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Life + lemons = lemonade — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Kai who has 286 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sharlee Valle

She could feel that spring was finally on its way. It was a relief for the Valle woman. She'd grown tired of the snow and cold just as she did every year. It was time for the prey to return and the flowers to come out. She also missed seeing the blue sky. Maybe once spring had returned she wouldn't have to travel so far from home just to find food for the pack. Just like she was doing right at that very moment.

Sharlee had gotten up early that morning to go on a hunt. She'd hoped to be successful but so far she'd been rather unlucky.

The Valle woman eventually decided to give up on hunting for the day. Instead she set about exploring more of the Wildwood. It had been sometime since she'd spent any real time there.
Played by Tasha who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyrrith Morhen

Cyrrith had remained sure footed and planted in the Wildwood, occasionally expanding to explore other territories… it was that which brought him slightly north and west, exploring the lands. He had caught scent of a pack but had done his best to steer well clear of the borders. He was not interested in a confrontation with such a lack of resources already to both keep Mera safe and make sure they both remained fed.

He had reached the edge, where the Wildwood met the Creek’s surroundings and his nose twitched as the scent of a pack wolf grew strong. A harsh gaze floated over his surroundings and then he was turning to quickly trot away. He did not wish to start a conflict, and he feared one might occur if the pack was not as friendly as he hoped.

Cyrrith is travelling with Vesemera and as such she has a right to enter any of his threads regardless of whether or not they are marked private
Played by Kai who has 286 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sharlee Valle
Her explorations had taken her through the wildwood. She wasn't too surprised when she didn't find anything new. The trees looked the same and the creek and the bushes. It was all rather boring. Though she did try to re.ember what it would look like once the spring weather returned. It felt like it had been so long since she seen it at that time of year. She supposed the winter had a way of making one feel like that.

She continued on until it hit her, the scent of another wolf. She didn't know this scent so she hurried forward amd was just in time to see his retreating frame. "Wait, you don't have to go," she called after him. She hoped that might get him to come back and talk with her for a bit. She felt like meeting someone new was better than anything the wildwood could provide.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
Fresh tracks show an injured deer has recently passed by. Hunt opportunity! +10 Health