8/5/22: NO POSTING ORDER, since there's so many of us. c:
For the first time in nearly two months, Woya completely pulled herself from the earthen den in order to settle amongst the dry grass. She was finally beginning to feel as though she were truly regaining her strength, and was no longer as anxious about each of her dependents' safety. She lay prone and watched the opening of what had served as her home of late, expecting several if not all of the weeklings to follow her out.
It was time for them to stretch their legs and really start their lives amongst their packmates, instead of only being privy to darkness, their father and Enera. She hoped especially to see her niece or nephew, but was not yet well enough to seek them out much less push herself and her children onto them. Trying to ignore the many concerns still to be had, she closed her eyes briefly and focused instead on the warmth of the sun beating down.