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no matter what the distance between — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 39 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Auburn Tanga-Eastfall
All welcome to anyone from SC! Aub's calling for leadership, @Nash & @Oksana.

Auburn took a breath, and wondered which of the myriad of canine scents were family. Back home, that word had meant just himself, his grandfather and his sister. Now, it seemed to hold infinite possibilities. Chan. Tagg. Moonshadow. Nash. He repeated the names to himself in his mind again, still finding it difficult to believe that he would soon, finally, by putting faces to the names.

He counted to four, then tilted back his head and sent out a howl. Oksana was the name of the alpha he'd been told, but his song utilized less specific language to account for the possibility that he was working on outdated information. Hopefully not, hopefully he hadn't come too late...

Another breath, as his call faded from the air, and Auburn waited.
Played by Flywolf who has 626 posts.
Sanguine Cove I. Leader
Nash Eastfall

Nash had only just returned from the discovery of his son and was ready to settle down with his family and fuss over them when the stranger's voice rose. For a moment he considered ignoring it, letting Chan or Sana handle the border call. But both of them had been out of sorts and he did still have a job to do...

With a heavy sigh he placed a kiss on each of his children's heads, nuzzled his wife affectionately, and headed toward the call with promises to be back soon.

When the young wolf's agouti form came into view Nash's tail rose, indicating his rank but with a friendly wave. "Hello," he said, coming to a stop before them. I'm Nash, one of the leaders of Sanguine Cove. How can I help you?"

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 39 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Auburn Tanga-Eastfall
The stranger that greeted him possessed eyes of a familiar hue, and his hunch was confirmed as the night-cloaked wolf issued both title and name. Nash. This was his uncle. Auburn couldn't help but stare a moment, blinking as his gaze shifted from his paws to Nash's jaw and then the horizon and back again. Just as when Jethro had confirmed that he was on the right track, Aub felt a little loss on what step to take next exactly.

What did he start with? Hello, I'm your nephew? Is he still here? How are you, can I come in, maybe forever?

"Um," he swallowed, licked his lips nervously.

"Hello. My name is Auburn Tanga. I, um... I was hoping to-... I've come looking for Chan Eastfall."
Played by Flywolf who has 626 posts.
Sanguine Cove I. Leader
Nash Eastfall

The youngster seemed nervous, so Nash sat to try and put the kid at ease. He wasn't in any danger here - Nash wasn't about to randomly attack someone just for showing up on their borders. He tilted his head as Auburn introduced himself and then stumbled over his words before asking for Chan. Nash's ears pricked. "What brings you here looking for him?" he asked. He didn't believe Chan had any enemies - how could he? - but he'd been so odd since his return that the leader couldn't help but wonder if something so strange might have happened. He didn't want to confirm his brother's presence yet... not until he knew why Auburn knew he was here.

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 39 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Auburn Tanga-Eastfall
Auburn's gaze dared flick to Nash's jaws only once in a while, and each time he couldn't tell what the other wolf was feeling. Perhaps he was holding his cards close to the vest like an alpha likely should, or maybe Aub wasn't reading him right. This was an issue he found himself running into a little too frequently, contributing to his nervousness around strangers including this estranged relative.

"W-well, I met Mister Jethro and his company up in the redwood forest. H-he gave me directions, and a message f-for you and a Missus Oksana."

Was that a suitable answer? More information was available, and usually Auburn would vomit all up readily, but this was different. He cared very much about making the right impression, and certainly did not want to get himself turned away right at the gate after coming so close to finally meeting his father.
(This post was last modified: Jan 27, 2023, 12:08 AM by Auburn.)
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Oksana was having one of her bad days. The kind where she missed her husband. The disappearance of two of her daughters had caused the cove matriarch to worry. She hoped they hadn't suffered the sake fste as their father. She wanted so much to go looking for them but she also knew that if they'd left they had their reasons and she needed to give them time.

She was off on her own doing some much needed thinking when she heard the call of the stranger. Despite the desire to remain where she was Oksana still went to meet the stranger since it was her duty. When she arrived she found Nash was already there. Upin her approach she'd caught her name but nothing else. "Who do we have here?" She asked offering Nash an apologetic look for being so late.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Flywolf who has 626 posts.
Sanguine Cove I. Leader
Nash Eastfall

The mention of Jethro and his group immediately put Nash at ease. His ears pricked and a thrill of excitement went through him. "You saw Jet? How are they? Is Siyet still with them? Are they still at Turtleback?" Chan had told him where they'd been, but otherwise seemed unwilling or unable to give him much more. He'd been so very different since returning, Nash worried something bad had happened to their friends and Chan simply didn't want to be the one to deliver the news.

Oksana finally arrived, offering an apologetic glance and a question. "This is Auburn," he said. "He's looking for my brother. Auburn, this is Oksana, my co-lead." Clearly he knew who she was, but he thought it polite to say it anyway. He returned his gaze to the boy. "Chan is here. I'm curious; you've clearly come a long way for him. How do you know him?" Perhaps his caution was unwarranted, but he was also curious about whatever friends his brother had made on his many journeys.

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 39 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Auburn Tanga-Eastfall
As if summoned by the utterance of her name, a woman with pelage just as dark as Nash's appeared and took her place beside him. Had he known a bit more about the family dynamics, he might've known there was a third with such a coat. As things was, he felt confident this was Oksana even before she was introduced. His tail gave a brief wag in friendly greeting, eyes surveying her indirectly as he had his uncle.

"Nice to meet you."

He was still feeling far more shy than he'd wanted to in this moment, but he took a breath and did his best to answer all the questions posed.

"Yeah, I remember that name. Jethro says they're doing good, wanted you to know they're settled in the redwoods a decent walk from Turtle Lake, and that they intend on visiting soon, in spring or summer."

As for how he knew of Chan... Auburn hesitated, shifted uncomfortably. What if this didn't go well, and he just created problems here with his presence and the truth of who he was? He wanted his father to be the first he talked with about their connection, wanted to give him the first chance to decide how things move forward. Unable to come up with any kind of clever answer to pacify, he fell back on honesty.

"I um. I'd really like to talk to him first, privately, if I could... it's... it's not my place."
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Despite coming in a little late to the conversation Oksana was just glad that she'd made it. It was important that she made her appearances when needed. The stranger at their borders seemed friendly enough and Nash seemed to be handling things well.

"You as well," she stated politely.

He went in to speak about Jethro and a the wolves he was with. It pleased her to hear that they were doing well. It also seemed that he might have found Kingsfall. That was very good news indeed. She remembered the conversations they'd had about her home and was glad that he might've had the chance to see it. "I'm happy to hear they are doing well and we will be looking forward to their visit."

For what the stranger said next she looked to Nash since he'd been speaking with the young man longer
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you