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It's like I have ESPN or something — Kingsfall 
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Played by Winter who has 59 posts.
Inactive Pup
RE: Caspian, take cover! Snow has changed to sleet. That stings!
Feb 3rd Late Morning, Overcast Clouds -2.29 ° F, -19.05 ° C
For @Reika

Having a new place to call home was exciting. After the initial confusion of the move had abated, Caspian had begun to really enjoy exploring the hidden grotto and surrounding area of the Kingsfall. The pale boy was making his way along the frosted forest floor, shaking the dust of snow from ferns and low boughs as he passed. He'd made a bit of a game of it. Jet had told him, whenever he went out he could do more than one thing. So as he went he kept an eye out for tracks or anything interesting. But to be honest, he was having more fun with his game.

Gathering his paws beneath him he jumped up, grasping another branch in his jaws and pulling it back down with him. A shower of snow and ice crystals rewarded him as he laughed, standing amid the miniature shower of winter weather he had caused.

Except this time, it wasn't stopping. The feathery crystals continued to fall all around him, more and more until they filled up the air all around. Cas caught one on his nose, grinning even as the clouds scudding overhead turned dark and the breeze began to pick up.

Continuing on his walk, Caspian hopped up onto a fallen tree-trunk that lay at an angle and attempted to climb up it. But, the snow was continuing to fill the air, even amongst the trees, descending at a sharper pace. It was less fluffy now, more wet and icy, and the next flake he caught on his nose was more of a stinging projectile.

Scrambling down off of the log-bridge, Caspian took shelter beneath it from the quickly intensifying storm. A low whine escaped him as he curled his rather lanky frame to fit the small space. He didn't know anywhere better nearby to wait it out, though, and home was suddenly further than he liked to think about. Watching the ice rain down, he remembered the time he'd been caught in the sudden summer monsoon. But that time he'd been with Ryder, and their Ma had saved them. This time he was alone, and unsure what to do.
Played by Kai who has 58 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Reika Archer
Reika felt excited for her future and the wolves of their small group. Now that she was back with them she didn't want to leave them again. The morning had started out very pleasant indeed. Though there was still quite a bit of snow on the ground the ghostly Archer decided to talk a walk through the forest. Perhaps become more acquainted with the territory. She'd been doing a fair amount of resting from her journey and felt it was time to stretch her legs.

She wound through the trees at a leisurely pace. She sniffed around a tree not looking for anything in particular but more curious about the scents that filled their home. Her thoughts had drifted to what it might be like to live in a pack. Her whole life it had just been her and her father. Sometimes they would visit family but being a loner was what she knew best.

As the day progressed she couldn't help but notice the gathering clouds above. She felt a little uneasy about them fearing they might bring yet another snow storm. She didn't think they needed anymore snow than they already had. It seemed that mother nature didn't share her thoughts. It wasn't long before small flakes started falling from the sky. Reika didn't think that was too bad so she continued her walk.

Things however, got progressively worse as the flakes took on more of an icey feel as they hit her. One that hit her muzzle stung which was her first hint that this was just going to get worse. It was getting harder to see from the amount of snow falling that she didn't see Caspian taking shelter under the fallen tree. As she came closer though she did hear the low whine. She needed to investigate that so she went searching for the source of the sound until her nose landed on a familiar scent. "Caspain, is that you under there?"
Played by Winter who has 59 posts.
Inactive Pup
Cas lay curled with his nose over his tail, his hopes for the storm to end quickly dwindling with each moment as the flakes only grew more intense. He supposed he'd just have to wait it out alone and make his way home as soon as he could, whenever that might be.

The snow muffled ambient sounds enough, or his own racing thoughts did, that he did not hear the approaching footsteps until his discoverer spoke up. At her voice, Caspian's head snapped up and his ears perked forward, almost skeptical of what he heard. His name?

Venturing to peek out from his shelter for a moment, he spotted a form he recognized nearby and gave a short bark in greeting, his tail wagging in relief. He wasn't alone.

"Yeah, right here!" he answered breathlessly, retreating back into his makeshift shelter as soon as he could be sure she'd spotted him. "Miss Reika?" he asked once he had a chance. He had seen her about before, and at their gatherings, but had yet to really make the acquaintance of the masked woman. But that would hardly deter the youth on the best of days, much less this one from welcoming friendly face, new or not.
(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2023, 12:11 AM by Caspian.)
Played by Kai who has 58 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Reika Archer
The weather only grew worse as the moments ticked by. The flakes fell so quickly and densely that Reika worried finding her way home might be harder than previously thought. She didn't want to get turned around amd finding any scents to lead her was nearly impossible. The snow had covered them.

It wasn't the sight of him or the scent of him but the sound of his whine that had brought her attention to him. It was Caspian and though she knew it wasn't strange for the pups to be venturing about it was worrisome that he was out in this snow. She obviously couldn't and wouldn't leave him there.

When he called out confirming his location she went to his little shelter. "Are you alright?" She asked him quickly checking him over. She was worried that he might be hurt and that was why he hadn't made it back before the storm. Her silver gaze met his when he spoke her name. "Yes, what's on your mind?" She asked. She didn't really know Caspian which she felt was her fault so now was as good a time as any since it looked like they might be there awhile.
Played by Winter who has 59 posts.
Inactive Pup
Caspian nodded at her question. "I'm fine, I just... dunno if I can make it back right now," he admitted, though it was not something he cared to say aloud. As much as Caspian liked to try and be as grown-up as he could, to catch up with his brother at everything and meet the challenges the Lore set before him each day... sometimes he had to admit he was in over his head. This was definitely one of those times. He was fortunate that there had always been someone there to help him through such trouble, more than the boy even knew.

Scooting to make room for her in the cramped little shelter, he watched the flakes falling like streaks outside, the forest a backdrop of hazy gray static. It wasn't so bad, once it wasn't stinging you on the nose and you had somebody to get through it with, he thought. Even if this meant having to introduce himself to his packmate at a low point.

"Will you stay until it stops?" he asked Reika, looking back to a gaze that was the same colors as the winter outside, but still decidedly a  more warm and welcome sight.
Played by Kai who has 58 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Reika Archer
Reika was glad to hear that Caspian was okay. She didn't know what she'd do if he wasn't. In this weather she wasn't sure she'd ve able to get him the help he might need un time. "Its okay Caspan. I don't think I can make it back right now either." She didn't want him to feel bad that he was unsure about getting home in the heavy snow. Since she'd found him because she'd heard him and not by scenting she knew they were in the same position.

The boy made room for her to get into the shelter which she did curling up next to him. "We can keep each other warm while we wait for it to slow some." She commented offering him a reassuring smile. She didn't want him to worry and as soon as it stopped she'd take him hone to his mother who was surely worried about him.

"Of course I will. You and I are in this together now," she said bumping his shoulder with her nose. "What were you doing out here anyway?" She asked curiously. "I was hunting without much luck I might add," she told a small laugh escaping her lips.
Played by Winter who has 59 posts.
Inactive Pup
They'd have to wait it out, but not alone. Cas's gaze had returned to the dark wall of clouds above the trees, thinking about what Reika had said. His anxieties did not vanish, but they were quieted by Reika's company.

He didn't really know much about her, except that she was one of their group, but that was enough. She seemed nice, the youth slowly warming and waking up now as he sat beside her and listened. They were in this together now, that was right.

"I was just kinda explorin',"
he admitted, dropping his gaze to his paws before he tucked them beneath himself. It didn't seem like a good reason at all when he said it aloud, now.

"Were you huntin' for some certain thing?"
he asked after a moment, trying to think of something else to say. At least that subject might be more interesting and useful.