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Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken — Paradise Falls 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 371 posts.
Lone Wolf IV. Second
Flair Smoke-Athesila
Introducing the twins! Open to all pack members, but not mandatory c:
@Jethro @Finley @Caspian @Reika

This wild heart can't be broken

Motherhood had been surprisingly peaceful so far. The little ones did little more than sleep and suckle, leaving their mother to get plenty of rest herself, for which she was grateful. Though as time passed, even though they were growing well, Flair did start to worry, just a little. Addison especially seemed to be content in her dreams, stirring only when the warmth of her mother strayed briefly, but she settled down quickly once Flair returned from her errand. Her brother was slightly more active, if still much quieter than pups aught to be, in the mother’s opinion, simply piddling about the den, investigating placidly and showing very little interest in the outside world.

But today, Flair had decided, they would be pushed a little, ensuring they continued to develop even in their own, quiet way. She wanted them to meet their ‘cousins’ and hopefully move to one of the cave’s soon, to keep all three pups closer together. So, when she returned from her morning stretch, rather than curl back up with her children, she reached down to nudge them – gently at first, but with increasing insistence, not relenting until both pups had ventured out into the light.

Played by Cade who has 41 posts.
Paradise Falls X. Yearling
Addison took time in understanding what their mother truly wanted of them. So far left to a very familiar routine, each time Flair nudged them the pup thought maybe she simply wanted more room. The darkly-auburn girl would sleepily rise, take a few steps forward, then drop to the ground to curl up again, time after time until they were in the throat of the den's entrance and it clicked. Mother wanted them to go into the light.

The girl turned to face it, close enough in this moment to start to feel the warmth of summer wafting in, and found herself drawn like a moth. She climbed, up into the sunlight and out into the open, and was hit with several new sensations all at once. With all four paws in the grass she stilled once more, blue eyes closing as her young mind focused; on the feel of the blades beneath her, on the steady flow of fresh air, on the soft heat and woody smells of a warming forest.

A soft, contented sigh left her stubby muzzle, and she shifted down onto her stomach, perfectly happy with this new napping place.
(This post was last modified: Jun 15, 2023, 02:37 AM by Addison.)
Played by Ghost who has 230 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Finley Lennox Kane
Atara is about a month old so Finny gets to go for a walk! So nice, plus Cade that way you don't have to post her here if you don't want to :)

Finley was pleased that the weather continued to improve after the freak late season snowstorm a couple of weeks previous. She was also happy that her and Jethro’s daughter had grown old enough to be left alone for a couple hours at a time. That allowed her a little more freedom to go for a walk, hunt small game, spend some alone time with the other adults of the pack.

This morning she had a single wolf in mind, and that was Flair. The mother had been pleased to hear that her friend had delivered two healthy children of her own, and that things seemed to be going well. Finley had yet to be able to go see the young family herself and so was determined to get over there today. If only she knew this was the exact moment the twins were seeing the world for the first time.

Coming upon the scene, green eyes lit up at the sight of the strawberry furred child laying in a sunbeam in the grass. Looking towards Flair she called, ”If only Ryder had been half that calm at her age.” Atara was somewhere in between, not as busy as her sons had been, but not as sleepy as this one appeared to be.

(This post was last modified: Jun 15, 2023, 03:08 AM by Finley.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 26 posts.
Lone Wolf X. Yearling
Micaden Smoke-Athesila

Much like his sister, Micaden was in no hurry to leave, what he had assumed to be the entirety of the world up until this point. As he always did whenever their mother left, he had curled up next to Addison to share body heat, expecting the bigger warmth to return soon. But alas, he was not to have any more snuggles it seemed, for the nose that nudged him was much more demanding.


Still, he stuck close to his sister, inching behind her as their mother relentlessly pestered. Only when Addison took the final steps out into the light did Mica begrudgingly follow, eyes pinched to slits against this sudden and unwelcome change.


The sound of a strange voice was what finally made him open his eyes, only to be flooded with the brightness once more. His senses overwhelmed, the boy sneezed loudly several times, shaking his head to clear the overload before, at last, he was able to see the vastness of his home.

”Speech" Thoughts

Played by Cade who has 913 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Chan had been taking the opportunity to nap nearby, curled up amongst tall grasses and dappled in shadows. The sounds of movement and voices woke him, and he lifted his head to easily spot Flair and Finley. A few blinks later, he noticed a much smaller shape joining a smudge of red amongst beryl blades. His face lit up and he uncurled to hurry over.

Every time he laid eyes upon his children, he couldn't believe it. They were so small and precious, so healthy and gentle, and they filled his heart with love. He wished he could have been there for Auburn and Marigold when they were this young...

Micah's stubby whiskers were still weighted by droplets of sneeze-matter, and Chan couldn't help an endeared chuckle before leaning down to clean his son's face. He then flopped down beside their tiny bodies, rolling onto his back and then wriggling into Addison to jostle her awake. Gravity pulled at his lips and bared his teeth, making his grin utterly goofy.

His mismatched gaze looked to Finley then, his tail slapping the ground a few times in greeting.

"Heya Fin. How're the kids?"

He hoped every time he asked that part of the answer would be 'oh, and Caspian's back!' even though he knew it unrealistic that such news would not be promptly announced to the pack.
(This post was last modified: Jul 11, 2023, 11:17 PM by Addison.)
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 371 posts.
Lone Wolf IV. Second
Flair Smoke-Athesila
This wild heart can't be broken

Their resistance was unsurprising, but it couldn’t beat the mother’s stubborn insistence, and eventually both pups made it out into the light, each greeting the sun in their own way. Flair could do nothing but smile at her children and the expression only grew brighter as they were joined first by Finley and then Chan soon after, the father’s loving approach to his children making her heart swell; This was all she had dreamed of.

Looking to Fin, she chuckled lowly, shaking her head a little. “A’ worry sometimes that they’re too calm fer their own good,” she confessed, though it was with warmth in her voice and love in her eyes. With any luck, the twins had simply inherited their father’s temperament rather than her own; We can only hope…!

As Chan addressed the younger woman, Flair moved over to sit herself beside him, between their children, hip bumping up against his. She briefly looked down to meet his eyes, joy and love beaming in her golden eyes. Then she turned her attention on Finley, expression sobering a little – in the midst of her own happiness, she would not forget that all wasn’t perfect in Paradise Falls. “Yes, any news?” She prompted, eager to hear both about her friends’ daughter, who she had yet to meet, and the wandering older brothers.

Played by Cade who has 41 posts.
Paradise Falls X. Yearling
Addison was almost dreaming again when something big bumped into her, jarring her awake again. She lifted her head to see the familiar expanse of her father's tawny side, baby blues not able to clearly pick up on anything past his ribs but knowing it was him all the same. Her tiny tail wagged, and she flopped back down, this time onto her side. She would doze off again unless further pressed to stay awake.

Please skip Addy going forward unless directly woken up!
(This post was last modified: Nov 23, 2023, 01:00 AM by Chan.)
Played by Ghost who has 230 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Finley Lennox Kane
Poor Finley reminds me of a sitcom wife who strolls in with a casserole and pretends everything is okay

The agouti woman moved closer once Chan arrived, lounging down comfortably so she could get a closer look at the sleepy children. Her own green eyes were bright with affection, she truly did love cubs, her own of course but just pups in general. It was such a special time, so small and innocent, untouched by life yet, everything was new and ready to be discovered. It was no wonder they were exhausted, imagine if everything that you did you were doing for the very first time.

Looking up, Finley was more somber, ”Atara is doing well, growing bigger every minute it seems like. I’m sure before long she’ll be over here demanding to play with yours.” Blinking in an attempt to compose herself against the sadness that was threatening to push through, ”Ryder is…. Still adjusting to the change, I think he would have an easier time if Caspian was home.” She had thought the boy would be home by now, and knew that her son spent most of his time looking and Jethro had as well but there had been no sign of him.

Plus there was the fact that Atara was a single and they had had to bury her brothers only a couple of days after she had been born. Inhaling sharply, she plastered a smile on her face, ”But they’ll be alright, these things take time.” She didn’t want to talk about this so she quickly changed the subject, ”They’re beautiful, what names did you settle on?” That should redirect things nicely.

Played by PuppyThief who has 26 posts.
Lone Wolf X. Yearling
Micaden Smoke-Athesila

The world was a bright blur of brown and green, much too vast for his young eyes to fathom. What he did see was the movement, his mother’s familiar fiery presence, and then another well known blur of grey and tan, pared with a rich, calming sound that enveloped Mica like a hug. The sudden wet sensation was less welcome, eliciting a small whine of protest, but there was little the boy could do to fight off his father’s treatment.


At least it was over quickly, leaving Micaden to shake his head markedly, letting out a low grumble to underline his displeasure. But his offense didn’t last long, tail starting to wag as he joined his family. Oblivious to the adults’ conversation, the pup bounced onto his hindlegs, placing both paws against his father’s flank and barking lowly, just once, pleading for his attention. The world was far too new and massive for him to take in, but his dad was a familiar place to turn, one that always brought comfort.

”Speech" Thoughts

Played by Cade who has 913 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Chan's tail wagged again, a steady thud against the ground as Flair joined them. If only Marigold and Auburn both were here too... then this really would be the picture of perfection. His eyes turned back to Finley, listening for her answer. What came made him regret asking, at least just a touch. Even if nature had given them a break, it had taken its frustrations out on their friends instead. His features sobered, and his chin bobbed in a nod of understanding.

He felt his son's paws at his hip as Fin asked her own question, causing his smile to return. He leaned his flank toward Mica, feigning being about to smother the boy with his weight. A forepaw reached out to run along Addy's side, still sound asleep and perfectly content.

"This is Addison," he introduced, before half sitting up to better reach her sibling. His paw now batted gently, playfully at the pup's ears.

"And this is Micaden."
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]