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Reunions — Lost Lake 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 370 posts.
Paradise Falls IV. Second
Flair Smoke-Athesila
Flair is calling for @Nash & @Oksana - anyone else, please ask before joining <3


The trip had taken longer than she’d expected, having to fight her way through the snow. But as she finally crested the mountain top and gazed down upon Lost Lake in its protected valley, she didn’t regret it for a second. The evening sun that had disappeared behind the peak long ago, still cast its last rays down upon the sheltered forest, bathing that and the frozen lake in an orange-gold glow.

But the fiery woman didn’t waste time admiring the scenery, pausing only long enough to catch her breath before hurrying down the slope, new energy filling her steps as she swiftly crossed this last distance. She was in such a hurry in fact, that she almost raced right past the border – despite a year away from the Cove, it still felt somewhat like coming home.

The only thing that stopped her was the changes in the scent-scape marking the pack lands. Aleister’s absence hit her in the chest, like a physical blow, the joy knocked out of her like air. But it wasn’t the only change – Nash’s scent was strong all along the border, which in itself wasn’t so odd, however the only presence to match his was Oksana’s – Flair had expected Al’s widow to take up leadership, but to have Nash at her side; A good choice.

With a soft smile returning to her lips, the visitor raised her head to call for the pack alphas; Diplomacy first… She was a leader of Paradise Falls now, and had come as such, not just a friend.

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

Aside from the storm that had slammed into them while the children had been at the Backwater, the weather was slowly turning milder by the day. The scent of spring danced on the air, even as the breeze warmed. The ice on the lake was thawing - the reason for the tragedy that had befallen the Valle family. Perhaps his desire for the thaw had brought it upon them too soon.

Nash tried to keep moving, even though he knew the grief Viorel felt. Sephrina might not have been his own child, but she could have been. It so easily could have been one of his own daughters, or Oksana's; and the fact that their neighbor's child had died on his watch wrecked him. And there was nothing he could do to fix it.

He was in an ill mood when he heard the call. He almost missed it; it was already fading from the air when the familiarity finally hit Nash and he perked up. He trotted toward the voice without any particular hurry, hoping to give Chan time to arrive first and give him a few minutes alone with their visitor. He was disappointed to find the fiery form alone at the border, but that didn't stop him from approaching with a warm smile. "Flair," he greeted his friend. "It's so good to see you!"

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
As winter was starting to abate in the cove Oksana didn't feel any kind of relief. The recent tragedy of Sepherina's death was heavy on her mind. She couldn't even fathom how Viorel must feel. She was also saddened by losing the Backwaters friendship. Her husband had forged it and now it had disintegrated. She hoped that in time they could repair it but that remained uncertain.

Oksana had busied herself with the meanial task of cleaning out the communal den for the upcoming spring and summer. It probably hadn't needed it just yet but it was just the task she needed to help her mind from straying too far.

The call at the borders did get her attention. Tye crow immediatly recognized the voice as Flairs. She quickly sought the woman out and found Nash had beaten her. She approached smiling, "Hello Flair. You look well. Is everying going okay?" She asked with curiosity. Oksana wondered what the red woman had been up to in the months since she'd left.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by PuppyThief who has 370 posts.
Paradise Falls IV. Second
Flair Smoke-Athesila

She tried to be patient, knowing, now more than ever, that pack leaders had plenty other, and more important thing to do than answer to callers at their borders. Still, she felt her shoulders tense more and more with every moment, being so close, after so long, yet having to wait was aggravating.

But finally, she spotted a dark figure approaching and she took a deep breath, reminding herself again  that she was here on behalf of her pack, not just herself. At least it was Nash arriving first to greet her, and it was easy to return his smile, russet tail giving a hearty wag behind her; “Nash, It’s good to see y’ too!” She meant it, looking him over with bright, happy eyes – she might not be as close with the younger Eastfall as she was his brother, but she still considered him a good friend. “Leadership suits you,” She commented, grinning crookedly. Congratulations seemed in poor taste, but she was happy to see him in charge of the Cove in Aleister’s stead.

Oksana followed soon after her co-lead, and Flair turned her attention to the widowed queen, expression turning somber. The dark woman looked well though, a smile on her face that Flair gently returned, nodding her head in thanks at the greeting; “Oksana, I’m so sorry fer y’ loss.” It might have been many months ago now, but she still found it necessary to show respect for her dead friend, and she felt bad it had taken her this long to do so. After leaving a beat to give the words weight, she allowed her tail to resume its light wag, moving on to answer Oksana’s question: “Yes, everythin’ is good. I’ve come t’ tell y’ that Jethro an’ I have established a new pack up north. With Siyet an’ a couple others.”

”Speech" Thoughts