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stars fading but I linger on — Dragonveil Fold 
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Played by Winter who has 81 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Isomne Yvain
For Spartan, Backdated to the day after their last thread

Some time in the late hours of the night, Isomne had returned to the small cave, sleeping with a peace she had not known for some time.

When she woke, it was gradually, with a feeling of quiet hope that did not fade with wakefulness.

It was snowing again, and she rose, stretching her frame, and walked until she could catch the flakes on the tip of her nose and greet the blush of morning's light. A new day, the turning of the seasons, a new chapter, perhaps. Would the hunter, her hunter she'd come to know in these last few blissful days walk it alongside her, or would their paths diverge again? A gentle smile forms as her thoughts turn to him. To possibilities.

What would today hold, tomorrow? Perhaps the uncertainty of it all should worry her more, but it did not. Instead there was the feeling of something unexpected to look forward to finding out, perhaps. A deep breath was taken and exhaled in wordless song, a salutation to the world. Good morning, love.
Played by becca who has 42 posts.
Inactive VII. Subordinate

He had spent the night close to her in the den. A polar bear in those hushed moments. Then he had awoke to work and found he had not missed the Cove that spring morning.

Aya! He had a like-wife in the den behind him and the world before him. How could he miss anything with a future the bloomed so bright and fierce? Like spring had come to him in a heat wave. He had managed to pluck a fat little groundhog for her this morning.

The song she sung only encouraged him further as he returned with the thing hung from his jaws. For her! He need not explain such as he dropped it at her feet and moved to nibble fondly at her cheek. Then her ear.

My love, a deep rumble in the warm glow of his chest. They had been made for one another and this he did not question.

spartan does not speak!
Played by Winter who has 81 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Isomne Yvain
He had not been gone long, and his return was met with warm greetings from her. She marveled at the newness of it all. How many times had they parted and met like this, that it felt like greeting her long beloved, and yet made her heart skip a beat? How easily could  she  let herself lose count of the days she had known him? Isomne's tail swayed gently as she met him with a caress to his muzzle and cheek, a deep breath of the scent in the thick fur of his ruff.

"Thank you," accepting his gift with gratitude, she would settle herself to eat near the little stream and sweep her tail beside her in invitation for him to join her. The bardic woman found she had less need of words with him than most wolves, perhaps because he did not use them at all. Their shared moments of quiet were not empty, though. She cherished this companionship they'd found. With him she felt illuminated from the darkness, warm and content despite the lingering snows. The days were growing longer, and brighter ones lay ahead.

The promise of what they might contain was still nebulous, and though the possibilities filled her with a sense of joyful optimism, there were also questions.

When she was done eating, she cleaned her muzzle, gaze drifting upward. "I hope to meet the wolves of this land and learn their stories and songs. That's what brought me here," she smiled fondly as her gaze shifted back to him. "But that might have to wait," she mused, her smile showing that there was no regret in this change of plans. "Have you thought about... if you wish to remain here?" Only now did the hesitation cause a waver in her voice.

This was certainly a good place. In a way she'd come to think of it as theirs. But she'd feel confident to travel at his side, too, if he wished to return to his mountains. Only the thought of going on alone scared her right now.
Played by becca who has 42 posts.
Inactive VII. Subordinate

He could never be far from her now. It would do him no good to wander until they knew what had rooted within her from their union. Perhaps something, perhaps nothing. But he adored her either way! No matter if a womb was blessed or not.

His tail thumped softly as she spoke further. He could fathom no other place now. Not even the mountain lake that might have awaited him. His connections had remained limited there and tragedy had torn some rifts before he had even settled.

No, he place would be with her now. How could he be anywhere else?

He chuffed deeply and stamped a paw softly against the earth. Here. Unspoken as he leaned closer to press his forehead to her temple.

Did she wish to stay? Did she wish to see the world until they knew?

He offered a warm curious look as he briefly pulled away.

spartan does not speak!
Played by Winter who has 81 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Isomne Yvain
She should not have hesitated, but this was new territory. And she wanted to make sure she knew his mind on this, that he had his say.

There were many songs in life, some sweet, some sorrowful, and she could only hope that they'd keep singing with joy together as long as they might. She felt a bit as if she'd somehow touched something that was never meant for her, too good to be true, but she could bury her nose in his fur and remind herself that this was real, he was here with her.

The traveler had never thought another could capture her heart like this, never thought she'd feel so at home again since leaving hers. And so quickly, she'd allowed herself to be swept up in this new something, bolstered by his enthusiasm. If he trusted her with his heart, she'd cherish it with everything she had, too.

Isomne leaned into his frame, letting out a slow breath. "I'd like to stay with you, too," she gave a kiss upon his forehead, cheek, and ear. "Right here is quite lovely for now," she smiled with a gleam in her eye, with the hope that what they'd shared would bring forth the blessing of children soon enough, and might stretch on and on. Caring for them without a pack would be challenging, but wonderfully worthwhile too. She felt as if their joy could fill the earth. "We might send word to those who'd miss you?" She'd leave that up to him, though, it was simply in her nature to try not to cross the packs she traveled between. She also wanted to consider what might be best for their potential children's futures, too.

Right now she felt so happy, she did not want to think of any alternatives, but if no pups came of their pairing this season, then perhaps he'd go with her and see the wonders still to be discovered. Seasons came and went, came again. And if not, she'd still sing of him forever, she was sure.
Played by becca who has 42 posts.
Inactive VII. Subordinate

How did he explain his feelings to her on each thing she said?

How did he elaborate on the fact that he doubted any would actually miss him? He had hardly been there before he had been whisked away by other things, stronger things. The mountain only carried tragedy upon its watery slopes up there. Here it seemed softer, kinder. At least to him, to them.

She had quickly become his only focus in the most primal ways. Guided together by the hands of mother nature. Spartan was not a man to think of her as a fleeting thing though.

She had somehow given him more than he had ever had before. In any pack, anywhere.

Perhaps the diplomatic thing to do would have been to go and tell them right away. Instead his absence had drawn on. In that absence his life had bloomed into something worth more. Surely no leader wished to be told that.

He thought of only safety now and wished to not bring down the ire of an angry leader upon his beloved.

A strong shake of his head side to side. No. He had decided. No words that he could not speak would be worth the risk of travel and bad news to her. This he knew for certain.

With a sudden strong need to express affection, he reached for her with thick limbs. Prepared to shower her in love.

spartan does not speak!