Subterritory Name: Fisher's Split
Lat/Lng: -26.74561, -10.72266
Description: Where the river begins to split in the southern Shroud, fog and mist is not an uncommon sight. Often times collecting over the water and giving a silhouetted view of the nearby sights. Such as the looming Daybreak Peaks further south. Without the fog, it's often times a drab place. Although it can be a lively intersection when the prey seasons are right. Offering ample fishing that predators may compete for along the occasionally exposed islets in the river.
At some point @Llinnea, as he had come to learn, had caught up with him. Together they had made their way westward, where the land seemed bountiful but empty. Which had he been a more concerned man, might have worried him. As it stood now, it meant they could continue their hunting and roaming in peace.
Now the land seemed to reward the sea dweller in the form of a wide river split. Here he could actually teach her best. So he loosened out a barking sound for her to come catch up from wherever she was.
The time had come for her to do the dirty work and feed herself.