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Summer Solstice — Lost Lake 
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Played by Winter who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Stella Vuesain
For the Sing for Rain game! Feel free to jump in or create your own! - Maybe its just your thirst getting to your head, but you could almost hear a voice, singing for rain. Well, its not the worst idea ever, couldn't hurt to give it a try yourself.
Tagging sibs for mentions. Backdated to 6/21/22 for the longest day of the year.

Stella had been sticking close to home since her return, but today her paws were itching just a little bit. She hadn't seen @Kateri or @Lynx around lately, and there were other things worrying her, too. A quick scouting trip, just around the lake and up the cliffs toward the mountain and then back again, she hoped, would help her to clear her head and gain some perspective.

She found herself drawn to climb toward a large rocky shelf formation that guarded over the cove. The sheer sides of the towering headland were steep and marked with treacherous rock scree and trees twisted by the elements, but from higher on the pass she found a scant but safe path down to it and out onto the top.  From here, she could look out over the lake and much of the surrounding landscape. She could even spot the Cove below, though of course, she knew where to look.

The Vuesain girl could only savor the view for a long moment, though gradually as always her own thoughts began to creep back in. The lake was vibrant, gleaming like a jewel in the sunlight, but it was plain to see that the shoreline had receded from what it would usually be. She had always loved the sun, but today it felt as cruel as it was beautiful. The sky above offered no sign of relief, though she could almost hear an echo of her own thoughts on the breeze, but surely it was just her thoughts playing tricks again. On a whim she threw her head back and let her trepidations spill out as a call, more a yell than anything, challenging the sun itself that seemed to hang in the sky forever today. Give us rain, damn you!
Played by Kai who has 21 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Feyre Vuesain
The small black figure of Feyre was creeping through the underbrush. She'd gotten away from the den without her mother noticing again and was off exploring the forest of her home. She also wanted to visit her father but she had yet to find her way to the place she was told he was recovering. She didn't really understand why he had to recover but she wanted to see him.

The leaves and dead grass rustled under her paws as she made her way between the trees. It was becoming more clear that she probably wasn't going in rhe direction she needed to in order to see her father. She supposed she could visit him later after she saw where her current path was taking her.

The little blackbird didn't know how far she'd actually gotten from the den when she heard the call. It wasn't the normal kind of call that she was used to. Instead it sounded sort of mad. This puzzled the young Vuesain which caused her to want to answer back. Her little muzzle was stuck into the air and she let out her own song to answer the first.