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train wreck[m] — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Arya who has 16 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Seiche Archer-Lyall

She hated this time of year. The heat, the moods, all of it. But, this was the first time she witnessed it first hand and no matter what she did, the urge to get rid of that itch never subsided. Now, she understood the moods and the chaos that would sometimes ensue with this time of year and Seiche couldn't handle it anymore. The sea witch waved her banner high as she walked along the mountainside, letting her scent led a trail for anyone willingly to give her what she wanted. Perhaps, she could finally get rid of this stench and be on her way home.

(This post was last modified: Mar 29, 2022, 09:42 PM by Seiche.)
Played by Tasha who has 47 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camden Elliot

Camden loved this time of year, though he knew that it was rapidly coming to a close. He hummed softly to himself as he crept haphazardly through the mountains. He was excited when a scent crossed his maw once more. He loved the chase; he thrived on it even. He crept as quietly as he could, only letting out a soft woof in her direction in greeting. She was stunning, a nice mix of silver, black, and grey. A nice form and figure too, petite compared to him which he could appreciate as well.

He wasn’t vain, nor was he picky, but looks did certainly help. He cleared his throat as he greeted her. “Hello, Mon Cher. What’s a pretty little thing like you doing out here?” He asked, a soft coo as her scent dragged him on and allured.

sorry baby girl but i can't tonight

Played by Arya who has 16 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Seiche Archer-Lyall

It didn't take long for someone to find her trail as she traversed the rocky terrain, his soft call the only indication he had followed her. Sapphire eyes regarded him coldly though beneath her skin a fire burned. His large, sturdy frame were pleasing as well as his stark green gaze. Pointing her chin high, the smaller female turned to approach him as he greeted her properly, his own accent tugging her attention. A snort left her nostrils as she prowled up to the male, her sharp gaze pinning themselves upon him.

"Lookin' fer some fun it seems," she drawled as she stopped a few feet from the male. Seiche wasn't in a picky mood, but at least he was easy on the eyes. "I think ye'll do," And she was sure she'd never cross paths with him again. He was simply a means to an end.

Played by Tasha who has 47 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camden Elliot

She seemed to keep her chin high and he could appreciate the tenacity. He smirked at her steady drawl as she approached. Normally it was his line, looking for some fun, making the first approach. He was not upset as she so easily picked him up as a man of interest to her. He moved forward, looking her up and down as he offered a slight side profile of himself. “Is that so? And what if I haven’t decided if you’ll do, Cher?” He couldn’t help but ask.

It was just a hint of a tease, and then he started to back pedal. “Got a name, lovely?” He asked as his green eyes settled on hers. He wanted a name to remember in case a child came knocking asking for child support one day. “My name’s Camden, but my friends call me Cam.” The party line fell easily from his lips just as it had many times during this very successful season. He cared little about being used for their own nefarious purposes.

sorry baby girl but i can't tonight

Played by Arya who has 16 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Seiche Archer-Lyall

"Then ye wouldn't be here, now would ye?" She retorted coldly with a smirk in his direction as his forest eyes looked her up and down while giving her a fuller view of him. Her sapphire gaze regarded him as her own eyes lingered on his frame before lifting them back to his gaze when he asked for a name.

"Dove," she lied as she let an innocent smile play upon her ebony lips. No way in hell was she telling this guy her real name, Seiche was no fool even if she would most likely never see him again. Plus, if he ended up making it to the sea, no family member of hers would be caught dead with that name. He then told her his name and his nickname for his friends.

"Well I hope we can perhaps be friends, eh, Cam?"

Played by Tasha who has 47 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camden Elliot

The question raised a good point and he raised a brow. “You wound me. Perhaps I simply wanted to ensure your safety from dangerous men who might be lurking about.” He offered back though it was clear that he was just playing a game right now.

Dove. It was an interesting name, and one he did not find to be terribly fitting to the woman in front of him. He paid it no mind, however. She was the one who had to live with her name, not him. He planned to never see her again after this. He dared to take a few steps closer if it would be allowed, aiming to nip playfully at her shoulder. “I hope the same, Dove… one can never have too many friends.” It was all a game and they had both come to play.

sorry baby girl but i can't tonight

Played by Arya who has 16 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Seiche Archer-Lyall

His words reminded her about her cousin and unfortunately his words were true if her cousin was right about the man that he got into a fight with. Though, she would sure give him run for his money if he thought to mess with her. Seiche stayed wary enough and kept her head on a swivel when she was away from her cousin. "Why then I must thank ye fer bein' me protector then, hm?" She retorted with a smirk as she let the seriousness in her mind wash away.

Sapphire eyes watched him carefully as he dared a few more steps closer, her chin still held high as he drew himself to her shoulders. A rumbled rolled into her chest as she moved to draw part of his scruff into her jaws, giving him a tell that she enjoyed things a little rough. "Nay I'd say that's ne'er a bad thin'. Say how many friends do ye have aroun' here?"

(This post was last modified: Mar 29, 2022, 09:31 PM by Seiche.)
Played by Tasha who has 47 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camden Elliot

He couldn’t help but let the soft smile onto his features when she thanked him and he just offered her a wink in response. “The pleasure is all mine, mi’lady.” He offered with an overly dramatic bow of respect to her in the process. There were parts of his statement that were not a lie. Being there might protect her from some more unsavory types. He was looking to get into some trouble with her, but there might be some who wished trouble on her. Really, he saw himself as the lesser of two evils.

She drew part of his scruff into her jaw and he smirked, nipping harsher at her side in response before her question rang out. “Quite a few… would you like to meet them sometime?” Empty promises floated from his tongue like honey. “You seem like you’re looking for a little bit of trouble, Dove…” He trailed off as he aimed to grab at her scruff.

sorry baby girl but i can't tonight

Played by Arya who has 16 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Seiche Archer-Lyall

His dramatics made her smirk grow larger and a small part of her enjoyed the playfulness. Though she was much more comfortable around family to be more her true self, Seiche was okay with being someone else for a night.

"Maybe," she murmured as she moved from his embrace for a moment to trail herself along the length of his profile before stepping behind him to stand back next to him, hip to hip. "If we e'er see each other again..." She said, her sapphire gaze looking to him as the ever-present smirk grew.

"I'm only lookin' fer trouble," the sea witch purred as leaned into his grasp as another rumble rolled through her chest, her banner waving high in invitation.

Played by Tasha who has 47 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camden Elliot

Maybe. It was the lack of the word ‘yes’ that gave him the idea they were on the same page: this was one night only. He could be wholly himself but still a stranger to her. If they were to see each other again. A tryst. He preferred it that way. Emotions or involvement were just… complicated. “If the fates should be so lucky.” He agreed with her statement, his emerald gaze focused on her for only a moment longer.

She was only looking for trouble. A flash of mischief appeared in his eyes. “Then allow me to lead the way, mi’lady. A night of trouble should be so worthy of a song to sing after.” The chivalrous knight for a night had always been his favorite card to play as he accepted her invitation.

sorry baby girl but i can't tonight