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if love is a labor i'll slave 'til the end — Paradise Falls 
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Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
For @Jethro only.

Chan had been sleeping, curled loosely within a ray of strong, warm sunlight. He often could be found just outside of the den where @Flair and their children were housed, ever guarding them, even while at rest. Today though, as he woke and stretched from his nap, his thoughts kept drifting toward Jethro and @Finley. He hadn't checked in with either of them at length since the birth, knowing only minimal details as his focus remained primarily on caring for his own litter. Why shouldn't today be when he changed that?

He poked his head into the ground, ensuring that his own family did not need anything of him before sending out a short call to Mar who was always nearby, communicating his brief absence and then setting off. They weren't far, of course; he easily found the wolf who was now his leader.

"Hey Jet," Chan called out upon sighting the familiar dark frame, a small smile and mild wag of his tail greeting the younger man.
(This post was last modified: Jun 03, 2023, 10:47 PM by Chan.)
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
He sat upon what was perhaps his favorite rock, close enough to the falls to feel its cool, misting spray now that things had thawed and warmed. Water had and always would be something he found soothing. The sound of it, and the feel of it, on a warmer day. And he’d not taken the time to enjoy that, for a while.

A call issued would draw him away from that. Abandoning his perch, the dark one stretched and ventured toward Chan, trying to ignore how odd it still felt to be the leader to someone he looked up to so much.

”Chan. Good t’see you.” He murmured, tail waving and he hoped for a little shoulder bump. ”How’s Flair? And the kids?”

From what he knew, Flair had made it through her labor alright, too. This time, without any complications, or dead children. Though they were busy, Caspian was still gone somewhere, and there was a lot to attend to, having both his co-lead and partner past the actual childbirth stage now and on the mend, was a major weight vanquished.

And he couldn’t wait to actually meet them. Though they were not his children, Jet still felt love and pride for the children of two of his closest friends. As well as happiness for the parents, themselves. Things were going to go right, this time.
Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Chan would oblige that familiar way of greeting, far more comfortable with those who had been present through his losses than his own family. Unfortunate, regrettable, but something he was doing his best to compartmentalize and store away. There was no going back this time, especially after the mountain had stolen Auburn as well.

"They're good," he answered, and his ability to honestly say as much was, in itself, a relief. His smile grew just a touch wider, and his tail continued its wagging with a smidgen more energy. Soon enough, the kids would no longer need the protection of a natal den, and the pack could share properly in the raising of their children instead of each being hidden away.

"Don't think I've ever seen anything sleep more than Addy does. What about Fin n' yours?"

Chan wished he could do more to help with the boys, especially in finding Caspian, but he still couldn't bring himself to go far from his own pups, much less leave the territory. Ryder treated him like the stranger he was, and every inch of the Falls had already been searched, thus rendering him a bit useless, or so it often felt.
(This post was last modified: Jun 17, 2023, 08:23 PM by Chan.)
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
His manner of greeting was returned warmly, and a response to the inquiry was provided swiftly. They’re good, Chan spoke. ”Good Give Flair our congratulations too, yah?”

Jet’d found himself missing regular conversations with his co-lead. Hopefully he’d get to see her too, before long. For now though, to see Chan smiling and happy was a treat in itself, after the hell the man and his family had gone through over the last year. Here and with the Cove.

He deserved peace and happiness, which the dark one was committed to trying to provide for both Chan and Flair. While Jet had a child and Finley to look out for now, that priority would be a very close second.

Chan’s answer and subsequent inquiry brought a smile to his countenance, though one that was just a tad wistful. In just a few weeks he and Finley’s daughter had grown so much. He already sort of missed just being able to curl up with them each night, not having to worry about her wandering.

”The opposite, thinkin’ Atara’s gonna be wanting out soon. But they’re.. good.”
Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
"Of course," Chan answered, briefly pinching his eyes into slivers with an appreciative smile. He reclined onto his haunches, and his tail continued to keep a contented rhythm. He felt for the children they had loss, was grateful that their daughter had survived. Great things were expected to be in store for Atara, so cherished and secure. Chan wanted the same for his own newborns as well of course, but his confidence in himself was far less than what he held for Jethro and Finley.

"How's fatherhood treating you?"

So much had happened and changed for the younger man, his life so different now than from when the Eastfall family had first been introduced to him. Chan was exceptionally proud of the choices he'd made and the pack he'd built for himself. Did it feel the same for Jet? Did he see himself as accomplished?
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
Chan’s next inquiry was, like so many things seemed lately, both simple and yet difficult to answer. ”It’s hard..” Jet murmured before he could stop himself. In many ways. Providing, finding enough time in the days to coordinate things like hunts and patrols, and to be there for everyone. Then there were still many emotions, especially for the two children he’d lost.

Souls that would never get to experience life, it hurt to even now to think of their tiny bodies now smothered in dirt and darkness forever. But it helped, to a degree even without speaking of it, to know those were things that Chan understood. Maybe even more so.

”But I wouldn’t change it.” He spoke again, confidently, lest the other begin to think he had regrets. ”Had no idea it was possible to love anything so much. Just hope I can do right for her.”
(This post was last modified: Jun 20, 2023, 03:30 AM by Jethro.)
Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Chan's expression softened with empathy, relatively certain he knew what Jethro meant. An honest answer, and he appreciated that the other wolf felt comfortable enough to give that to him. His tawny head bobbed in agreement and understanding both.

"I believe you will," he answered with a bright smile. There was so many things they could not control in life, but he was utterly confident that Jethro's actions would always be what he thought best for his family. That was the best any of them could hope to do in this world.

"Can't wait 'til they can all be together. Hope they're the best of friends."

It wouldn't be like his own childhood, where other children threatened him and his siblings' wellbeing, trying to push them out. That he knew for certain. They all would have Marigold too, who he already knew would be a better, more dutiful older sibling than he'd managed to be. Of course, thinking of his eldest daughter reminded him of Auburn, and there was a moment where his gaze would wander and dim as he thought of his recently-deceased son.
(This post was last modified: Jul 11, 2023, 09:13 PM by Magg.)
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
I believe you will, the elder spoke. His words still somehow managed to provide a spark of encouragement, but it was far less than what it might’ve once been. Jet wanted to return the smile, to just accept the words with a nod.

”Wish I shared your optimism. But it’s not just her - I wanna do well for Cas and Ry, too.” A task he was sure both of them knew would probably be more challenging. ”Whatever happens, it won’t be for lack of trying. Long as I can help it, none of our kids will go without.” There were certain things he could control, and others he couldn’t. He could make sure all of the kids were safe and fed. He could make sure Atara and the others knew they were loved, but beyond that, there was little sense in worrying.

The thought of the kids playing and being friends though did prompt a tiny smile. ”I hope so too.” It would be interesting to watch how the children would interact. He’d gotten to see some of it, with Caspian and Ryder, who both seemed to care for each other. But they were, or at believed themselves to be siblings. How would the dynamic between the kids this year change things, if at all?