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things are happening — Fool's Gold Chasm 
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Played by Ghost who has 143 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marrah Macieo-Tainn
RE: Fools Gold Chasm, freezing rain has been falling and has turned your usual meeting area into an ice rink! AW to FGC members! But hoping for at least 2 others to join Marrah
Mid-afternoon, Partly cloudy, -19C/-2F

I’m Done Putting Out The Fires You Start

It seemed like it was always raining in the chasm, and while Marrah was growing out of her fear of all rain, she still didn’t like it. Yesterday's rain though….it was different. The child had gotten used to snow and liked it much better, but yesterday it was raining despite how cold it was, and left everything coated with ice. The plump child who was now big enough to be mistaken for an adult, had been enamored by the sight.

All throughout the territory she wandered, mouth agape as she took in everything. The way that the evergreen tree needles shone in the sun, every branch and berry encased in a gentle layer of ice. It was beautiful! Who knew that rain could bring out something so wonderful?

Marrah had been heading back to the meeting area to try to find one of her siblings to show them a spider web she had found full of ice drops, when she suddenly slipped. Dark paws searched for purpose fruitlessly, and legs flailed beneath her as she leaned to and fro. At the last second before the Macieo-Tainn hit the ground, she righted herself. Panting in exertion she carefully stepped a paw forward, toes splayed out, and then inched herself forward. This was going to take forever to cross safely.

When The Cranberry Vodkas Hit A Little Too Hard

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
Woya was equally thrilled by the ice that had covered their home, though for a different reason. She paid no mind to the trinkets preserved above her head, instead putting all her focus on the ground and gliding acrobatically across it. A skating rink right at their front door, how perfect could that be?

Some sort of scuttling noise sounded form the opposite end of the glazed area, and Woya leaned into a turn that brought her facing the sight of her poor niece struggling for purchase. It earned a soft chuckle from her, and she started forward to make her way to the pup.

"Having fun?" she called out with a wry smile.
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 287 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enera Rayvne
Note to self: after the lynx hunting thread, before the snowstorm thread

had a dream so big and loud


Enera didn't mind the rain so much as her sister-friend, but she very much did not like the snow. When it had rained the previous night it seemed the two had conspired against her, combining the sopping wet and freezing cold into one miserable storm. This morning, it was worse: the very ground refused to hold her. After a long bumbling attempt to cross once familiar ground, Enera had retreated into the den to wait out the day in boredom.

It was later when she heard scrambling, and then a voice outside. Curious, the young Rayvne girl poked her head outside and saw Marrah struggling to keep her feet. "Careful!" Enera shouted, not wanting her friend to end up with a bruised rear-end too. She didn't notice the Scary Lady until she was already most of the way out of the den, and of course Enera's front paws slid out from under her and she landed hard on her chin, teeth clicking together on the end of her tongue.

Played by Ghost who has 143 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marrah Macieo-Tainn

I’m Done Putting Out The Fires You Start

Marrah had been concentrating so hard on getting across the ice rink safely that she had not even noticed Auntie Woya on the other end. Perking up at the familiar voice, her mouth fell agape at the way the small woman glided, she was beautiful!. Tail waved behind her ecstatically as she called out, ”Auntie Woya! How do you do that?!” She wasn’t slipping at all! In fact she looked like she was moving even faster than normal, it looked fun.

Marrah gave herself another timid little creep forward to try to meet her Aunt when Enera’s shout distracted her. Turning quickly, she almost lost her balance again, but somehow managed to keep herself upright after her paws scrabbled wildly to stay underneath her for a second or two. Her sister was not so lucky, and the Macieo-Tainn could hear the way her teeth clicked together all the way from across the ice.

Wincing, Marrah gasped a little, ”Enera are you okay!?” Maybe she should have been a little bit more worried about being careful herself instead of yelling, she was even worse at ice moving than Marrah was.

When The Cranberry Vodkas Hit A Little Too Hard

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
"Practice!" she answered her niece with a wide grin, before her attention turned toward the sound of Enera's approach.

Even Woya flinched at the fall the young girl took, ears splaying back against a hunched nape. Ouch, that definitely had to hurt. The woman promptly skated over to the child, checking swiftly that she hadn't managed to bite a chunk of tongue off or lose a tooth. When it was assessed that she would ultimately be okay, there was only one thing to do.

Woya nosed the girl's side, prompting her to get back on her paws. She'd give her support with her muzzle if needed, but once she was standing she'd take a step back.

"Walk it off En, you can do it."

The only way to get past pain was to not think about it and get yourself busy doing something else, in her experience. Avoiding the ice wouldn't really do, either - it was best if they simply kept trying, so that they could get better at it and not have to worry about such nasty falls.

"Come slip with us!"
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 287 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enera Rayvne
had a dream so big and loud


Enera's eyes were watering fiercely, her tongue throbbing. She could taste her own blood, but Woya, who'd skated over upon the girl's fall, seemed satisfied that she'd be okay. The young Rayvne girl flicked her tongue a few times, blinking rapidly to clear her vision, and trying to ignore the paid beginning to bloom in her chin. The Scary Lady was nudging her side, helping Enera back to her feet. She supported the pup until she regained her balance before backing up.

Marrah's concerned voice drifted over to her and Enera nodded, still fighting back the tears. It hadn't hurt that bad; she was fine. She sniffed and looked up at Woya as she encouraged her to join them. The girl took a tentative step forward and flailed, but managed to keep her balance. "How do I not fall?" she asked, half a complaint. Falling on the ice was not fun and she already had enough bruises.

Played by Ghost who has 143 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marrah Macieo-Tainn

I’m Done Putting Out The Fires You Start

Marrah was not so sure that practice was the answer after seeing Enera fall down and hurt herself, but she was willing to trust her aunt. Amber eyes watched closely as Woya slipped over to her peer, analyzing every movement as if that could help her. She made it seem so easy, so graceful, and the Maceio-Tainn wanted to do that so badly, she also wanted to be graceful like her aunt.

So while Woya was coaching Enere back to her paws, Marrah was silently psyching herself up, taking a few deep breaths and trying to steel her nerves. By The time the words were said come slip with us she was ready. Pushing herself forward with her back paws, she felt her knees tremble beneath her and she thought for a moment she would go face first into the ice.

But she didn’t.

Marrah certainly did not get very far, or go very fast, but she didn’t fall! Yipping in excitement she cried, ”Auntie Woya! I did it! Did you see!?” She pushed forward again, a little bolder this time and went a foot or two forward, giggling while she did it.

When The Cranberry Vodkas Hit A Little Too Hard

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
Enera did as she was told, even as tears of pain were clearly threatening to bloom. Woya's smile grew even more sympathetic, culminating as the girl pitifully asked how do I not fall?

"Yer gonna fall, hun," she spoke honestly, "so y'gotta make sure you do it safely. Be slow and careful and ready to hit the ground, and it won't hurt."

Marrah's voice lifted, once concerned but now gleeful, and Woya turned her head to see her niece kick off again, skidding a little ways without apparent fear.

"That's my girl!" she whooped happily, indeed proud of the young wolf.

"You're a natural!"

Woya would then turn back to Enera expectantly - your turn to try!
(This post was last modified: Feb 11, 2022, 03:26 AM by Woya.)
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 287 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enera Rayvne
had a dream so big and loud


The Scary Lady wasn't being so scary today, Enera decided, watching as the pale woman's expression grew ever more sympathetic at the pup's hurt. She explained that she was going to fall and Enera's heart sank. She wasn't sure how she could anticipate it and keep it from hurting, but before she could ask Marrah was exclaiming in excitement and the Rayvne girl looked up in time to see her friend sliding across the ice.

And then it was her turn, which was evident by the expectant look Woya was now giving her. Swallowing hard, Enera steadied herself, and then pushed off with her back legs like she'd seen Marrah do. Her front feet tried to go in opposite directions and Enera scrambled for a moment, struggling to keep her paws under her, until she found a good balance and locked her legs in place. She slid forward, nearing Marrah but thankfully slowing to a stop before crashing into her. The pale child looked up excitedly, tail wagging fiercely behind her - and then her back feet slipped and she sad down hard. "Ouch," she said with a wince, but managed to stand back up with minimal sliding. "Like that?" she asked hopefully, wanting the same praise her friend had just received.

Played by Ghost who has 143 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marrah Macieo-Tainn

I’m Done Putting Out The Fires You Start

Marrah was equally pleased with the praise that she received from her aunt as she was with Enera getting back onto her paws. She watched with wide eyes, full of anticipation as her lighter friend wobbled a little but ultimately stayed upright. The Maceio-Tainn had congratulatory woops on the edge of her lips when suddenly Enera was back down on the ice.

She pushed off, with more power than she had either of her other practice rounds. The good news was she was seemingly getting the hand of the balance, the bad news was she had no idea how to stop. She wanted to get close and help Enera, but she was coming in fast, directly towards her friend who was trying to stand.

Abandoning ship she flopped herself dramatically onto her side, spinning in circles dramatically as she continued to slip across the ice. Thankfully she missed Enera by a few inches, and Marrah burst into giggles, this was making her a little dizzy. Finally slowing down and coming to a stop, the world spun around her and she just laughed even harder. Rolling over so her belly was back under her she called out, ”Enera try a spinner! It’s fun!” And dizzying, but mostly fun.

When The Cranberry Vodkas Hit A Little Too Hard