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flashes of light, moments of gold — Dragonveil Fold 
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Played by Winter who has 81 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Isomne Yvain
RE: A gutsy Wolverine is trying to make off with your prey
special mention for @Spartan

Isomne's time here so far had been a blissful reverie shared with her new beloved, with the hope blooming of what could be. This morning saw her out exploring the outskirts of the Fold, almost as if it was some territory they lay claim on. The place was peaceful and secluded, though she had originally planned to continue her journey she found herself in no hurry. The winter snows were beginning to thaw and give way to spring, though the nights were still cold and yet so warm with him by her side. There were many wonders to be found right here, so many things to sing of!

Such were the thoughts on her mind as she returned to some prey she'd cached earlier in her hunt, alert for for anything out of place, as she was becoming accustomed to this one. She'd take her morning's prize back to her bear so that they might share it.

When the stench of an all too familiar creature drifted to her on the wind, it had her muzzle wrinkling in disgust. She wanted to growl in warning or flee but kept her silence in case it was nearby. She'd try to collect what she'd come for and leave this spot unannounced, preferring to avoid any encounter. A wolverine. She'd met one before, and never wished to again. Unfortunately, the creature approached from off to one side with an arched back and no fear, apparently a glutton for conflict. Was it trying to ward her off from her own kill?

At the sight of the creature, her hackles bristled and her lips slid back to reveal a snarling grimace of anger tinged with fear. Hackles raised on end as she tried to look larger than she was. The woman was caught between two impulses; she knew from painful experience how aggressive such a beast could be when confronted over food or territory. She'd no wish to face off with it alone. Memories of those awful jaws, the crunching of bone flashed through her mind and she contemplated retreat. Only, this time of year food was precious, and she'd no wish to lose her hard-earned meal either. That wasn't the only concern though, if this thing pursued her, the last thing she wanted was to lead it back to their newly chosen home. Instead she ducked off through the trees on a new path, barking as she went in hopes of drawing the beast away so she might return for her cache.
Played by becca who has 42 posts.
Inactive VII. Subordinate
note to self: not obviously pregnant yet!

Here they stayed, here they fortified their union further and further. He doted on her with all the fresh love that came from these things. How easy she was to please and how he took great joy in doing each task she'd let him. Hunting, fishing, scouting. He played each role for her. For what they may have made together.

He snorted softly, warmly.

Only to realize he had slept in late from the long hunts yesterday and she no longer laid tangled in his fur and limbs. It would be that which stirred him with a sudden ferocity. A good thing too! The musk upon the breeze was unmistakable and it rankled him that it was so fresh. That it also wove into her scent.

His pace picked up furiously. Her barks pierced the air and he sounded his own alarms as he huffed, puffed, charged.

He cared not if he was skinned or mauled by the ugly, thieving beast. As long as she stayed safe.

spartan does not speak!
Played by Winter who has 81 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Isomne Yvain
Her hunter, her polar spartan. He'd come to her aid, and in one moment her heart leapt to see him. Then it lurched in fear, for she could see he was ready to fight, to tangle with the creature and its powerful teeth and claws.

Isomne would have preferred to outwit the creature, lead it far off on a merry chase, preferably off a cliff. She knew what sort of damage they could do. But she'd not fault her love for his defense, of their home and of her, she could not, would not. Perhaps it was best for them now to make sure it could not return and try to lay a claim here.

Dropping her ruse, she turned back to give her bear some backup against the wolverine. She'd have been right there at his side, only caution for the new life she might carry kept her at his heel instead.

Hopefully, with the two of them the foul creature would flee for good, or else be defeated with minimal harm. Her nerves prickled as she locked eyes with the brown-masked, beady-eyed would-be thief.