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Fluorescent Adolescent — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Sunshine who has 59 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Kaeruka's come to live amongst the willows - @Avella @Scully : Takes place after this thread

A salmon tongue lolled out the side of Ruka's agape jaws as slender limbs carried her lithe form across the snowy landscape, the drooping boughs of the willow forest rapidly approaching with each stride. Stealing a glance over tawny shoulders, the sight of her silvered pursuer hot on her trail had her heart fluttering and a series of bubbly giggles filling the air. Oh yeah, she was most definitely about to win this race.

It wasn't until the first few low-hanging branches began to gracefully run their leafy tendrils along her spine that her speed dropped, nails digging into the softened earth to bring herself to a screeching halt. Just before her lay the invisible line that separated those that belonged to the Ridge from those considered outsiders, her gaze shifting once more to find the familiar face of her companion while her sides heaved in an attempt to catch her breath from running earlier.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
Scully's laughter ran away with the wind as he came in at a close second, slowing to a stop at her side. He took only a moment to catch his breath before tipping back his hefty skull to send out a song. It beckoned Avella for her blessing, though he did not anticipate her declining Kaeruka's addition to their pack. She was a gracious presence in her own right, and beyond that he knew that his word carried weight when it came to his sibling. In his mind, the woman was practically already a member. Still, there was an order to these things.

His breathing was mildly labored by the attempt to overcome Ruka's speed, but he rekindled the conversation regardless.

"So, I'm gonna be an uncle this year," he decided on, waggling his brows at his companion. It would be a completely new experience for him, and it'd probably be good for her to know that her new leader was set on having tiny mouths to feed come Spring.

"You got family you keep in touch with?"
(This post was last modified: Mar 20, 2022, 10:56 PM by Scully.)
Played by Kai who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Avella Archer
The masked woman lay resting in one of her favorite places in the Willows. Under the tree next to the creek. She had a lot of fond memories of that place. She liked to go there to think when it was necessary or to just rest as she watched the water trickle by. It wasn't doing much of that just then but the spot was peaceful all the same. The new leader was taking a few moments out for herself finding it a necessity now that she was leading a pack.

Her eyes opened when she heard her brothers summons. She thought this odd since he rarely called for her. Immediately her mind went to something bad had happened. She was in her feet in a heartbeat and running through the Willow trees to answer her call. She only slowed when she was closer. She caught her brothers scent along with a womans.. As she came closer she saw the two of them at the border, she was glad to see that Scully was okay but her curiosity was even more piqued. As she approached the two she was the picture of leadership, "Another friend?" She asked her brother with a slight tilt of her head.
Played by Sunshine who has 59 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
A grin plastered itself upon the woman's facial features as her victory was soon solidified, tawny tail swaying smoothly at her heels until the depths of Scully's howl rang out beckoning the Ridge's matriarch to their doorstep. Charcoal dusted audits swiveled forward in anticipation, her grin faltering only slightly as the nerves began to creep in. It had been quite some time since the lone female had delved into such foreign policies. Would they even like her, or her like them? What if...

Such minuscule worries were brushed away as the silvered Archer rekindled their conversation from before, casually mentioning the prospect of pups this spring which earned him the title of Uncle. Probing the woman a bit in regards to her own background. At this, her tail waved faster and her grin returned, her mind conjuring up the mental picture of little ones tumbling all over him in attempts to nip at exposed ears and tail. "I think you're going to make an excellent uncle." Ruka confessed, allowing a brief moment of silence to pass between them.

The tawny woman gave her head a small shake, her inky lips marred with the small drop to her grin. "Unfortunately no. It's been just myself out there in the world as of late. Although, I do have siblings. Two brothers and a sister." Where and what said siblings were up to now she couldn't speak upon for last she knew they had remained in their natal home. Fortunately for Ruka, though, she hadn't needed to dwell on the thought long before a new presence entered the scene.

The approaching figure wordlessly spoke of grace and leadership with each stride that closed the distance between them, adopting a more submissive posture.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
You smell the remains of an elk nearby. Enjoy your feast! +10 Health
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
I think you're going to make an excellent uncle.

His mouth ticked upward with appreciation, but he couldn't stop the thoughts in his head from echoing we'll see about that in return. As confident as he might act, Scully was a messy tangle of self-doubt.

Unfortunately no. It's been just myself out there in the world as of late.

The expression abated. He wanted to know more, but it was clear as cloud cover over the sun that the topic wasn't effortless. He'd want to tread with care, in case there were mines hidden beneath the metaphorical ground of such a conversation. Avella's appearance provided a distraction. Ruka's posture shifted to show respect.

Another friend?

Scully's grin lit his face once again, and he nodded.

"This is Kaeruka. I believe she'd make a fine addition to the pack. Ruka, my sister Avella."

His words ended there and his gaze slid back to Ruka's features - after all, he intended on giving his recommendation, not speaking in her place.
(This post was last modified: Mar 21, 2022, 03:20 AM by Scully.)
Played by Kai who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Avella Archer
Scully had brought home yet another female, Avella wasn't surprised. He seemed to have a way with the ladies. Though she supposed the same could be said about herself where men were concerned. She'd brought just as many as Scully.

The masked Archer was certainly willing to meet this woman and talk with her. Scully's words sure piqued her interest since she wasnt sure he'd said so much about Nightingale when she'd showed up.

"Its nice to meet you Kaeruka," she said her tone friendly, "Why does my brother thunk you'd make a fine addition to the pack?" She asked using Scully's words.

Since her brother wasn't being very forthcoming in that regard she felt she should ask Kaeruka. After all she was rather curious and she needed to know what the newcomer could bring to the pack. How she could help them become successful and help them to reach their goals.
Played by Sunshine who has 59 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
There was a sense of amusement that momentarily glimmered in the woman's eyes, why though the tawny woman's couldn't be sure. It was Scully, though, that broke the silence first by partaking in the introductions on behalf of both herself and his sister. Avella he admitted. The name was safely tucked into her storage of important details as her head gave a small bow, tail swaying idly at her heels in good nature. "A pleasure to meet you as well, Avella."

And then the inquiries began.

Why does my brother think you'd make a fine addition to the pack?

Ruka froze for a moment, her brain scattering about for a good enough answer that didn't come off too lame, nor too formal either. A fine combination of the two would suffice right? Glancing over to catch the comforting icy gaze of her companion did much to steele the woman's resolve before shifting her attention back to the woman ahead of her. "Scully has made it known there are plans to raise pups this spring. That isn't an easy tasks and surely an extra pair of paws to help out would be nice." Kaeruka started out, letting Avella mull over her words before continuing on.

"Plus I'm ready to call somewhere home again and I believe this place could be it." Another pause. "If you'll allow me the honor."
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
Scully remained at ease as the conversation shifted away from him, onto sister and friend alone. He didn't doubt Ruka's ability to be persuasive nor Avella's perceptiveness. As such, he felt particularly confident that this would go their way and prove a benefit to the three of them. Even if Kaeruka's stay ended up being short, he had faith she would pull her weight during that time all the same.

Most offered their services as protection or hunters, in Scully's own experience, and so he was mildly surprised when she focused on the children to come. His silver eyes slid back onto Avella, awaiting her response.
Played by Kai who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Avella Archer
Avella was observant of the woman that her brother had brought to the pack. She took note of the polite dip of her head and the wa h she spoke. Expressing her pleasure to have met as well. These were all good steps but Avella wanted to know how she would benefit the pack. While dje wanted to provide a place for all wolves to come and seek shelter she also couldn't afford freeloaders this early in the packs existence. So she waited to hear what Kaeruka's answer would be.

When the woman spoke it was obvious her brother had mentioned her desire to have a litter that spring. Avella's mismatched gaze shifted to Scully for a moment before going back to Kaeruka. She supposed it wasn't much of a secret considering her announcement not that long ago. "It is true I am hoping to have pups this spring." Avella also knew that due to her current circumstances there wasn't a certainty that she would have them no matter how badly she might want them. "An extra paw would be helpful." She said thoughtfully, "Do you have experience caring for pups?"

The next reason that Kaeruka gave was a little more intriguing to the alpha. "I am more than happy to give you a home however I have a few rules you must follow. If you think that you can follow them we can discuss them."