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it's not delivery & its not digiornos — Dead Empress Backwater 
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Played by Winter who has 26 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Reade Quinlan
AW, mention for @Asmund! No worries if he doesn't wanna show though

It wasn't much, but he'd brought a plump grey wood pigeon to add to the cache he'd promised to keep for the boy. Reade made sure to leave small meals and things there whenever he could.

The whole pack seemed to be reeling to various degrees, and Reade hoped to support them by seeing to the basics. Hunting, keeping an eye out for danger. The sort of thing that was always important, but especially when hearts were heavy and minds frayed with grief.

He'd been spending more time with Sharlee, besides keeping to himself, unsure what comfort a newcomer might offer except to do these simple things. And so he gently stepped toward the mossy rock, scratching dirt over the feathered morsel there before letting out a gentle whuff and turning to go once more.
Played by Cade who has 109 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater V. Subordinate
Asmund Ingerssen Valle
Asmund was building new routines of his own. Where before he had constantly changed up his hiding and sleeping places to keep his location unpredictable, he now more reliably drifted toward the proximity of the communal den. He would lay in wait for the others to disperse, and in the times the clearing was empty he would slink out into the open, rest upon the ground, and focus on forcing his racing heart and breaths to calm. When others approached, he was often gone before they could spot him, only his scent and the indentations of where he'd been evidence of his existence.

This meant he very much was aware of Reade's peculiar behavior.

He had learned the man's name via his eavesdropping, but knew little else besides. At first he had left the meat alone, but then he started taking nibbles. Just to show the other wolf that his efforts were seen. Appreciated, though? Asmund still wasn't sure how he felt about it all.

Napping under a nearby evergreen, his ears perked when he heard someone approach and then his head lifted to smell. He heard the adult sound out, and the crunch of pawsteps leaving. For a moment he relaxed, willing to let Reade go, but then he grit his fangs and clenched his eyes shut and cursed internally. He couldn't ignore everyone but @Viorel and @Clover forever, and here this wolf was constantly giving him opportunities he wouldn't take.

With a deep sigh, he forced himself to turn and poke his muzzle past the bough of pine needles concealing him. He gave his own bark, asking for Reade's attention.
Played by Winter who has 26 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Reade Quinlan
The trees were beginning to come to life, sap was running and the sky showed signs of the clouds breaking. The air smelled fresh and new, the days grew longer, the bleak darkness of winter finally loosening its grip. Maybe the turn of time brought other small changes, too.

The man had grown used to coming and going without seeing or hearing from the boy, or others too. Hunting was something he was good enough at and he was happy to put that to use to help the others. The fact that the things he left here partaken from was thanks enough.

However, today was different. The sigh caught his ears but did not alone bring him up short. When the boy called out, though, Reade paused to wait for him.

"Hullo," he gave some mild encouragement, gaze flicking up to the sky for a moment before scanning the trees and shrubbery for signs of life.
Played by Cade who has 109 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater V. Subordinate
Asmund Ingerssen Valle
Every necessary muscle was coiled and ready to spring should Reade move to come closer. All Asmund heard, however, was the other wolf's voice. A simple greeting. There was little else the boy could think to say but an introduction. His mother had taught him how in a different tongue, and he thought of her now as he used the Backwater's language instead.

"... I'm Asmund."

He didn't move to expose himself, wouldn't mind at all if he was nothing more than a disembodied voice to Reade. Hopefully the adult would continue his pattern of not pushing, rather than trying to flush the young wolf out.