Afternoon, Overcast, -1F/-18C
Typically the leader didn’t nap at this time in the afternoon, and he hardly ever slept away from the territory. But, now having somebody by his side and shouldering half the burden he was feeling a little more relaxed. Plus, the sound of the rushing river was just so calming, like a melody, and he couldn’t fight the yawns off for long. So, he had hunkered down between a few of the larger boulders to protect himself from the cold wind, and let himself drift off to dreamland.
The salt and pepper wolf woke with a start at the sound of something scuffling off the closest boulder. The yellow eyes blinked in surprise at the sight of a stone tumbling off the top, shiny and green, it reminded him of the colour of grass in late spring when it was at its healthiest. Viorel sniffed at it curiously, and then noticed a little bit further on an antler fresh and unchewed, a bright smile crossed his features.
Getting to his paws he pushed forward to investigate the antler, and noticed one more thing a fat, juicy fish, still giving a half hearted effort at flopping. It must be his lucky day, where did all this stuff come from?