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Dead in the water — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
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Oksana Baranski
The Crow was tucked away in the medical den berating herself for letting this get as far as they had. Now she was sick and stuck inside away from her children. Oksana lay with her head on her paws looking out into the forest through the den entrance. She felt like a pup again being forbade from leaving the den. She needed to be out there looking after her pack. Making sure they were all okay.

Nash was doing that for her until she had gotten better. She had no doubt that he woukd do a fine job after all he'd taken to the co-lead position like a natural. It was such a strong sense of duty that she had to them it was hard for her to accept things whether they were for the best or not.

The crow sighed as she breeze fluttered the leaves on the trees. Maybe it would he okay if she rested outside for a bit. Slowly she got to her paws. Her legs were still a bit shaky after she'd collapsed the previous day. Oksana had known it was going to happen but she'd been unable to stop it. Slowly she took each step until she reached the den entrance. That was where she laid down before taking in some of the fresh air.
Played by becca who has 142 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adora Macieo
She had waited too long and too much seemed to change!

She thought of how easy it might have been if she had just slipped away. Even if she could never do that to her mother or siblings. Still the idea nibbled at her bit by bit until she had come across the once leader. Who may as well still have been a leader in the young girl's eyes.

Oksana had more standing in the cove than Adora likely ever would.

So she could not help the soft meep of an awkward greeting that escaped her — "Hi." A bit cautiously she settled onto her own rear nearby. "Mind a visitor?" Her smile timid even if it would also be genuine.
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
As much as Oksana loathed the idea of letting her pack down by having to step down. Not to mention the idea of having to stay cooped up she knew it was for the best. One important lesson that she'd learned was when the medic told ypu to stay put you did. So she remained at the medical den but she hadn't been told she couldn't go outside. A breath of fresh air was something that she felt she needed. A few moments were she could imagine all of it wasn't happening.

Then a small voice brought her from her thoughts. Orange eyes settled on the girl before her. Oksana smiled, "Hello, Adora," she spoke kindly. Her smiled widened a little when the girl asked to join her. "I would very much like having a visitor. What's on your mind?"
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by becca who has 142 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adora Macieo

Oh dear.

The dreaded question had come in faster and harder than she had been prepared for. The kind that instantly sagged her features even if she had not wanted it too. Her heart would forever be on her sleeve it seemed. No matter how hard she tried to hide these things.

Oh...um... She shifted a bit awkwardly in her seated position. How did one even go about saying this? How could she explain the sudden fear she had here? Not of the wolves, but of the place. How quickly she had taken to the mountain just to watch it take others. Those before her had seen it take even more.

I'm just...worried. About here.

It had suddenly become very hard to be brave.

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Oksana didn't miss how her question had affected the young girl. She became concerned about what Adora had on her mind. If the question being asked cause such an effect Oksana felt that it couldn't be good. She remained silent allowing Adora to speak and at first she seemed to stall but then she spoke of being worried. Not about her parents or sibling but about the cove itself.

"What about here has you so worried?" She asked gently not wanting to scare the girl away. Adora had come to bisit with her so Oksana wanted to visit too. However, she also wanted the younger girl to know that if she wanted to talk The crow was available for that.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you