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alive — Underground Sea 
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Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
His time with the cove would be coming to a close, soon enough. Though he had professed a desire to continue exploring to the north once that was officially done, he had chosen to take a short trip the opposite way, first. And like his previous little journey, this one did not disappoint. While this place was not somewhere he’d want to settle permanently, it was one hell of a sight to behold.

Nestled in the mountains was the third lake he knew of, except this one was underground. The place was dimly lit in sections, with light and water coming in from various cracks in the stone roof overhead, but the water was among the bluest he had seen. A place that, at one point in his past life, would’ve appealed to him as a permanent residence.

While it did not have that same appeal now, it was still a nice getaway spot. Especially given the time of year. Jethro didn’t put much thought into that, but it was probably best if he at least tried to keep his distance from a certain someone, just in case.

With a howl of glee that echoed around the rocky chamber, Jet clambered up the nearest ridge and unceremoniously jumped into the chilly but not uncomfortably cold waters, content to splash about and enjoy the moment. To enjoy being alive. Something he’d spoken with a packmate about, a while ago. A swim seemed like a great way to do just that.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
Scully was relatively familiar with the tunnels that populated the underground of Riddle Heights, his own father having grown up using them to visit the other half of Relic Lore. His own experience utilizing the multitude of paths and chambers had been limited, but little by little he was able to map them against Sven's stories and his personal recollections as this second stint with the Ridge went on. He'd yet to witness the Underground Sea itself, but knew it as the secluded locale of choice for his Aunt Morganna's midnight coup attempts and was eager to find it.

There was zero expectation that it would be tall-dark-and-handsome who would lead him there. His voice echoed throughout the tunnels, bouncing around inside of Scully's head. It couldn't be...

He followed after what must have been the origin, chased by echoes and preceded by the sound of splashing. The scent of water thickened, and then a faint blue glow appeared ahead.

Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane

The voice called out, echoing, just as Jethro’s own noises had to this point, through the caverns. He hadn’t really thought anyone else would be here, or would bother to follow him in. But, he also wasn’t so foolish as to expect he’d be left completely alone, either. He’d definitely not expected the voice to come from someone he knew, though.

Jet suspected it was his noises that’d somehow lured the other in here. Because of that, in an instant, his splashing ceased. While he did not quite know why, or where exactly he was going with it - rather than respond immediately, Jet started to wade as quietly and carefully through the water as he could. He hoped not to generate too much noise, or churn up an obvious wake as he sloshed into a dark, shadowy portion of the cavern, where the water was about chest-deep.

Slowly, then, he pressed himself against a dark stone and lowered himself into the water, submerging every part of his body except for his face. It was his hope that this might disguise him, so that he could wait, and maybe see what the other would do.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
Silence followed abruptly, and Scully found his paws stopping in time with the other's noise. Seconds passed by before he decided how he felt about the reaction. The fucker thought he was stupid! Gritting his fangs, his tail stiffly raised and he stalked into the cavern. What, did he think if Scully couldn't hear him he'd assume he was mistaken and just move on? Instead of bothering him with his presence?

The thin light played against the water, still in motion from Jethro's previous antics. It messed with his eyes, threw variegated shadows in seemingly-sporadic directions. He walked to the edge of the pool, hefty paws curling at the rim as he scanned the water briefly before seeking other hiding spots. Suffice it to say, Jethro had time to decide, for the Archer was failing to immediately locate him.
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
For a little while, there was scarcely a sound to be had, with the exception of that produced by the water which still rippled slightly with the currents he’d generated. Certainly, no more words to be had. Then, though, there was the unmistakable sound of pawsteps on stone, dull nails clicking with each placement of a paw. Jethro could almost imagine Scully striding in with a puffed-up display of purpose and pride.

But the absence of any clear ideas or path forward was lost. He had a fair idea of where Scully was, but couldn’t actually quite see him. Even so, trying to sneak up on the man to dunk him again was likely not achievable, and therefore pointless, he thought. However, he also didn’t want to just hide, and risk making the other guy too angry, possibly undoing the progress that had been made last time.

Without moving, he spoke up. ”You again? You dare intrude into my lair - and interrupt my proceedings?” The sudden exclamation echoing through the space was laden in faux indignance. A much less direct way of saying nice to see you again. Briefly, he lamented that it could have been much better if he didn’t already know Scully, then he could’ve kept hiding and gone on about curses, demons, and monsters, or something. But, oh well. Maybe next time.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
Scully was so intent on spotting Jethro that he wasn't fully braced to suddenly hear him. The other man's voice easily filled the cavernous space, deep and theatrical. It shocked him like a current, running up his legs and into the length of his spine. His silver gaze dropped promptly down to the sloshing waters and he couldn't help the amused grin that snaked along his muzzle. Even while riled, he could see the joke for what it was and had he been more prepared for it likely would've given a peel of laughter.

As it was, he prowled along the pool's rim, eyes working to pinpoint which shadow was Jethro. The glimmer of his green eyes finally revealed him.

"Having counsel with yourself and your echoes?" he teased, seating himself.
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
Before too long, he could see the shadowy figure of Scully slinking about on the dry ground above, eyes searching the water with a level of intent. Jet could not quite make out the expression upon the other’s countenance, but his posturing, at least, didn’t suggest irritation, which was good. Although he held still, the other man did lock on to his position, and it wasn’t long before their gazes met, too.

Then, a teasing statement was issued, relieving any remaining concerns Jethro had about possibly upsetting Scully. He didn’t try to restrain a short chuckle as he stood, and started to wade towards the center of the amazing underground pool again.

”Least they don’t think I’m crazy, and tell me what I wanna hear. Good for the ego, y’know, if you care about those things,” Scully’s brand of humor was something Jethro wasn’t very familiar with. After the last time, though, he believed he had a slightly better understanding of it and could shape his commentary to appeal to that.

”Y’didn’t come all the way in here, just to see me, I hope?” The dark one inquired. Not that he minded, but the mountains weren’t for everyone. Even less, underground places like this. To meet a familiar face here, did come as a surprise.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
Jethro didn't seem to mind the jest, playing along in an almost self-deprecatory way. Scully maintained his smirk, the tip of his tail laying across the tops of his forepaws as it hugged close to his hip. The large chip upon his shoulder was soothed back into dormancy for now, leaving him space to appreciate the cavern pool and it's place in the stories he'd heard.

Y’didn’t come all the way in here, just to see me, I hope?

"I mean this is where one would expect to find trolls," he mused in answer, silver gaze scanning over the water's shimmering against the wet stone walls, "but silly me thought that a myth."

When his sights settled upon Jet once more, he reached a paw down into the water and splashed at him.

"What's with you n' water?"
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
Of course, the response was a silly one, and rather indirect, at that. This was where one could expect to find trolls, the other answered. It was something Jethro opted to interpret as a no, but that didn’t stop the corners of his face from turning upwards in a wry grin as Scully’s statement echoed his earlier thoughts.

Well played. It was also reminiscent of Nori and the whole demon thing, though that memory was bittersweet and not something he’d focus on for long. ”Huh. Guess ya can never be too sure 'bout those things,” the dark one offered, observing curiously as the other reached down toward the water. Did he intend to join in?

A little bit, it seemed. The splash sent toward him could barely be felt through an already soaked coat, but it was the inquiry posed with it that was more curious. Jet chose to launch nose-first into the wake the other generated anyway, briefly submerging himself, and resurfacing a little closer to the wall Scully had perched on. He’d not go so far as to try soaking the other, this time - unless things got crazy again, that was.

”Long story, but.. I find it a good distraction. Can be soothing, relaxing, or fun, dependin’ on what I need or am feeling like.” Today was mostly a fun day.