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I hope we can still be friends — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Oksana is Challenging @Aquene for her rank.

This was the part that she'd dreaded when Aleister had asked her to lead beside him. It was going to Aquene and asking for her rank. While Oksana didn't believe Aquene would want to fight since she didn't seem like the type it was always a possibility in a rank challenge. The last thing she wanted to do was damage the relationship she'd started to forge with the Shaman.

The crow found herself outside of the medical den once more. This time was different and she was actually nervous. Taking a deep breath she called into the den, "Aquene, are you in there? Can we talk?" Then she sat back on her haunches to wait for an answer.
Played by Tasha who has 373 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Aquene Slayer
For staff: Aquene will relinquish her title

The woman had been hard at work just as she always was. She started to feel the subtle shifts in her body, the nausea and lack of appetite hinting to her that her efforts had taken. She and Nash were to become parents to a litter of their own. Soon, she would need to sit her daughter down and explain to her what that meant… oh, how their family dynamics were so complicated.

She heard the familiar voice of the Crow calling to her and she smiled softly, offering a soft response back in the form of a light woof as she finished setting something she was moving down. She slowly made her way outside of the den. It was a busy time of year, replacing everything that was in worse for wear shape due to the winter. “Of course, Oksana. What is bothering you?” She worried it might be the pain again as the season started to change and it started to grow warmer, but she waited for the woman to confess why she was there.

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Oksana waited patiently outside the medical den after calling for Aquene. There were so many things running through her mind. Mostly she hoped that this went well between them. Her patience was rewarded by a quiet woof from within. Good the Shaman was inside and from experience Oksana knew she'd be out soon. She shifted her weight on her paws nervously in anticipation for what she needed to speak to the other woman about.

When Aquene appeared in the mouth of the den she offered a small smile. "Thank you for speaking to me," she offered at the woman's words. "I have something to ask of you and I don't want it to affect things between us," she started but then felt she needed to get to the point. "I don't know if you know that Aleister and I became mates and well he's asked me to co-lead with him," she explained. Then then she took a deep breath, she hadn't ever done anything like this. "I've come to ask for your rank," she stated looking the woman in her eyes.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Tasha who has 373 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Aquene Slayer

She was immediately thanking her and Aquene’s eyes softened. “Of course, I always have time.” She assured her. She would always make time. Her smile faltered for a moment but then softened back into the normal grin when she discussed how she had become Aleister’s mate. “I knew he had taken to you… I am glad he finally spoke to you about it.” She offered, because Aleister had been so clueless and simply hadn’t confessed his feelings.

Still, she became more serious, but kept her friendly demeanor all the same as she spoke. “Do you love him? Do you promise to stand by him, no matter what? He’s had his heart broken once, and he is a dear friend. I do not want to see him hurt again.” She asked the woman, her head tilting to the side. “If the answer is yes, that you will do good by him like I know he will do by you… then yes, you may have my rank and rise to lead with him. If the answer is yes, I’d be honored to call you my leader.”

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Oksana smiled when Aquene told her she'd always have time to talk. "You know that I'm always available to you too?" She offered because it just wasn't fair for Aquene to always listen to her and she not reciprocate. Oksana started with telling the Shaman that she and Aleister had become mates. It had seemed the most logical place to start. It seemed that he'd spoken to Aquene before the conversation that had led to their union. Oksana wasn't upset at all by this, maybe it had been what had given him the courage. Oksana did smile though, "Yes, he finally did. It would seem he hadn't quite gotten my hint. We worked it out though." It had actually all been really sweet.

Then came the part Oksana had been dreading, where she asked Aquene for her rank. She waited almost with bated breath for the shamans response and it was certainly not what she expected at all. "Yes, Aquene, I love him more than I can express to you. There isn't nothing to worry about. As I have promised him I will promise you that I will stand at his side and help him through the hard times. I know he's been through a lot and I want to ensure that he never has to endure that again." It had been easy to say all of that to the Shaman because she'd told Aleister and she had meant every single word. Then Aquene spoke the words she'd been hoping to hear. "Thank you Aquene this means so much I will do right by him and I'm proud to have you as my packmate. Mostly I'm glad that Aleister has you too. I have a promise to ask of you?"
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Tasha who has 373 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Aquene Slayer

Aquene offered a friendly smile to her in response and nodded. “Yes, I know. You are family, and family can always rely on one another.” She was family in more ways than one… one, in the way that she would now be a step-mother to Kateri, in the way that Lachesis was much of a father to her and how the man had been instrumental in the Slayer woman’s own shaping. They were intrinsically linked, and Aquene knew she could lean on her for anything. She chuckled softly and nodded. “I figured as much. He can be oblivious at times. The entire male population can be.” She recalled when she’d had the same conversation with her own mate.

Still, she gave Aquene exactly what she was looking for. There was a promise, a promise that she would always be there and that she would love him wholly in the good times and the bad. With that, Aquene smiled and bowed her head in respect, her tail tucking to show her submission. “You will make a wonderful leader, Oksana.” She offered with a soft smile as the woman thanked her. “Thank you, for being loyal and being a good friend.” She offered back in response before her ears perked at the mention of another promise. “Of course, what is it?” She would happily oblige within reason of course.

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Oksana smiled widely as Aquene expressed the same sentiments that she felt. "You are my family too Aquene. I'm so glad to have found you." They may not be blood or even have the same last name but that didn't matter. Having the kinship she felt with Aquene was like finding a long lost sister she never knew she'd had. Oksana laughed when the Shaman spoke of her husband and the male population. "Yes, they really can be quite oblivious. His face when he realized that I'd been talking about him the whole time. I'll never forget it the rest of my days." It had been priceless and she was glad that she could have been there to witness it. She loved Lee all the more for it.

Oksana happily promised what Aquene had asked of her. It was an easy promise to make for the crow. She didn't even know if there were words to really describe how much Lee meant to her. It was a strange feeling to have another wolf their head in respect to her. She supposed she'd have to get used to it some day though. She smiled at the Shaman and dipped her head back. "Thank you for your faith in me Aquene and I promise to do my best for this pack." She wanted nothing but the best for the wolves of the cove. Oksana felt that together she and Aleister could do that. "You're welcome and thank you too. It's an honor to know you and have you here in the pack with us." She was glad that she'd met the Aquene amd that she remained in the pack helping and being there for each of them when they needed it. Oksana did have a promise of her own to ask and it was important. She couldn't think of anyone better to ask this of. "You and I both know how unforgiving the lore can be. I know I promised that I wouldn't ever leave Aleister but in case something happens to me…something beyond my control will you look after him? Make sure he's okay for the pack and the children? All of them, the ones he has now and the ones we may have in the future."

It was hard to ask this of Aquene but Oksana needed to know that if something were to keep her from her husband that he would be looked after. She didn't want him to fall into the despair that she'd was sure he would if she were gone.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Tasha who has 373 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Aquene Slayer

She smiled softly at the other woman’s warm words. They were family. Blood mattered little in her experience. Apart from her siblings and her father, she had no blood family left. What mattered to her was the connections that she had made along the way. The blood of the covenant was thicker than the water of the womb in many ways, and the Cove was the perfect example of such a philosophy with their close bonds. She could not help but chuckle and nod. “Yes, that sounds quite right…” She offered. “I almost wish that I had been there to witness it… though I imagine it was likely similar to Nash’s face when he learned of my feelings for him.” It felt like all men were often the same.

Still, the subject moved to one that the healer personally found to be more somber. Her eyes softened at the statements and the questions that she asked. It was something the Slayer woman felt was not even necessary to ask. She quickly offered a nod, taking a step forward before settling down, closing some of the distance between them for what felt like a more intimate moment. “I promise… though the way you’re talking about it makes me nervous. Nothing is going to happen to you. You and Aleister will have a long and happy life together.” She would not be cursed as Aquene’s mother had and she would live to know all of her children. “I will look after him, and the children, all that currently live and the ones that you will have in the future.” She used the absolutes, because she had little doubt that it would happen.

She would look after him for Oksana, but also simply because he was her friend. She knew the pain of loss, and she had experienced it before. She knew the toll it could take and she would not let him destruct from it, even if he so desperately wanted to.

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
There were times that Oksana couldn't believe how lucky she was to have found the cove. The wolves in it had become her family and Aquene had a special place. The love she had for all of the wolves in the cove was strong and it would help her to be the best leader she could be. As they spoke of their husband's Oksana was glad she had another woman to talk to. "I bet it was just as comical. Funny how they both had the same reactions," she said chuckling a little. Men could be so oblivious sometimes.

It wasn't easy for the crow to ask Aquene to take care of Aleister should anything happen to her. It was necessary in Oksana's mind because she knew how easily loved ones could be taken away. She hadn't even known her grandfather amd her grandmother had been killed. Her father and aunt left and even though she planned to be at Aleister's side until her dying day life didn't always follow the plan that was laid out. "Thank you Aquene and I'm sorry to make you nervous. It's just I will feel better knowing he and my children will be taken care of." Oksana no longer had just herself to worry about and she felt that deeply. She knew what her loss could do to her husband. She needed to ensure that there was someone there to look after her family if she wasn't able to any longer. "Thank you Aquene. Your promise truly sets my mind at ease," she said before closing the final distance between them and embracing the woman that had become her family.

Oksana felt a sense of relief in all that had taken place while talking with Aquene. The nerves she felt before had dissipated and all that was left was an appreciation for the wolf before her.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Tasha who has 373 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Aquene Slayer

Comical. That was certainly one way to describe it, really. “It is… I guess it speaks to the male species, right?” She teased lightly with a wink. She loved Nash dearly, Aleister too in a much different way… but they were men and that meant that sometimes feminine intrigue confused them it would seem… at least, in her professional opinion.

She thanked her and the healer simply offered a soft shake of her head. “There is no need to thank me. This pack is family, and I will always look out for family. If our paws were reversed, and something happened to me… I know you’d look out for Nash and Kateri.” And the kids they would have in the coming spring, though she left that thought to herself for now. She didn’t want to count her eggs before they hatched and no litter was ever guaranteed good results, as she had learned with the loss of poor Peyter.

Her smile only grew and she stepped forward to offer a friendly nuzzle to her leader. “No need to thank me… you and Aleister deserve the world and happiness, and I am more than happy to help however I can to give you just that.” She decided in that moment to change the topic a bit. “How has your leg been feeling? If you expect cubs this spring, we may have to modify your regiment while you are pregnant.”

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]