But I put it out of my mind Long enough to call it courage To live without a lifeline
There had been a lot on her mind with Kateri’s recovery lately. She loved her daughter, but the time of year was fast approaching that made her look ahead and wonder… she did not admit it was on her mind, not even to Nash… at least not yet. Aquene was seeking him out, having just given Kateri medicine to help with her recovery and help her settle down for sleep, hoping she would not get wandering paws and wander without Aquene’s watchful eye.
She sought out her love, chocolate gaze eagerly looking for the ebony form she associated with safety, happiness, and solidarity. He had been her rock over the past month, and she felt she had never properly thanked him. She also knew he didn’t expect a thank you… but it was something she wanted to give him anyway. Besides, they had much to talk about, topics they had not had the time to discuss due to the panic and flurry of activity that Kateri’s disappearance had created. It was a conversation she could not put off any longer. She follow his scent, her voice calling out for him. “Nash?” She knew she was close to him. She recalled Chan’s worries as well.
It appeared they both had quite a bit to talk about and confide in one another with… she wanted to help. It was time for him to let her be his rock as well.