Archer watched the nasty smelling plants being rubbed into his brother's fur and as much as he hated the stench, he wished he'd had the idea first and talked Eros into it. It was exactly the sort of thing he'd get his gullible older littermate into.
He should have expected it, really, knowing his brother's heart of good intentions. Archer yelped when Eros came at him, dancing to the side and tumbling away to avoid being anointed as well. "Stay off!" he shouted, scrambling around Clover's legs to use her as a shield - while keeping an eye on her front paws, in case she decided to take Eros's side. He'd somehow managed to avoid the sneak attack; he didn't want to get ganged up on. "I don't want to be stinky!" he said, fur fluffed up and ruffled as he stared at his brother between Clover's legs.
Archer is very haggard and thin; it is obvious he is not doing well.