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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
All welcome to anyone in FGC! Heads up to @Apolline @Armand @Adelard & Anatole @Augustin @Adonya @Enera for Macieo-Gerau kiddo's first time allowed outside of the den.

8/5/22: NO POSTING ORDER, since there's so many of us. c:

For the first time in nearly two months, Woya completely pulled herself from the earthen den in order to settle amongst the dry grass. She was finally beginning to feel as though she were truly regaining her strength, and was no longer as anxious about each of her dependents' safety. She lay prone and watched the opening of what had served as her home of late, expecting several if not all of the weeklings to follow her out.

It was time for them to stretch their legs and really start their lives amongst their packmates, instead of only being privy to darkness, their father and Enera. She hoped especially to see her niece or nephew, but was not yet well enough to seek them out much less push herself and her children onto them. Trying to ignore the many concerns still to be had, she closed her eyes briefly and focused instead on the warmth of the sun beating down.
(This post was last modified: Aug 06, 2022, 02:04 AM by Sovanya.)
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Greyer who has 40 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater IX. Scout
Anatole Gerau
When Anatole found his cozy, comfy spot disturbed, his first instinct was to riot. His head shoulder had been nestled into the hollow beneath her arm. So as she rose, the boy was immediately disarranged. He squeaked and growled for a time, keeping his eyes closed, flailing about as he failed to secure another comfortable spot amidst the pile of puppies.

The crying was of no use. Mom did not return.

Blinking his blue eyes open, he squinted, unsteadily pushing himself up. With his weight distributed on one side, it was one awkward sit. Though, he managed to focus his sights on the bright world outside. The more he kept his eyes open, the more his vision became clear. In the darkness of the den, the other forms of his siblings came into view... and, with it... a tall, triangular shape.

Well... now that he was up and dislodged from his sleeping spot, a measure of vim was in order. He opened his dark jowls and sunk his sharp puppy teeth right into one of his agemate's ears.

23 days old; roughly 2-3 human years old.
(This post was last modified: Jun 15, 2022, 08:51 PM by Anatole.)
there used to be a greying tower
alone on the sea
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 48 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sovanya Rayvne
Sovanya followed promptly after mother, growling her displeasure all along despite looking forward to stretching her small legs. She strode boldly into the light and squinted to survey their small patch of grass. She was used to venturing out by now, as it was one of her and her sister's privileges amongst the large litter. It made her feel special when she was allowed outside to romp with Adonya and be showered by Enera. She didn't yet know that this time, and each one thereafter, her five little rivals would be able to infringe on this.

As mom settled upon the ground, laying as though they were still underground, Sova gave a small snort and turned back toward the mouth, awaiting her twin to take her place at her side. She wanted to explore, but not without her other half.
Played by becca who has 135 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Adora Macieo
Adora woke readily, rolling from her back onto her stomach and watching the pinpoint of light for their mom's return. Her leaving the belly of the den often meant she would bring something back down for them, which was always fun for the inquisitive young girl. As usual, Anya ran after and the pup yearned to follow, but had always been blocked from doing so. When the seconds passed by and there was no movement at their home's threshold, she made to tentatively rise onto her paws.

Needle teeth clamped down onto the sensitive skin of her ear before she could hardly move, drawing a sharp yelp from her jaws. Such things were not new, in fact Adora and her siblings were quite used to bullying. Her response came swiftly as she rolled onto her side so as to put her legs between herself and her brother and kicked out with all her might, puppish growls squalling in her throat.
(This post was last modified: Jun 10, 2022, 06:41 PM by Woya.)
Played by Flywolf who has 282 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enera Rayvne
had a dream so big and loud


After her hunt with @Adelard in the early morning Enera had finally managed to get some sleep. She felt more at peace having been assured that she wasn't completely forgotten and with a full belly had slipped into mild dreams. She'd slept longer than she meant to, but it was better than not sleeping at all and she supposed she had some catching up to do.

As usual, the first thing the Rayvne girl did was check in on the den. She was surprised to find Woya lounging outside and less surprised to find Anya sitting by the mouth den, likely waiting for her twin. It was rare to see one without the other. "Hello," she said warmly as she approached, nodding to Woya before turning to her sister. "What adventures are you going to get up to today?"

Played by Cade who has 26 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Armand Gerau
While his siblings scuffled beside him, bleary eyes looked to the space where their mother had escaped to. He was cold without her there, and wondered just what was wherever she was going. The bigger two went out there sometimes too… Maybe, it was warmer?

He had always been the smallest, but he didn’t let that get to him. Sure the others might shove him out of the way at meal time, and maybe be got beat up a little more than the others, but he was willing to give as good as he got. With little thought for fear, the boy toddled forward, squinting his eyes against the sudden white wall that washed down over him. It was warmer, and the bigger sister was already out here, so it must be ok. Tumbling forward on stubby legs, the boy opened his jaw to awkwardly snap at a tail, a low whine urging his other siblings to join them.
Played by Kai who has 18 posts.
Inactive Pup Pup
Augustin Gerau
There was plenty going on around the tawny boy that day. He could hear the shuffle of the other pups as he lay stretched out on his side. Before that he'd heard the big one get up and leave. He hadn't opened his eyes to watch her go as he didn't feel it was of any consequence to him. He only cracked an eye open when the ruckus got to be more than usual.

When he did he saw some of his siblings heading for the light and there seemed to be some sort of scuffle going on. Auggie merely sighed opening both of his puppy blue eyes to watch for a moment. Finally when he realized that one of his sister's wasn't in the den and it seemed others were heading that way he lazily rose to his paws. He toddled past the ones who hadn't made it to the light and up out of the den. He guessed he was supposed to be out there too.

The light was bright which caused a snort of displeasure but finally things became more clear. He probably should have been in wonder by all of the sights amd sounds that were around him but not Auggie. Instead he went to search out a quiet place to watch the activities from.
Played by PuppyThief who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Apolline Macieo
  Apolline had shuffled to the edge of the group, tired of her many siblings constant wiggling around and struggling for position. She dozed happily until the warmth was suddenly removed and replaced by a cold draft. Pushing up on her forelegs and blinking to clear her blurry eyes, she looked around the gloom, trying to discern what had changed.

  It was obvious right away, mom had left and one of the big-sisters had followed, as they often did. This in itself was nothing alarming, and the darker girl pup was more than happy to go back to sleep, once she’d squirmed her way to a warmer spot in the pile of remaining puppies. Except, of course, her siblings had other plans.

  There was commotion all around her, with two others heading for the exit, taking their warmth with them; and then, what drew Apolline’s attention was a disgraced squeal! Turning her head, she saw the last two littler ones locked in a brawl, either unaware or not caring that their family was splitting apart all around them. With an annoyed growl, the darker girl threw herself at the fighters, trying to pry them apart and turn their attention to the real issue at hand: They needed to get up and after their siblings, or they would be abandoned!
[Image: CwM5irV.png]
Played by Tasha who has 13 posts.
Inactive Pup
Adonya Ravyne

Adonya savored the peace and freedom away from the little heathen-based parasites that had arrived shortly after them. There was something so right about their half-sister showering them with affection and with them being able to get away from them all whenever was needed. She thought it was a special privilege that she and her sister had been granted for their antics, and yet she had no idea that her entire bubble was about to come crashing down.

Adonya’s nose wrinkled in discontent to see the littler ones still laying around, though their mother was out and about. She moved, taking her rightful place at her sister’s side and giving her a rough nudge before taking off away… she might have succeeded too had their older sister not stopped them. She let out a low grumble of discontent to see her sister’s way blocked. “Nothin’!” She called out stubbornly. “Sova, let’s go.” She insisted with some haste.

Played by Winter who has 81 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Isomne Yvain
There was some noise or commotion coming from the dens, and so Isomne ventured to see what it was all about. Drawing nearer, she saw Woya laying in the sun, as well as the pale yearling she'd yet to speak with. And rather than just one or two pups, there were a whole gaggle of them spilling out of the den. It would seem it was time for the young ones to meet the rest of the pack.

The ivory woman gave the leader and mother a  polite nod in greeting before turning her attention upon the scene at hand. Is did not wish to intrude too closely, being a bit of a newcomer still herself, but she was nonetheless looking forward to meeting these youngest members of her new pack.

"Hello children, good to meet you," she said, before lowering herself to a shady spot in the grass where she could hum softly and watch them play and explore. It was impossible not to smile, watching them reminded her of happier days in her own past with her siblings and cousins. This place she'd found herself in felt just a bit more like home today.