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[s] flesh & metal — Antler Ring 
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Played by becca who has 233 posts.
Paradise Falls II. Leader
Isla Valle
this an art of war
all fair in the hailstorm

She descended down from the great stone in the northern reaches. She had held no want to for a long time. Yet the way her body contorted with the beginning of starvation pushed her to traverse. To pick apart the lowlands like a vulture. She could not hunt big game, she could not rely upon caches to be stocked with food at her every whim.

She could not find blocks of frozen food with a sister.

Her features twisted with her thoughts, an ugly sneer settled comfortably on her peppered face. A look that seemed all too natural these days for the lost girl.

Was she really lost? She had picked to leave. She had fled those who cared not enough to watch the blind. She had picked not to go home when the path had been there.

Her head rolled loosely with the mounting frustration she felt. Right up until an odd figure peaked over snow drifts. Like a crown had fallen to earth. What on earth was it? Who had bothered to make it? Nobody seemed to live up here... Unless she had overlooked somewhere. Which was wholly possible, Isla had not been a diligent scout. She had only moved when wind and hunger compelled.


She had learned that bones sometimes still held things within them. Although these seemed far too big for her to break and find out. Not to mention how they linked together in an odd formation.

Fuck. This spat harshly in a frigid breath.

(This post was last modified: Mar 27, 2023, 04:53 AM by Niamh.)
Played by Winter who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Stella Vuesain
Days passed as the miles worn on beneath her paws. Stella remembered leaving like this last winter, that time in hopes of finding Kip, or running from home, who knew? She'd never found any trace the woman, had to find a new mother in her father's new wife instead. Nor had she ever found her missing little sisters when she had gone out to search for them, though thank the heavens Feyre and Star had both returned on their own.

But the missing girl, well, the other missing one. Both were lost, but one could perhaps be found. Maybe, if she weren't such utter shit at finding things so far.

Her tracks hadn't been so hard to follow for the first day or so, but after that it was more guesswork than anything. Any time she thought she'd found something, it lead to nothing.

Stella was trying to get out of her own head and keep her nose sharp, keep moving and looking for signs. If she could find the group that had supposedly existed to the North in the previous months, she could at least ask them-
Her ears snapped up at a word, faint on the wind, but unmistakably another wolf. She guarded her hopes but it sounded no older than herself, she was certain.

Stella changed track and set out over a nearby rise, trying to step atop the slightly crusted snows and with every third step breaking through into the depths, until at last she crested the hill and saw her down there. Thank goodness, she breathed.

"Shit," she couldn't help but say aloud the next moment. The girl before her didn't look great, thinned and fur more unkepmt, but she was definitely the wayward girl who'd fled that awful day on the ice. Stella would never be one to blame her. But, hells, where to start. "Can I come down there?" The Vuesain calls to the Valle. As good a place as any, though she can't be sure she'd be a welcome sight at all.
(This post was last modified: Mar 27, 2023, 06:17 AM by Stella.)
Played by becca who has 233 posts.
Paradise Falls II. Leader
Isla Valle
Do this to my loved ones, I've got some nerve
Don't think I'm not sorry

"Can I come down there?"

Her head raised stiffly, spine rigid with the advance of a stranger. No. This had suddenly somehow become worse than a stranger. Somehow a Cove wolf had come all this way, then had the audacity to ask to be near her.

"Why? Wanna finish the job getting kids killed, Cove wolf?"

She would have shoved a knife between them if she had hands. Instead it was the softest baring of teeth and the spikiness her fur took on the longer she stood there. Rigid but ready. Prepared, in one way or another, to strike hard and fast.

It had not been this other girl's fault, but it may as well have been. One Cove wolf failing was the same as them all failing in the eyes of Isla. A girl who had lost her sibling due to the incompetency of somebody losing sight of her blind sister.

Her grief stroked the swelling flames of anger.

(This post was last modified: Apr 12, 2023, 03:02 AM by Isla.)