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Tend to the Flame — Turtleback Lake 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 365 posts.
Paradise Falls V. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila
Special tag for @Caspian, but @Ryder & @Finley also very welcome <3


She couldn’t stay in the den forever, however much she might want to. The others needed her support, keeping their group safe and fed, rather than just draining their stores; Now more than ever…! Still, she wasn’t quite ready for the socialization of a group hunt – though it might be a good idea to get everyone together one of these days and head into the lowlands for some bigger prey. But for now, she preferred to hunt on her own, simply focusing on the action, getting lost in her instincts.


Earlier this morning they had let her to a burrow of lemmings. Of course, the adults had fled before she was able to catch any, but luck seemed to be with her none the less. Digging up the tunnels, she’d found three half-grown pups, too young to run. They were small, but enough to make a decent meal for an adult – or a pair of growing pups. So, making her way along the lake shore, Flair sniffed for the trail of Finley and the kids, intending to drop off her catch before going in search for something else to still her own hunger.

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Winter who has 59 posts.
Inactive Pup
Caspian had developed a habit of wandering from time to time, quietly exploring the grassy lakeshore and the thickets and tangles of brush nearby. He never went far, always staying within earshot of his mother and brother. Should anything interesting happen, he was sure to appear like mist from the grasses as if he had been there all along.

So today, when he heard someone approaching, he marched out of his super secret hiding spot in the bushes to investigate. Cas had come to recognize some of the other wolves besides Finley and Ryder who frequented the area, but this reddish lady was new to him. The boy lifted a single paw hesitantly as he regarded her, wondering if he should call out. He was just as interested in the prize swinging from her jaws, though, so for the moment he stayed quiet. Bright green eyes blinking in silent wonder, he stood there, wondering what was the right thing to do.
Played by PuppyThief who has 365 posts.
Paradise Falls V. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila

She’d simply intended to leave the lemmings where Finley could find them, not wanting to intrude on the family. But fate clearly had other ideas, as a ghost suddenly appeared out of the bushes. Just like the pup, Flair froze in place, staring back with wide, slightly panicked eyes.


There was no doubt in her mind that this was on of the boys, who else could it be; But is it HIM? She had no way of knowing. This could be Finley’s birth son – Ryder – or it could be Chan’s foundling. With no idea how to tell them apart, she refused to speculate, in an effort to keep herself together as much as for the sake of the kid.


Moving very slowly, she lowered her prey to the ground, placing it gently at her feet. Then, looking over at the pup without raising her head, she smiled softly. Keeping still and low, she spoke gently, afraid he’d startle at the smallest thing; “Hi there. I-I brought you some food…” She didn’t know what else to say, still afraid to move, in case she scared him off.

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Winter who has 59 posts.
Inactive Pup
Caspian watched, and waited. The red woman's motions were gentle and purposeful as she placed the things she carried upon the earth and looked back at him. She was speaking in reassuring tones, and Cas thought that she seemed nice. The boy's paw, which had been hovering in hesitation, at last lowered to the earth again. He breathed a small sigh.  He was still nervous, but it seemed as if she didn't mean to frighten or hurt him. At this point, Cas was rather used to adapting to new things on the daily.

His gaze cast downward toward the prey at Flair's feet. Was this just for him? But there was enough here to share. Ryder being the slightly older and larger of the two of them, Cas didn't often get a chance to have things to himself. He still didn't quite understand the situation, but hunger and something else in him stirred, and he moved closer.

"Oh," he scrunched his nose as he caught the scent.  His small tail began to wag.  " 'kay." His nerves at meeting a new face were quickly fading, driven away by his curiosity to inspect the lemmings. He had never seen one before.
Played by PuppyThief who has 365 posts.
Paradise Falls V. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila

For a heartbeat she was frozen in place as tie seemed to stand still. Then he boy seemed to relax a little, prompting Flair to release her own sigh of breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. The pup moved closer, and she took a small step back to let him investigate the gift.


Her head now lifted back up, she studied the little one from above, noting his almost pristine fur, making him stand out starkly against the golden-brown landscape. He suddenly seemed so fragile under her amber gaze, so small in a world that was way too big.


When he spoke, his tiny voice only confirmed those thoughts, and yet, he sounded bright and cheerful, undaunted by the new thing before him. Flair couldn’t help but smile, watching as he examined the lemmings. After a while, feeling a great deal calmer herself, she spoke again: “My name’s Flair. I’m uh… a friend of y’ mom’s.” That seemed true enough, definitely the least complicated way she could introduce herself; “What’s yer name?” She struggled to keep her voice from trembling, asking the question, but she couldn’t keep it back any longer.

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Winter who has 59 posts.
Inactive Pup
Looking up from the lemmings, he  wrinkled his face again, concentrating on forming the words properly like his mother had showed him.

"Hi!" His small tail wagged, small ears tipping forward. So she was his mom's friend? That was cool. Why did she seem... nervous, sad?  He couldn't quite tell, but there was something in the air that the boy picked up on, though he did not know what to make of it.

"Caspian," he answered her question with in air of careful determination. Cas knew his full name, but not having a lot of occasions to need it yet, it was obviously a feat he was still mastering. But he shared his with the pirate prince in his mother's tales, which was something he was very proud of, and he was excited to be able to introduce himself for real.

He looked back to the lemmings, then back up to the woman with the red pelt. "Fair" he repeated her name happily, or at least attempted to. His green eyes searched hers, certainly not as nervous as he'd been, but full of curiosity.
Played by PuppyThief who has 365 posts.
Paradise Falls V. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila

He took her at her word; Why wouldn’t he? His simple greeting enough to make her smile widen, her tail starting to sway softly in turn. There was a calming effect to his forthright nature, too simple and earnest to leave much room for nerves; or grief.


Single, scruffy, red ear perked up as he spoke again, the careful precision to the syllables warming her heart. And the name made it skip a beat, her eyes widening and lips parting in a silent gasp; It really is him…! It was like part of her had known all along, and yet the confirmation shook her to the point that she had to close her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady herself.


She kept her eyes closed as he spoke her name, or as close as he could get. For a moment, she felt a sting behind her eyelids, but she swallowed back the tears, not wanting to confuse the boy. Opening her eyes back up, her gaze was steady, soft smile slipping back on her features as she answered gently: “That’s right. It’s very nice to meet you Caspian.” Then, turning her attention to the dead lemmings, she asked: “D’ you want me t’ help you with those?”

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Winter who has 59 posts.
Inactive Pup
Pleased that he had managed his introduction, Cas watched Flair eagerly. He could not read the expression on her face, but the parting of jaws and sharp intake of breath gave him pause again. Did he say something wrong? Or maybe she was thirsty, or hungry, he thought - sometimes that feeling snuck up on you. Or... could grown-ups get hurt? The thought alarmed him, threatening to dislodge something somewhere, but then she spoke again.

Her words even and reassuring as she spoke, and the boy gave her offer a relieved nod. If something had been wrong, it must be okay now, or was never anything to worry about after all, probably.

Fresh prey was something he was still getting accustomed to, but he couldn't hide his excitement as he leaned closer, ears on point and tail wagging, taking in the appetite-inducing scent of the things she had brought. "Yes please," he pawed at one. "Wanna share?" If she was feeling hungry, he didn't think he should take them all, even offered freely. But maybe if they had something left over, she could help him bring mama and Ryder something too.
Played by PuppyThief who has 365 posts.
Paradise Falls V. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila

She had to get a hold of herself, or the poor kid was gonna think she was crazy. Whatever feelings he might stir up in her was none of his fault, nor a burden to be put on his young shoulders. Luckily, he seemed mostly unbothered, happy to take her cue and return his full attention to the rodents. Fresh prey was always exciting to pups, especially when they were first starting out. Maybe soon she could bring him a live lemming to try out his hunting skills; Though I should probably talk to Finley about that first…


Caspian’s soft voice drew her from her thoughts, his question surprising her. “Oh uhm… Sure,” she blurted, quickly turning her eyes from the pup to the lemmings to hide her fluster. The plan had been to give all three of them to the little family, but it felt wrong to reject the boy’s offer. So, after a short pause, she lifted one paw to point at the leftmost of the bunch; “How about we share this’un, and then y’ can take th’ others back t’ y’ ma an’ brother?” That way they would still get most of the meat, and Caspian got to proudly bring home the prey; I’m sure he’d enjoy that…!

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Winter who has 59 posts.
Inactive Pup
There was another moment of hesitation, passing quickly as Cas honed in on the lemming that Flair indicated. The prospect of returning home with the rest of the haul for Ma and Ryder was an idea he easily seized upon, too. Of course he had not caught the food himself, but still, thinking of it made him flush with a hint of pride.

"mhmm, Ma and Ry, shore," green eyes sparkled as he nodded in agreement, adding the word he'd heard Flair say moments before. At this age the boy was eager to pick up everything he could. Flair had brought more than just a meal for a hungry belly, but fuel for a hungry mind as well.

"'Kay!" Cas exclaimed,  seizing the soft thing and worrying it for a moment in his jaws before dutifully presenting it back to Flair so that she could properly open the meat, something he did not quite have the hang of yet with his young teeth.

As he watched Flair, he wondered how she knew all the things she did. How many other wolves were around, besides he and his Ma and Ry and Chan and... he tried to think of the others scents and faces he knew, but all of this was hungry work, and with a meal before him the questions were better left for another time.