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Itchy and... — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by WildFlower who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Torah Armstead

The woman sulked, moving along the shore, shuffling her paws one step at a time. Her shoulders were hunched, her head low, tail drooping. To say her face looked irritated was an understatement, her features twisted into a scowl. Torah was insanely itchy and her skin burned from mere existence. She was not unfamiliar with the discomfort. This was her second heat. It was an unpleasant time for she-wolves, but necessary, to bring forth future generations.

Hoping for some form of relief the auburn lady rubbed herself against a trunk. Scratching herself, shifting back and forth. It provided some relief but not enough. Torah groaned, rolling her eyes, and strolling off to the frozen creek. She used her teeth to scrape at the surface with little luck. The woman grumbled and flopped herself down melodramatically. She crossed her delicate face across one of her legs and stared off into the distance with a huff.


The smaller the creature, the bolder its spirit

"Are you ready for, ready for A perfect storm, perfect storm?"

Played by Molo who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
He'd wandered north again, curious. North of the willows, deeper into the forests, where the mountains were no longer visible. Artyom wasn't sure if he liked or disliked that. But still, thus far at least, aside from the group at the willows, the place seemed pretty deserted. He'd been trailing a frozen creek for a while, pausing at times to try to find an area where the ice was thin enough to break for a drink.

He'd paused again, scraped away at the layer of snow atop the stream, and he could see water bubbling just below the surface. This looked like just the spot, when.. the breeze shifted. A scent was brought his way. Arty huffed. He went quiet, blue eyes scanning the surrounding area. He couldn't see her, but she couldn't be far, either. That left him frozen, indecisive, for a moment. Did he try to sneak away? Or just continue about his business as if he hadn't noticed?

This was perhaps going to be the one time of year when Artyom partially regretted leaving his home. Were he still there, he could've had as many women and as much fun as he'd wanted. Or at least enough to be content, and there would've been other wolves around to help deal with the consequences pups. But out here, without his pack?

Yeah, no. He still didn't have much interest in committing himself to anything or anyone. Making that kind of mistake would bind him to someone for at least the next year so raising children and being a father. While he wasn't completely averse to the notion, it'd take one hell of a special woman to get him to commit to that.

Maybe next year.

-hope you don't mind if I nab another of yours
(This post was last modified: Mar 10, 2023, 05:19 PM by Artyom.)
Played by WildFlower who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Torah Armstead

The tawny wolf lay silently in a pout. After a while, her ear flickered at the faintest of sounds. She craned her neck to look behind herself in the direction the noise had come from. Nothing could be seen from her little spot, and she couldn't smell anything with the wind traveling away from her. The dame rolled over, quietly rising to her paws and moving towards the trees for coverage. Somewhat hidden in the trunks she stalked forward with calculated steps.

After a short distance Torah could see another wolf and let out a disinterested sigh. She wanted food, not some uninteresting stranger! Although...blue eyes lingered on his muscular form for a moment. She sniffed the air and with the distance closed was able to pick up the other's scent. He was handsome.

Curiosity peaked the woman, and she strolled closer, returning to the frozen water's edge. She feigned interest in the ice to play off her approach, not giving the male a second glance. Not caring to alert him of her presence or offer a greeting. Torah pretended to inspect the surface, staring down into the creek. She went as far as lowering her head to try and break it with her teeth.


The smaller the creature, the bolder its spirit

Not at all! Happy to thread again <3

"Are you ready for, ready for A perfect storm, perfect storm?"

Played by Molo who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
With the shiftiness of the breeze, the scent faded, but he remained rooted. After another moment or two, a decision was made. Sneaking around seemed like a good way to get himself in trouble - at least if he went about his business Arty could feign ignorance to her presence if the strange woman showed up. So he continued, scraping away more of the snow to uncover a larger section of ice with his paws. And sure enough, he could still see water bubbling there.

But then, there was that thing again. The scent. It announced her even when she didn’t. He looked up. And.. holy, she was pretty, but - no. And she didn’t seem interested. Though.. Arty’d been around enough to know that was sometimes a ploy.

He observed her for a moment, wordlessly, without so much as a nod or tail wave for a greeting. Only his ears moved forth. But, when she lowered her head to bite at the ice with her teeth, he couldn’t help a soft laugh.

”You’re.. probably not gonna break it that way,” he spoke amusedly. While Arty was able to temper his laughter, mostly, he doubted he’d be able to if the woman managed to get her tongue stuck on the ice. Wouldn’t be a first.
Played by WildFlower who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Torah Armstead

Torah wanted to peek over to see if he was watching her but knew better than to ruin her mind game. Casually she shifted her tail in the slightest, almost unnoticeably so, if it weren't for the fragrance. It was intentional, the woman sneakily messing with him.

Her brows furrowed, her head snapping up and she looked at him sharply. Had she just laughed at her? It was more than evident on her face that she'd taken offense to it, her mouth parting to retort then snapping shut with a clink when he spoke.

"Oh" She replied in a hushed tone, sheepishly looking at him. Her cheeks warmed with embarrassment, and internally she felt humiliated at looking stupid in front of someone else. She wagged her tail to be friendly and offered a coy smile. Her head was held high though, ears forward. "Do you mind showing me?" She asked him with an expectant expression. She wouldn't take too kindly to him walking off without an explanation. The auburn wolf was definitely full of herself, but perhaps with her features and icy eyes, she had reason to be.

Torah cockily sauntered cover to the male and then stepped right out onto the ice to find a spot next to him. Just enough space between them that they were not touching. She had standards after all. If she were to even consider this hunk, he'd need to prove his usefulness.


The smaller the creature, the bolder its spirit

It's funny, them finding each other attractive when they look similar. lol
(This post was last modified: Mar 11, 2023, 06:36 AM by Torah.)

"Are you ready for, ready for A perfect storm, perfect storm?"

Played by Molo who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
There was a look that crossed the woman’s face, briefly, that appeared as though she’d been offended. She’d heard the laugh, then. And obviously had been paying attention to him, despite her attempt to appear nonchalant. Artyom wasn’t sure whether he liked that or not.

But then her expression shifted. Morphed into something more abashed, and her response was hushed. Did he mind showing her?

”Not at all,” Arty offered with a wry smile and a nod. He could appreciate the boldness. The confidence it took to saunter in close, tantalizingly close. It was almost like he was looking at a mirror image of himself. Auburn and cream, beautiful blue eyes. She truly was a specimen. And probably knew it.

”But you may want to step back first. Unless you fancy getting wet.” Yes. His method of breaking the ice would probably involve that. And despite all of his tendencies, Artyom still knew how to be a gentleman. He had been raised as such, after all.

Once she had, he took a breath, then carefully positioned himself over where the ice appeared to be the thinnest. And then reared up onto his hind legs, to bring both of his forepaws down onto the ice with as much force and weight as he could manage. At first, he was rewarded with a crack. Thin lines spread out across the surface from the point of his impact.

A second attempt fractured more of it. Then with a third, both of his forelimbs plunged through, soaking him in icy slush nearly up to his chest before he was able to pull himself back up onto the more solid ice. Where he promptly stood and proudly announced - "done."
Played by WildFlower who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Torah Armstead
S for swearing

Torah was pleased with the answer, inwardly her mind whirled with satisfaction, but on the outside, her face remained soft. A mask to hide her manipulative tendencies for the time being. Being close had, admittedly, sent a shiver down her spine. The desire to relieve her itchiness and the knowledge that he could help with such…but no. The woman was better than that, she didn’t fling herself at every eligible bachelor, they needed to earn her presence. Let alone the right to have her bear their whelp for the entirety of her life. She wanted to be worshiped, loved, and adored by an enamored mate. Not the bullshit her mother had gone through. Along with that, she wanted someone easy on the eyes that she adored as much as they did her. It was an impartial two-way street.

The woman smiled, nodded, and obliged grateful for the warning. The temperatures didn’t sit right with her for swimming. She waited, admiring him from the safe distance in which she stood. Her gaze trailed his frame, watched his muscles ripple beneath his pelt as he set at work for her. Torah had to fight back a smirk, forcing her face to keep the pleasant oh so innocent expression she wore. He was eye candy and obedient if asked nicely from what she could tell.

“Three times?” She teased lightly, merely attempting to banter with the male. In truth, she was more than impressed with him. It would have likely taken her much longer to break through. She was grateful for the man’s kindness. “Thank you” Her voice was sweet like honey, dripping off her tongue. She met his alluring eyes. The thought of being able to surely pass on the icy jewels crossed her mind, with the assumption such would increase her daughter's luck at finding worthy suitors. Breaking the eye contact she approached the hole carefully. Her shoulders hunched as she knelt over, lapping away at the refreshing water. The ice had made it cold and crisp.

Drawing back the woman raised an eyebrow, “So, now we have a place to drink…but you’re wet. Suppose you’re cold?” She asked rhetorically, stepping closer without hesitation. Still, she did not touch him, merely taunt him with her proximity. Make him think, you’re going to touch him, then pull away. Torah thought to herself, and just as planned, sidestepped, “We could find a place for you to dry off?”


The smaller the creature, the bolder its spirit

(This post was last modified: Mar 11, 2023, 06:36 AM by Torah. Edit Reason: Fixing format )

"Are you ready for, ready for A perfect storm, perfect storm?"

Played by Molo who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Three times, she teased lightly. But it wasn’t an insult. Just banner. The sort that Artyom often partook in and enjoyed. In that vein, he hung his head for a moment, giving it a sad sort of shake. ”I know.. shameful. Arty spoke. ”Might have been easier, once upon a time. Living alone takes a toll on you, though.” There was a note of truth to that. Maybe once he’d been able to have managed it easier, but he didn’t intend for the comment to elicit anything too serious.

All in good fun.

She ventured forth then, offering a sweet, and more sincere sounding thank you.

”I was planning on doing that anyway, for myself. But you’re most welcome.” He spoke as she dipped her head to drink. And for now, Artyom remained back, observing. That was true, but he could play coy and humble too. Remain gentlemanly.

Then she was looking up again. Those beautiful blue eyes skirting his figure, and he did the same. She drew in, closer. As if she was going to touch, but then pulled back. He made no move to pursue, didn’t intend to, even though.. good heavens, she was beautiful. If this were any other time of the year, he'd have been ready to pursue relentlessly.

”I am. Wet and cold.” He admitted truthfully. Only a fool would attempt to lie about that. ”But I’ll be alright. Already got a place to warm up and dry off,” he spoke with a shrug. The tree he’d spent the night under wasn’t that far away. The den he’d made - courtesy what he’d learned from Clouse would still be there. Artyom supposed he could return to it.

”However, I appreciate your concern,” he tacked on with a wink and a wry smile. At that, he moved forth, sidestepping the intriguing and pretty woman if necessary, to reach the water and then dip down to drink his fill.
(This post was last modified: Mar 11, 2023, 06:48 AM by Artyom.)
Played by WildFlower who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Torah Armstead

Torah snorted amusedly at his act, a genuine smile breaking through her sweet facade. "Oh the pitty" her tone a dramatic note, a paw placed on her chest for added effect. The woman was no stranger to the latter, "Yeah, a few meals ago I'd of been thicker." She commented on her physique, drawing attention to such with her words. Watching him, brow raised, for a response. Tread lightly.

Hmm, maybe not as easy as I thought. On the outside Torah paid no mind to his response. It didn't quite matter, she could still work on puppeteering the man. Women held a...certain power that men did not possess.

She noted his once over, her ego stroked knowing he had checked her out. The man didn't follow her as she had intended him to, but she merely offered him another soft smile. She wasn't done yet. "Fair enough," she spoke, shrugging, feigning disinterest. The stranger continued on, this time winking at the end of his words, and her chest fluttered. He approached her, just to move to the water and she felt her breath hitch at the tag back of her own game. He was a fascinating plaything.

She stood quietly, stealing another long glance at his form. Then with another shrug, "Well, I best be on my way then." She strode up to the male, tail wagging, her perfume heavy in the air, and gave a lick to his ear. Her fur brushed his in the slightest, setting her burning sensation ablaze. Torah smirked, batting her eyelashes at him, before swiping a paw across the surface and lightly splashing his face.

Giggling the tawny woman trotted off of the ice head held high and knowing that she was a sight to behold, skinny or not. That fact alone didn't need to be reaffirmed by any man. The itch though...her touching him even for just a moment seemed to have worsened. An instinctual desire fighting at her will. Torah glanced back at him, giving a look with her icy eyes that'd always worked on the boys back home. She didn't stop though, and she wouldn't, even if he decided not to give chase. The ball was in his court and he could continue to roll the dice and play her game or not. That was that.


The smaller the creature, the bolder its spirit

"Are you ready for, ready for A perfect storm, perfect storm?"

Played by Molo who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
A few meals ago she would’ve been thicker, the woman commented. Yeah, he believed that, too. Another chuckle escaped him, and though he sorely wanted to pour on a bit of flattery, Artyom couldn’t bring himself to do it. The desire there - or lack thereof to really commit - prevented him from going there at this time of the year.

But then.. instinct. It was a hell of a thing to battle against. As was that scent. And her beauty? Artyom was all but completely confident her disinterest was a ploy, at least to an extent. Designed to lure him in - and damned if it wasn’t working.

Even as he drank, he couldn’t help but watch her. That beautiful frame, those eyes. And witness her paw send a tiny wave of ice water at his face. He snorted a little and recoiled, but the cold shock brought him back to his senses. At least a little.

Artyom stood up, his eyes following her. A part of him wanted to, as well. But yet, he remained rooted. Maybe there was another option, though. ”You’re going to walk away, just like that?” He questioned, tipping his head to one side. And he couldn’t help but let the slightest of smirks work its way across his countenance, now.

”Not even interested in sharing a hunt?”