simply offering a grunt meant to brush the topic off before she playfully snarled at him. “Don’t you dare. You had a few days head start last time but you will not be so lucky this time. You’re stuck with me now, Mera.” He shot back as he nipped at her shoulder. He noted the way that she stayed leveled with his midsection and once more rolled his eyes in an exasperated matter.

“I’m fine, Vese.” He assured her finally as he settled down, watching as she took a bite. “A scuffle with a temperamental demon on the mountain. She got a lucky hit in.” He explained before taking his own bite. He had cared for his wound, but it would take time to fully heal. It was nothing for her to worry about.

Cyrrith is travelling with Vesemera and as such she has a right to enter any of his threads regardless of whether or not they are marked private