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I thought I had you figured out — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle
A pack hunt for DEB just outside the borders. The pups are still a little bit too young but it has been a long time since we had one! I know most of us play multiple characters in the pack so no pressure to post all of them, but I expect everyone to get at least one character in. The next round will begin in 2 weeks on July 24th. @Clover @Vasco @Vayko @Eros @Sage
early evening, smoke, 73F/23C

The pups were old enough to be eating regurgitated meat rather than just milk. On one paw that made things harder as it meant that they were going through the caches faster, but on the other pay it was a blessing that they weren’t nursing. With Sharlee and Reade now missing it wasn’t like his cousin’s litter had a lot of free teets to suckle on, and Clover had her paws full of her own.

The leader was pissed. He couldn’t believe he had given his cousin his blessing to breed and then they had both up and left the kids behind. He was done being nice, no more chances, if they came back he would chase them off himself. No more free rides, no more taking in everyone’s orphans, look what had happened last year. He needed to get some of the pent out rage out, and the arrival of the smoke that hazed the area seemed the perfect cover.

The herd had been hanging close for weeks and Viorel had been keeping a close eye on them. The haze appeared to make them docile, confused, a little dopey. He had announced in the morning that this evening would be a larger hunt that needed multiple members to attend, and now he waited at the pre-arranged spot. He couldn’t wait to dig his teeth into something.

Played by Tasha who has 308 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Vayko had been diligently watching over his brood. In a short amount of time, he had come to understand so much more about his cousin. Little lives he brought into the world had changed so much, modified his perspective on things to a degree that a younger version of him could never truly understand. The lives had even managed to distract him from the disappearance of his sister and the man who had knocked her up… mostly, that was.

When he heard the call, he knew he needed to be there… that he needed to provide for the pack that was providing for his children… his family. He knew he would have anyway, but something about those little lives made the event that much more important. He would encourage Clover to remain with the children, offering a gentle nose to her cheek as he departed to meet his cousin.

When evening came, he would arrive, a dip of his head in respect to his cousin as he waited silently for the hunt to begin, and for the roles to be set. He had confident that they could bring down multiple and feed all of the tiny mouths that would soon be transitioning over to meat-filled meals.

Vayko Valle
Played by Tasha who has 124 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Seri Donata
And so I tell myself that I'll be strong
Seri Donata
and dreaming when they're gone

Seri had been eagerly preparing all day for the hunt. He had received news of it in the morning, a wide grin on his features and excitement that he prattled off to anyone he ran across that day. It would be his first pack hunt, in fact… he had never really been a part of one before.

He had hunted plenty of small game… but large game? With family? No, that he had never done before. It was a momentous occasion for him. Even when he had been out with Eros, he had somehow managed to always miss the bigger hunts, either through patrolling or scouting ahead.

Well no more!

He arrived with a wagging tail and eager eyes, though he noticed the silence that lingered and thought it best to remain silent himself lest he was given an instruction or there began to be idle chatter amongst everyone.

[Image: zHxmDjA.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 39 posts.
Inactive XIII. Yearling
Jacynth Valle-Quinlan

Jacy had heard about the hunt in the early afternoon while bumbling about the territory, both trying to avoid his brother and find a playmate in one of his cousins. As soon as he'd heard, he knew he needed to be there. He knew absolutely nothing about hunting of course, and he was still little, but he wanted to see what the fuss was all about! Obviously it was a big deal, if they were spending the whole day planning for it.

So Jacy stuck close to his uncle Vayko, whom he'd been spending more time lurking around since his mom had gone missing, and when the older man had nudged Aunt Clover and headed out, Jacy was quick to trail behind - close enough to follow, far enough that he - hopefully - wouldn't be noticed until they were wherever it was they were going and he might be able to convince them to let him stay.

Not many of the adults had gathered yet and Jacy thought about hanging back a little longer, but it wasn't like he was breaking any rules. Nobody had told him he couldn't go. There was no reason to act like he would be in trouble. He confidently trotted forward to plop down next to Uncle Vayko, looking expectantly between him and Viorel.

Played by WildFlower who has 127 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Sage Hervok
some fairy tales are more than true

A pack hunt. Sage had witnessed them in her family but had always been instructed to stay out of the way and watch and learn. Sometimes she got to help by running far on the outside. But in the brawl of it all? No, not once, she was never up close or able to sink her teeth in. Today would be a first for her, a mark of transitioning from child to woman. To say she was nervous was an understatement. She'd be expected to pull her weight and didn't want to let anyone down. Not to mention if there was anyone she hadn't met within the pack yet, she'd likely meet them today.

Finally, the time had come and she came along bearing a plant within her jaws, Lavender Hyssop. She'd gathered some from a recent day trip to Cedarwoods. Her mom had taught her about it, often using it to calm the child's fits of anxiety. To this day it was something she held onto the knowledge of fervently. Today she chose to use it.

Sage crept up along Seri's side, offering a platonic nuzzle to his shoulder. She stood there, chewing softly, and looking around at those gathered. There was a pup, but not one she'd recognized, sitting next to Vayko. She'd heard some murmurings around about another litter but wasn't sure to whom he belonged.

"She speaks" She walks She thinks

[Image: SWS_MostLikelytoGetTogether_tri.png] Dead Empress Backwater [Image: SWS_MostEndearingMoment_tri.png]

Played by Melorama who has 104 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rochus Ward
Feel free to assume that Clover stayed back with the kiddos!

The smoke had made the world hazy, almost dream-like some days, even. He had agreed to join in on the pack hunt, knowing the rapidly growing litters - all his grandchildren by blood - would need food to start eating beyond just milk from their mother. Part of him was pissed that his daughter had left them, but knowing his son and Clover were willing to extend care to them, as well as the rest of the pack, soothed his emotions on the matter.

He arrived after a few others, joining the motley crew with a dip of his head toward Viorel in greeting. Spotting one of the pups he hummed softly to himself, golden eyes surveying the area to see if Clover was around to try and herd the boy back to the den. This was no time to be teaching a pup to hunt, they were far too young to join.

But Rochus wouldn't say anything, instead moving to stand before Viorel expectantly, awaiting whatever hunting plan the young wolf would bestow upon them.
Played by Cade who has 109 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater V. Subordinate
Asmund Ingerssen Valle
When he'd heard about the planned hunt, Asmund had told himself he would participate. That he needed to participate. When the time came, though? There was no howl to signal that definitive 'you've missed it' moment, leaving him to sink lower and lower as he watched the shadows grow longer from beneath a toppled evergreen. His anxieties had paralyzed him, making Asmund unable to do anything other than hate himself for his uselessness.

Maybe next time...
Played by Cade who has 558 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
Eros appeared in his typical somber mood, quietly making his way through the group to stand at Sage's other side. He raised his gaze to his father, and waited for instruction. There was a niggling of memory about his and Archer's very first pack hunt, how they'd been made to sit out because Eros had disobeyed in his exuberance. Things had changed so much since then, all in ways that hurt.

He tried not to think about it anymore, forcing his head to clear all thoughts except for those of the present. The haze burned his eyes and nose, but they'd been through environmental disaster before. They would get through this too, wouldn't they?
(This post was last modified: Aug 11, 2023, 02:24 AM by Magg.)
Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle
This round for everyone to fall into position then next round will begin the hunt! Please get your replies in before August 9th no post order.

They were quick to gather, at least those who would be attending it seemed. He was less than pleased that his own father had not shown up, and even worse when one of Sharlee’s kids did. He was much too young to participate in a hunt or realistically to even be outside of the territory, hence why Clover had remained home with her kids. The ones who were looked after because they had parents who cared. Unlike Jacynth who had no parents and only caretakers. This was going to be a problem. Viorel regarded the child coolly before saying, ”Rochus, it looks like you’ll get some teaching practice in, you’ll have to keep the cub out of the way.” Then looked away.

Quickly he devised the rest of the plan, ”Seri and Sage, you’ll separate one from the herd before Eros then joins in to direct it towards Vayko and I for the take down.” It was what he thought would best play towards each individual strength and that would be most likely to make them successful in their attempt today. They had to be successful, they had so many mouths to feed.

Viorel waited for a moment before he gestured with his muzzle for Vayko to follow him and for everyone else to fall into position.

(This post was last modified: Aug 01, 2023, 12:59 AM by Viorel.)
[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Tasha who has 308 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The arrival of one of his nephews caused his nose to twitch in an irritated manner… the boy must have managed to slip away from Clover, but such could be expected when she was trying to keep track of so many tiny lives all at once. Another twitch would be brought by Viorel assigning his father to babysitting duty, but apart from that the man would remain quiet, expressionless as he settled back onto his haunches and simply awaited everyone else to bring their lazy asses over.

He only offered a quiet nod as Viorel assigned him to the take down alongside him, following after him light on his paws as his cousin waved him forward. A tension would linger in his muscles as he moved, rigid from jaw to tail as he moved, his eyes never leaving the prey they were to take down.

Vayko Valle