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Serpent in the Grass — Jasper Rocks 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 116 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Vasco Halex
RE: Vasco, you accidently slip into a slushy puddle, now you're soaking wet and freezing!
ALL WELCOME, but tagging @Clover & @Vayko for thoughts and potential drama

Things had taken an unexpected turn in the Backwater, an unwelcome one, as far as Vasco was concerned. Not only did Clover’s stepping up to lead mean that Rochus had risen to second rank, bringing him level with the Halex, but now Vayko had returned, alone. Everything that had looked so promising mere months ago was seeping into the sand – spring was just around the corner, and it was looking more and more likely that the Wards were gonna come out on top.

It was looking more and more like Vasco would need to take action if he wanted to preserve his line’s superiority, not a prospect he took lightly. So, in search of a quiet moment to clear his mind, he’d headed into the western woods, hoping to get away from the visiting horde from the Cove. He hadn’t done much exploring in this direction, but the denser, mixed forest was attractive to his brooding mind.

Subconsciously, he might also have hoped the evergreen cedars had kept back some of the snowfall, making it easier to pace beneath them. That hope was quickly quashed though, as he found the ground here as covered in ice and snow as everywhere else. In fact, he was just thinking to himself that this area seemed especially icy, when his paws suddenly dropped out from under him, his body hitting the slippery ground with a thud.

Like a pre-set trap, the strip of ice carried him swiftly downhill and into a puddle just deep enough to not be frozen solid, depositing the pale wolf in a pool of icy water that quickly soaked through his fur. So much for his villainous brooding.

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Tasha who has 307 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank

He had been quiet since his return home, perhaps uncharacteristically so… he was used to being a loudmouth, or more it was what others had come to expect from him but each day had been met with dedication and contemplation… this had been his home, but he wasn’t sure it had ever truly been his kingdom. Those feelings had not gone away: Viorel had constructed it, brought children to it, ruled over it for it’s entire tenure… and he was much the cousin elevated due to some measure of nepotism.

But that was going to end… perhaps that was what had him following after Vasco, away from the territory but keeping a soft distance between them… not enough to watch him slide down the slope, biting back a chuckle for a moment as his eyes danced deviously over his uncle, carefully making his own way down, one that had more control. He had certainly been through enough over the past two years to know how to navigate ice and snowfall.

“Vasco.” He greeted, leaving the term uncle from his tongue as he looked him up and down. It was amusing… but it was also an opportunity, one that had been sent to him by some higher power… not that he was religious. “Gotten yourself into a bit of a slipper situation, haven’t you?” The words were teasing, almost mocking.

Yes, this was simply perfect for him… and far less opportune for the man who stood in front of him, though he wouldn’t hint at it right away. He did prefer to play with his food a bit before eating it.

Vayko Valle
Played by PuppyThief who has 116 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Vasco Halex

It was quite the undignified position he found himself in, sloshing among the ice, drenched to the bone. He was just happy no one had seen his mishap, or so he thought, until an all too unwelcome voice pierced the silence. A shiver that had nothing to do with the ice ran down Vasco’s spine; Of course it had to be HIM! The only thing worse than Rochus’ son would have been the bastard himself.

Scrambling to his feet, the skinny wolf shook himself off hurriedly, glaring towards his nephew. The ridicule in his voice had come across plenty clear to Vasco, his ears flattening back and one corner of his mouth curling in a humorless smile; “Vayko, fancy seeing you out here.” And then, whether because of his earlier thoughts, or simply his ire at being seen in such a humiliating situation, he couldn’t stop himself from adding: “Running away again?”

It was unwise, dangerous even, but his frustration had grown to a bursting point and Vayko had become the center of it all. Rochus’ son, the bad seed, source of all his problems – it was awfully easy to blame it all on the young, former leader. And why shouldn’t he? Vayko was no longer in charge, he was at the bottom of the totem pole now; The omega! Vasco’s smile grew wider, tail rising high behind him, wet or not, he was the top wolf here.

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Tasha who has 307 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank

Vayko looked over him, seeing the shiver and huffing lightly at his statement. Instead, he chose violence… Running away again? The question came and he smirked only a little. “No. I’ve come for your rank.” There was no question about it, though Vayko had changed some in the time that he had been in the Backwater… in the time leading next to his cousin… and it showed in the way that he was not without honor…

“If you’d prefer to wait until you’re dry again?” He’d pose to him, giving him that choice to make. His tail would curl, a waving banner making it clear that he had no intention of bowing to Vasco any time soon. The man was nothing other than a slippery worm that had crawled around their family for years… he was nothing.

He had founded this pack alongside his cousin. He had helped set the building blocks, helped name it. He had been there… what had happened when he had been escorting Vanadis had been tragic, but it had not changed the way that Vasco was walking around his kingdom.

Vayko Valle
Played by PuppyThief who has 116 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Vasco Halex

Whether it was instinct, or simply his mistrustful nature, it would seem Vasco had read his nephew correctly, and he wasted no time in revealing his intent.  He shouldn’t have been surprised, Vayko’s ambition was no secret, and neither was his opinion of Vasco, yet the older man still felt rage bubble in his chest. Of course, he would choose this very moment, to make Vasco’s humiliation complete – his offer to delay earned him no credit in the Halex’s book – it was clear that Vayko had no respect for his elder and all that had happened while he was off galivanting.

Vasco’s smile twisted into a true sneer, his own tail rising in response to his nephews. “And I suppose you expect me to just hand it over?” he asked bitterly, squaring up against the younger wolf. Sure, Vayko was younger and burlier than his uncle, but strength wasn’t everything, especially when it came to deciding the future of their family. In Vasco’s eyes, Rochus’ son had proven himself incapable of leading, looking out for his own best interests rather than the packs, and on top of that, he was a threat to the supremacy that the Halex had established within the Backwater. He needed to be dealt with, one way or another.

Knowing he would have to rely on speed here, Vasco spared no more time, barring his teeth in a full-on snarl as he rushed his nephew; Well think again! His target was a front ankle, jaws parting briefly to clamp down on the bone as he barreled forwards. He might lack a good bit of weight on the younger wolf, but with the aid of surprise, he hoped to be able to knock him off his feet, gaining the upper hand.

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Tasha who has 307 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank

Vayko was not the insolent child that Vasco would remember. He had grown; he had seen true hardship. He had walked through hell and emerged on the other side, fragile but still whole and complete. His tail raised and curled. He had no intention of seeking his crown back… he merely could not stand the thought of his father or Uncle standing above him. He’d never dethrone Clover, nor Viorel. His loyalty to thevm burned, and it was all that had brought him back to the Backwater to begin with.

He remained unmoved and unphased by his bitter squaring. There was no love lost. He would rush forward in a full-on snarl and Vayko would brace down against the dirt, his hackles raised as he snarled back. He would aim to bring his shoulder up to slam into the man’s maw and jar it as his jaws parted for him, a smirk on his features all the same. He had learned that pain was not something to shy away from… sometimes, it was the aggressive defense, where all parties got something, that was the best.

He had not been as surprised as Vasco might have been expecting… any betting man would have put money on Vasco being faster… but Vayko was ready to show him what it meant to be a real Valle.

Vayko Valle
Played by PuppyThief who has 116 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Vasco Halex

His teeth found their mark and he clamped down hard, willing to pierce all the way to the bone, if necessary, but as he continued forwards, he didn’t feel the shift he’d expected. Despite his attempt at surprise, Vayko had managed to steady himself enough to push back against his uncle’s smaller weight.

However, his defense wasn’t as effective as he’d hoped, Vasco using his smaller size to his advantage, sidestepping and wiggling under the projected shoulder to continue his attack. Having found little success with his first assault – other than what he hoped would be a notable wound – he instead went for softer tissue, aiming to end the fight quickly. From his already low position, it was easy to launch for Vayko’s belly, teeth bared to slice deep and cause a serious wound.

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Tasha who has 307 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank

He clamped down hard, but Vayko would not react much to the pain that radiated from his shoulder. It could be attributed to both the adrenaline that coursed through his body and the fact that pain had become something of an old friend. It would take more to break through to him. His miscalculation was noted as the man slithered his way through like a snake in the grass, his teeth slicing into the belly, Vayko rearing back and bringing his paws to push against the man’s maw, preventing the slice from going too deep as to be deadly.

He snarled, the anger in his eyes as he lunged forward, throwing all of his weight at him, aiming to sink his teeth in the man’s maw to draw blood and force him down to the ground. He did not want to let up. He did not want to lose to him. He could not bring himself to submit.

Vayko Valle
Played by PuppyThief who has 116 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Vasco Halex

Another success! As teeth hit flesh, Vasco moved eagerly to gauge deep, happy to leave permanent damage which would ensure the younger wolf never challenged him again. But Vayko was quick to respond, pulling away from Vasco’s hold and forcing him back with his paws.

The older man snarled as he was pushed down by the combination of higher weight and strength his opponent possessed. He had known this was the danger, that up close he had no chance to defeat his nephew. The stench of his blood filled Vasco’s nose, yet Vayko did not relent, grabbing for his uncle’s muzzle to further subdue him, and this time, the Halex wasn’t fast enough to evade. Though he tried to back up, he stumbled on the slippery ground, and as he fought to right himself, he felt teeth close around his nose.

Vasco suppressed a whine as he felt teeth pierce his skin, forced to lower himself until his belly touched the ground, to lighten the pressure. He wanted to struggle, to make another attack, but even the smallest amount of wiggling would deepen the wounds around his muzzle, threatening to do permanent damage. So, he conceded, growing still in the stronger man’s hold, he had no other choice.

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Tasha who has 307 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank

Vayko was not the child they would remember. Much had happened. He had been abducted from his home, helping build up Dead Empress Backwater beside his cousin, escorting his cousin’s wife to her homeland, losing her, facing down a bobcat and other wolves when trying to find her. He was no longer a boy, a man had been born through all of that… a young man, perhaps even a cocky man… but a man nonetheless. Vasco could not take that from him, and his underestimation would ultimately be his downfall.

The older man snarled at him, but it was not enough to deter the Valle. He found satisfaction in his mark, holding him there as his uncle lowered himself, his belly touching the ground. Vayko stared him down with anger in his eyes before drawing his maw back. His challenge had been won, or so he thought… Vasco had been forced to submit to him and that was enough for Vayko.

It was now his turn, no doubt, to underestimate his opponent. And stay down. The smug thought rang through his head as he held his banner high, turning to leave, thinking that all was said and done, and that he could claim his rightful role.

Vayko Valle