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wendigo — Dead Empress Backwater 
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Played by Tasha who has 308 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Admittedly, it was not the reunion that he wanted… he would have preferred his first time seeing her after so long be a warm embrace, close as they discussed what had happened in their time apart… and instead, there he was showing up, the wounds having been reopened again by the sheer movement and constant twitching of his nose. They had struggled to heal because of the habit that he had picked up… and so, he navigated the familiar territory towards where he knew her den would be, the sweet and tangy scent of herbs hanging over the air.

It smelled distinctly of her, a sight and scent he had longed for since his departure… and so he found himself approaching, hoping that she was indeed inside, offering a soft bark in greeting which just caused another wince. He hated it, that the beast had managed to get him in such an unfortunate area.

“Clover?” He asked softly, a gentle tenderness to his voice as he took a seat at the mouth of the den. He looked different; what if he was too different? What if she was too different? It had been months since he had last seen her. Gods, what if she had moved on? What if she had found someone else to treat her right? Surely Viorel would have told him that, even in his anger with him about Vana’s disappearance.

“Figures I’d come back needing medical attention, right?”

Vayko Valle
Played by Melorama who has 395 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
Clover had been frowning at a corner of her den, brows furrowed deeply and lips wrinkled with the effort of it. The previous day some snow had blown in and then melted early that morning with the warmth of the sun. Now she was left with a now soggy area - her lovingly-collected herbs already starting to rot from the moisture. It was as close to anger as she had ever felt, but she felt justified with the emotion given how precious her herbs were to her.

Just as she was thinking about what to do next she heard a bark from outside her den, and then a voice she had started to think she'd never hear again. Immediately her anger dissipated, being replaced with shock and a tinge of hope. Was it really?

She poked her head out of the den's entrance, ears flicked forward and eyes opened wide, feeling her heart hammering in her chest like she had just run a marathon. It was him. She'd recognise those golden eyes anywhere. But he was not the same as when he left - there were still-healing scars on his face. So caught up in simply gazing upon him, Clover took a few moments to realise he had said something else.

A choked sob left her throat, eyes welling up with unshed tears as she darted forward to embrace his front half with her own, for once not being careful or professional in her haste to feel his skin against hers again. Her muzzle pushed against the underside of his chin, one foreleg wrapped around his shoulder as she half-raised herself to tightly hold him close to her. "You were gone for so long," Clover said thickly, feeling the back of her throat burn as she managed to hold back her tears, even if they were of joy. "I thought I'd never see you again."
Played by Tasha who has 308 posts.
Inactive No Rank

He could feel the warmth from her almost immediately, despite the shock on her face from it as well. He adored her, and that was little secret, even now… he heard her sob, pushing through the pain to run his maw tenderly across her neck, resting his head along her shoulder as his muzzle curved around the back of her head, breathing in the comforting scent of the herbs against her pelt… the earthy scents that helped make her her. It was her words that called to him, pricks of tears in his eyes as he tried to blink them away, taking a few more moments of silence before he spoke.

“I know… much longer than intended… but I never stopped trying to get back here, to you.” He had come back for more than just her, but there was little doubt in anyone’s mind that she had been the driving reason behind it all… He shifted in order to gently put his head lightly against her shoulder, one of the wounds along his maw having reopened as he winced lightly.

“I am sorry it took so long… there was a storm, I lost Vana and I had to try and find her… for Vi…” Clearly, based on his tone and his wording, he had failed in that endeavor… based on the fact that Vana had not returned with him nor had her scent remained on his pelt from travelling together. “I’ve missed you so much, darling… not a night went by where I wasn’t think of you or this moment.” There was a genuine tenderness to his voice that seldom ever got to experience… only her.

Vayko Valle
Played by Melorama who has 395 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
She felt safe in his embrace, and for once she let down her guard, allowing her emotions to spill outward. Clover welcomed his gentle touch along her neck and shoulder. In this moment it was almost as if Vayko had never left. "I'm just glad you're back," she said into the fur of his throat. There was any number of things that could have happened to him, all of which had the potential to stop him from returning. But she would have waited as long as it took for him to find his way back home.

Clover shifted so she could glance at Vayko as he continued to speak, explaining what had happened, eyes still brimming with those same unshed tears. Vanadis wasn't with him? A quick sniff confirmed this, as she couldn't detect any hint of the woman upon his pelt. Her ears pulled back, lips forming a frown to show just how upset she was at this news. Not at Vayko, never, she knew he would have done anything to help bring her back safely. But to hear the woman was missing still hurt, and she could only imagine what Viorel would have felt at hearing this news. "I'm sure you tried everything to find Vana and bring her back."

At his heartful words a single tear finally spilled from an eye and made its way down her cheek. She hadn't realised just how much she had missed him until he was back. Clover gently rested her cheek against his, careful not to antagonise the still healing wounds on his face. "I missed you too Vayko. Every day I hoped it would be the one where you came back." Her eyes closed briefly as she savoured the moment. "Just tell me you're not going to leave again," Clover continued in a whispered tone. "I don't think I could handle you being gone for so long a second time."
Played by Tasha who has 308 posts.
Inactive No Rank

He found relief in her touch, the gentle nature of it that was a stark contrast to most of the contact in his life… “I am glad to be back.” He admitted once more, his throat vibrating softly against her maw before he pulled back, a light wince from the contact once more. There were early signs of infection along his maw near his lip but apart from that, he wasn’t in too bad of shape and that allowed them these moments to simply enjoy their reunion.

She shifted to look at him, her eyes brimming just as his were. He saw the frown and he prepared for another scolding, perhaps some yelling like that which had come from Viorel when they had been reunited at the borders. "I don’t think Vi quite saw it that way… he had some choice words for me when I arrived back at the border.” He admitted with a frown on his features. It would no doubt weigh on him and fester as well. It was a burning failure in the pit of his stomach.

He was admittedly glad to hear that she had missed him as well; they had never quite properly defined what they were, at least not in any formal capacity, and he had worried that his time away would change how she felt about him for the worse. “I’m not leaving any time soon… I’m here to stay.” Besides, in a time like this, there was no doubt that Vi would need him. He was a single father to many children, most of whom were in this pack, and he needed someone to lean on… Vayko hadn’t always been the best at that, but he now felt like it was his personal responsibility. "How have things been while I was gone? Vi told me there was a drought... a summer-long one."

Vayko Valle
Played by Melorama who has 395 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
Getting a good look at his wounds when he pulled back, Clover could see that he definitely needed some medical attention lest it become worse and cause him some real problems. But she had herbs enough to treat it without too much trouble. It could wait just a few minutes longer however, as she wanted to savour this moment now that he was back.

Vayko's frown matched hers, though most likely for a different reason. She had yet to see Viorel's anger for himself, and to be honest was a bit surprised by Vayko's words. It was unlike Viorel to act in such a way, but then again, this was the first time he had faced the situation of his mate not returning. "I'm sure he'll come around and apologise... grief shows in many different ways." She wanted to assure Vayko that it was okay, and that Viorel's anger was only being directed at him because he had been the only other wolf there.

A smile appeared on her face when he said he wouldn't be leaving again, fully believing that he meant it. "Good." She missed their evening meals together, almost feeling as if they were dreams she couldn't quite remember. But now that he was back, she was eager to continue their daily routine.

Gnawing gently at her bottom lip, Clover pulled back a little at his question, figuring out how to condense what had happened in just a few short sentences. "Yes, it lasted for so long I began to worry the rains would never come. By the time it did, the land was so dry I thought my herbs wouldn't grow back." Thankfully she had been able to spot new growth of her favourite herbs, some in a different spot than before the drought, but still there nonetheless. "Inger was... murdered, but her children still remain here in the pack. Eros and Seri left not too long ago to look for you and Vana, I'm not sure where they went exactly. " As far as she was aware there was no good news to relay.

"Come inside, I'll take a look at your wounds," she said quickly, wanting to change the subject to something less grim. Plus, the sooner she got to work on tending to his wounds, the better off he would be. Clover gave his face a quick once over before darting into her den, rummaging around to pick out the herbs she would need.
Played by Tasha who has 308 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Vayko had been taken aback by his cousin’s rage, but he didn’t find himself surprised… the straw had to break the camel’s back at some point, and even his cousins had limits as to how calm he could remain given everything that had happened… Vayko tried not to take it personally, and liked to think that Vi was lashing out generally and he just happened to be the one present for it… but there was truly no way for him to know.

“I’m not sure he will… not this time. I did lose his wife.” He pointed out with a frown on his features. It was something that he wasn’t sure if his cousin would be able to fully forgive, even if it wasn’t really Vayko’s fault to begin with. Even if his cousin remained by his side for the rest of his life, he was happy to be back, near his family, near Clover…

He also felt like he should have been there… like he could have helped with the drought. Truthfully, his absence had probably been better as it was one less wolf to use the water that had been there in the end. She spoke of what else he had been told: Inger’s murder, Eros and Seri leaving to look for them. “I hope they turn back… perhaps even catch my scent and return.” He stated with a soft hum.

She invited him inside and he moved forward. “Yes please… near my mouth has been stinging lately.” He admitted with a soft frown on his features so she was aware that it was bothering him more than he had intended for it to. He would take a seat, breathing in and out for a moment. Breathing in the scents of home, and taking a moment to truly embrace the fact that he was back in the Backwater.

Vayko Valle
Played by Melorama who has 395 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
She took a few moments to collect her thoughts as she gathered the necessary herbs and supplies; redcedar bark oil, yarrow, and prairie crocus for the infection, and some goldenrod to help with the wound healing. Her supplies were a little limited now that winter was in full swing, but she made extensive stockpiles for that very reason. She had enough to last her until spring came around again unless everyone in the pack became sick all at once. An unlikely reality, so she wasn't too worried.

"You didn't lose Vana on purpose. I know you would have done everything you could to find her." Clover looked deeply into his eyes from across the den, wanting him to really understand the sincerity in her tone. Viorel would understand, if not immediately then at some point once he sorted through his grief. And if he didn't, well, Clover would talk to him about it.

She set to work on making a paste with the oil and dried ingredients, gently using the tips of her toes to mix everything together properly. The early signs of infection near his lip had been hard to miss, and she would make sure she caught it early before it festered and became worse. "Hopefully the winter doesn't treat them too harshly while they're out there," she mused softly. Eros and Seri were good boys and she would hate if something bad happened to them. But they didn't have the numbers to try and send someone else after them to bring them back. All she could do was hope that they'd be okay.

Finally finished with her poultice, Clover moved it onto a large broadleaf and gently carried it in her maw over to Vayko. He was being an unusually thoughtful patient, even sitting there quietly with no fuss, and had the situation not been so dour she might have cracked a smile and joked around. But everything was weighing on her a bit, and she was using the occasion to focus on her work rather than be at the mercy of her own thoughts.

"I'm going to apply this poultice over the infected area now. It might sting a little, but do try not to lick it off. Not only will it taste bitter, but one of the ingredients shouldn't be ingested." She used her serious tone, wanting Vayko to know that she meant every word. It wouldn't kill him if he did end up swallowing some of it, but the side effects wouldn't be very pleasant. Clover then began to gently apply the poultice to his muzzle with a front paw, trying to not hurt him, but needing to apply enough pressure to ensure it would stick to his skin and fur.
Played by Tasha who has 308 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Vayko hoped to avoid another pack-wide epidemic. He had been behaving himself, the hardships he had faced on his own and with Vana both maturing and hardening him in a way. The boy he had been had been killed on his venture, and out of it emerged someone grown, and someone who could handle the responsibilities and weight that were necessary to carry as an adult. She spoke of knowing that he had done everything he could to find her, but a frown found his muzzle as she said that.

Had he truly done everything that he could if he, in the end, had not found her. He could still be out there looking for her rather than having given up and returning home to them. “I didn’t find her, therefore I did not do everything I could have done.” He would point out, a softness to his tone still. He wanted to see her point, but it was hard when it was something that had been weighing down on him for so long.

He watched with nothing short of amazement on his features as she worked. It always amazed him, the precision that was required to heal a patient such as he. Eros and Seri both had even gone out in search for them. Perhaps the two boys in their youth would manage to succeed where Vayko himself had failed… quite miserably too if he did say so himself. His nose twitched at the odor that was associated with the poultice that she had made, but he would sit still as she explained.

She was diligent even in her explanations, causing him to nod. “I’ll avoid licking it off, I promise.” He felt like it was something that needed to be said out loud, if only for some verification that he understood before she began to actual application of it onto his maw. His ears would twitch, the muscles in his face tensing as the stinging sensation hit, but he would remain as still as possible in order for her to get her work done.

Vayko Valle
Played by Melorama who has 395 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
She didn't immediately respond to his comment, taking the time to focus on making the poultice as well as consider her words before she said them aloud. While unable to directly understand what he was feeling regarding the situation, she could empathize well enough to get an idea that it had guilt attached to it, misplaced or not. "Sometimes your best isn't enough to achieve what you want, but that doesn't mean you didn't put everything into trying." She had learned over the years that the world could be cruel, and even if one did everything correct things didn't always turn out how it was expected. Part of adulthood was knowing that sometimes bad things happened, and that one just had to keep going forward.

A gentle smile appeared on her face at his promise to not lick off the poultice, appreciating the effort it would require to even not accidentally do it. "It will dry up within a couple hours and begin to crack and peel off by itself, so you won't have to restrain yourself for too long."

The tension in his facial muscles and twitching ears did not go unnoticed by Clover, but she refrained from commenting or even appearing that she noticed it. She didn't want him to feel self-conscious about his reaction to pain, knowing that the combination of herbs could be quite unpleasant to an open wound. Working quickly, she paused for a few moments to closely inspect the affected area, making sure it was properly covered by the poultice, but also not too close to his mouth to try and make it as easy for him to not accidentally lick it off.

Satisfied, she stepped back with a cheerful expression, though not quite a full smile. "Alright, I think I'm done." Depending on how it looked once the poultice dried and fell off she would consider making another the next day to ensure no infection set in, but for now the one would be enough. She was sure Vayko just wanted to rest after his journey, so would try and minimise any further poking and prodding.