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He's got jelly beans for Tommy — Shroud of the Lost 
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Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
This is a surprise Easter Prompt! It is welcome to all players, this will be SoW's first and only prompt, feel free to interact with it as you would like.

The forest against the southeastern mountains of New Eden was a strange and eerie place, filled with dark corners and hidden paths. Most creatures avoided it, fearing the unknown dangers that lurked within the misty woods. But for a young bunny named Daisy, the forest was a place of adventure and discovery.

Daisy was small and quick, with fur as soft as a cloud and eyes as bright as the stars. She loved to hop and skip through the forest, exploring every nook and cranny she could find. She knew she could always find her way back home, because she left a trail of carrots behind her everywhere that she went.