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Played by Flywolf who has 53 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater X. Yearling
Ally Valle
Open for @Archer, @Kateri, & Andy
Broken Clouds, mid-day, Ally is stepping outside to explore

Her days had been dark and quiet, her existence free from knowledge and strife except for the push and pull between herself and her brother. The tiny girl didn't really even know what it meant, just on an instinctual level that the two of them were both rivals and partners in crime, them against the rest of the world.

But until today, she hadn't had any frame of reference for what that might entail. During a quiet moment, she had stolen a taste of something sweet and strange, a first taste of freedom.

Unsteady paws made their way toward the light, and forth into the brightness with the lack of hesitancy that only children and fools seem to have. Ready or not, the world had better prepare itself. Ally Vuesain was here!
Played by Flywolf who has 346 posts.
Lone Wolf Deceased
Archer Valle
Assuming at this point Andy hasn't died yet, will post a thread addressing that soon

Archer Valle

Trouble gnawed at Archer's stomach. This was a different kind of worry than he'd felt before - he'd never been a dad before, how could he worry like this? He'd worried about Eros incessantly, the boy had no sense of self preservation, but it wasn't like this.

His son was sick. Well, sick might not be the right word. Sick would be better. Archer could handle sick. He could deal with an illness that struck from the outside. Only, that didn't seem to be the case with Andy. One would think, with both parents having extensive healer training, they could nurse him to heath. He couldn't say back to health, however, because Andy had never been healthy. He was just... weak. They kept expecting him to grow stronger, like his sister, but he didn't.

And Archer was afraid. He was so, so terribly afraid.

But he had to keep his head up for his family.

...A family that appeared to be growing a bit more adventurous, as he heard little pawsteps and turned from where he watched the lake lapping at the shore. Archer blinked. Were they that old already?

Archer is very haggard and thin; it is obvious he is not doing well.
Played by Flywolf who has 53 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater X. Yearling
Ally Valle
She couldn't know that what was happening was not normal, could not know why her own vitality was not shared equally with her sibling. That he faded while she brightened. Perhaps if she did understand, she would have waited, would have worried, would have stayed by his side longer, pushed a little less. But she did not.

She could only surge forth at the world with the wellspring of capacity she had been given.

The dark one she knew as her father was out there, a single presence in a dizzying canvas that she could only stare at, uncomprehending. What was this world she'd clambered into going to be like? If she'd had any sense at all she might have worried a little. Too bright, to soon, too scary, too empty, she didn't have any bar to judge it by except her own insatiable curiosity.

Instead she greeted it all with a puppyish bark, a foolish challenge.