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Just a whisper in your ear {m} — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Flywolf who has 346 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Archer Valle
RE: Coho and chum salmon are beginning their migrations. Waterways are seeing higher traffic as predators target the fish. All welcome!

Archer Valle

Now that the 'season' appeared to be over and they'd gotten the news that his ma was pregnant, Archer felt a little less inclined to stick so close to home. He felt back that Eros was in trouble and he was leaving him behind, but the younger Valle boy needed to get out on his own sometimes. He needed some fresh air. Like his brother, he was definitely feeling the angst of teenage-hood creeping up on him. It didn't help that two of his siblings and his age-mate aunt had gone missing, with so many other members of their pack. Out of the six pups born the same time as him, only three of them remained. Thank whatever force was at work in the world that @Eros himself hadn't taken off.

Well, he had, but he'd come home in the end, even though he'd gotten in trouble. Archer didn't know what he'd do if Eros disappeared too; he didn't want to leave his home, but he'd probably have to go looking for his brother. The naive lug would get himself into trouble far away, and then where would he be?

Besides, there was an illness creeping through the Backwater, and Archer wanted to be helpful. He didn't know the growing season of hellbore or yarrow, but he hoped those might help and had decided to set out to find some. If he could, anyway. He just wanted to be doing something, and he wanted to be helpful.

And then there was the water. The backwater, usually so full, was dry. Archer was finding harder and harder to get water. All the puddles were drying up shortly after they formed. He'd taken to licking dew off budding leaves when they were lucky enough to even get dew.

Archer heard a faint flopping noise - a noise that was familiar. He turned and picked up his pace to find a small, mostly-dry creekbed with several fish struggling to get through the extremely limited water. Archer licked his lips. He hadn't had fish in ages, and these looked like they'd be easy picking.

(This post was last modified: May 03, 2022, 08:07 PM by Archer.)

Archer is very haggard and thin; it is obvious he is not doing well.
Played by Nyan who has 56 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rayjiek Nordansk
Needing to clear his head, he decided to walk. Where to? Who the hell knows. Not even Reyjiek knew. Just walk. Walk walk walk. That was all that went through Reyjiek's mind. He was frustrated. He was angry. He wanted to cause chaos. But how could he do that?

He came across a spot he normally would go to get water, only to see that the water was shrinking. Why? He had seen plenty of water. Miles and miles of water. How was it possible that there was no water? This didn't make sense to the Odin Eye. He decided to take a drink when something caught his attention. He saw another, like him, just a ways away up the stream. Looking at flopping fish in the creek. Hmmm chao? Perhaps?

With a bit toothy grin, he started to run towards the other, through the stream, causing a rukus, scaring fish, and getting the already low amounts of water, all over the place. He didn't stop when he got by the other, instead he only splashed more and more, making an effort to drench the other.
Played by Flywolf who has 346 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Archer Valle

Archer Valle

The fish were thick in the water, not unlike the day Da was first trying to teach them how to fish. It hadn't gone well, and Archer still thought back on the moment with great embarrassment. He had to admit it was a little funny, in hindsight, that he'd thought he could go in as deep as Da and catch a fish that big when he'd been so small. This time would be different; there were more fish than was room for them in the drying river. He could just walk up and grab one.

He was taking a step forward to do so when a shape barreled towards him from further down the sorry excuse for a stream. Archer leapt back as the larger wolf began splashing about in what little water there was, treading on fish and scattering them as if he didn't notice they were there. He was grinning as he did so, trying to splash the teen who was staring at him in annoyed confusion. Fish were flopping about the dry now, so while keeping a eye on the maniac flipping about in the water he slunk forward and grabbed one before scooting to what he felt was a respectful distance. He tore into the fish without taking his eyes off the madman. Hopefully he would just leave after not getting much reaction, and Archer could drag home some fish to share with his family.

Archer is very haggard and thin; it is obvious he is not doing well.
Played by Nyan who has 56 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rayjiek Nordansk
Having successfully caused a god damn mess, Reyjiek stopped trudging through the water and saw the other munching on one of the fish. Reyjiek was a little displeased by how the other seemed to not be that affected by what he had just done. He walked back towards the other, still grinning, and grabbed a fish himself. He bit into it hard, and began shaking it around violently, tossing fish guts, scales, and other viscera all over the place. With this fish completely decimated, he did it to yet another fish. He did this just close enough for the other to potentially get some of the fish bits on him. This continued on, him grabbing fish and shredding them, for some time. He was hoping too get a reaction out of the other that seemed to be oh so calmly munching away at a fish.
Played by Flywolf who has 346 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Archer Valle

Archer Valle

Archer eyed the other wolf as he stopped and surveyed the damage he'd done with a satisfied grin, but when he saw the pup his pleased grin seemed to dim for a moment - though perhaps Archer imagined that, since the stranger was now walking toward him with that same maniacal smile plastered to his face. He was about to get up and move when the man picked up a fish and viciously shook it. Archer jumped to his feet and leaned back, ears flat against his head as bits of the fish spattered around him. Then the wolf moved on to another fish, and another.

Horrified, Archer watched as this crazy wolf shredded fish after fish with no apparent inclination to eat them. He was just wasting food - food that came from increasingly rarer water, at that. Finally, the pup snapped. "What is wrong with you?" he barked sharply, glaring at the man now covered in viscera.

Archer is very haggard and thin; it is obvious he is not doing well.
Played by Nyan who has 56 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rayjiek Nordansk
Reyjiek, now covered in gore just laughed. He laughed hard, and loudly. He was amused with the mess he made. He was pleased that the other seemed to be in shock about what he had done.

"Ha. Ha. Mess, chaos. Dead fish."

He glared at the other walking towards him.

"Oh no. Looks like no food. How Sad."

He stopped walking about 3 feet away and tilted his head, blood and guts dripping off him, and from his mouth.

He watched to see what the other would do. He liked the chaos he had been causing. It brought him much joy.
Played by Flywolf who has 346 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Archer Valle

Archer Valle

Archer continued glaring at the strange man, who only started laughing at his outburst. The fur on the boy's nape prickled. This man was deranged. His voice when he spoke to him was rough and prickled painfully on the Valle boy's ears. Then the man started walking towards him. Archer took a single step back, then froze. His eyes grew wide and instinct pulsed in the back of his mind. He suddenly felt like he was in danger.

The man was mocking him, event though Archer still had a fish that was perfectly edible. He wouldn't be able to take any home, but eh could fill his own belly - if the man would leave him alone.

Archer had never been faced with a hostile interaction, but he knew he needed to make his family proud. He was too close to the territory - this maniac needed to know he wasn't welcome. The fur along Archer's spine rippled and his lips peeled back from his teeth. "Back off," he growled.

Archer is very haggard and thin; it is obvious he is not doing well.
Played by Nyan who has 56 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rayjiek Nordansk
Reyjiek couldn't help but chuckle at the other barking an order at him.

"Back off? Or? What can do eh?"

He circled around the other still holding bits of fish in his mouth. He watched the others eyes on him, with his own eye stuck on the other.

He feigned jumping at the other while saying "Boo" to see if he could get the other to jump.

Reyjiek was very amused with this interaction. He was having fun with his chaos. Hopefully there would be more opportunities for more chaos soon.
Played by Flywolf who has 346 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Archer Valle

Archer Valle

Archer's spine tingled at the chuckle in response to his order. The growling accent the other man had was just so wrong. Nobody he knew spoke like that; even as pups they'd spoken better. He turned with the man's circling, aware that turning his back on him could be a terrible error. There was just... something. He couldn't let this man get anywhere near home.

The other man half-jumped towards him and shouted. Archer bristled and twitched back, but managed to keep from jumping at the last moment. He would not be driven away from his food, and he would not risk leading this maniac back home! He growled louder, flexing his toes to get a better grip on the ground. He hadn't ever genuinely fought anyone and hadn't really been taught how, but if that's what it came to he would do it.

Archer is very haggard and thin; it is obvious he is not doing well.
Played by Nyan who has 56 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rayjiek Nordansk
Reyjiek couldn't help but let out a big hearty laugh at what the other did. He successfully got the other to jump and that made him happy. He sniffed when he was done laughing and then said,

"No fear, Odin eye not going to hurt. Already cause chaos with fish. Other fine."

He let a big toothy grin out.

"Too busy anyway. Searching for something. So, no time."

With this he scooped up a pile of fish guts and monched it down, paying no mind to the other, and started to walk away.