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as permanent as the will you helped draw up — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Vami who has 66 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Rashina Archer
Hagar stepping down from leadership was nor entirely one which Ra expected yet not something shocking, either. Everyone knew that Hagar had been waring himself to the bone, trying to fit the pieces together again when so many pieces to the puzzle were simply gone. The fires had made it worse. It had made it worse of everyone.

It was these things along with other tragedy which had been the reasoning for the merger which Ra had presented to the pack. Ra followed her Gods suggestions and hoped for the best. Clouse did not seem all that happy with the idea, but she did not know why. Was his thinking based on his own selfish desires or what was best for the group? Both groups.

Hagar's step down meant an ending of a chapter, a chapter which was Avella and Hagar's ruling. Rashina frowned as she thought and opened her mouth to speak when-

Niamh called out her name, breaking the silence as first to present a vote. Her?? A woman who could not see the world which they lived in? Could not hunt for her pack, fight for her pack, search for those missing or meet other groups to form alliance? Ra was a priestess, a spiritual being and moved like a pawn at the gods will. Something revered in Torbine yet, not this place, not these lands.

Then Eve spoke next, her own name sounded again along with that of her brother. Two totally different wolves. One spiritual and one most definitely avoidant and defiant of the gods. Clouse did not seem to wish the merger of groups yet Ra spoke it as the best choice for all.

A soft smile touches her features, her opal colored eyes straight ahead. "And here, as mother of this generation, I was to think you, Niamh." She speaks softly, her smile not yet wavering.

Who would vote next?
"Moon Mother,
bring us your light, for the night is dark and full of terrors.
Played by Flywolf who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Daegal Archer

Daegal was tired; the panic of finding his father collapsed and suffocating had lended him the strength to help his sister get Hagar back home, but now they were here he dropped next to Eve and tried to breathe without inhaling too much of the smoke poisoning them. He listened to his father with dismay. The pale boy's ears fell back and he glanced uncertainly at Eve. It seemed wrong to move forward like their mom wasn't coming back. It seemed wrong for her to be gone. Her and Izzy.

But the others started voting, and even Eve gave her opinion. Dae leaned against her, just enough to feel her warmth. He glanced to the blind woman who now had majority. He didn't know the rest of these wolves well; he'd been so absorbed in finding his mom and brother, he'd neglected the rest of their little group. He trusted his littermate, though. "Ra or Clouse," he agreed, voice quiet.

(This post was last modified: Aug 10, 2023, 05:36 PM by Daegal.)
Played by Melorama who has 18 posts.
Inactive No Rank
She wasted no time in following Niamh, bouncing along behind her with eagerness only a puppy could have, head swinging between her and Ra who also stayed close to them. The kiss to her crown was happily accepted when the came across Hagar, even offering some excited but affectionate kisses of her own.

And then everyone began talking with a seriousness that had even her rambunctious nature dimming a little. She sat back on her haunches, body almost vibrating with the effort to sit still, puppy blue eyes moving to each wolf as they spoke in turn. Some of the words flew over her head, but she recognised every time one of them said the name of Ra, tail whipping back and forth behind her each time.

Not wanting to miss out, Deirdre jumped up to her feet and addressed the group of wolves with her usual level of enthusiasm. "Ra! Ra!"
Played by Moonwings who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
One by one wolves around him began to cast their options forward. A single name stood out: Ra's. Mouseling looked to the blind wolf with interest. He knew little about her, just what he had heard from others during the search for the previously missing wolves.

Deidre's cheering perked his ears up. His face lifted in a slight grin at the pup's excitement. It seemed many of the wolves believed her to be the best choice.

Mouseling laid forth his own vote. "I vote for Rashina as well," he said with some small confidence. If they all trusted Rashina to lead them in these terrifying times, then he did as well.
Played by Cade who has 144 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Clouse Charity Archer
Hagar was not well, and just seeing him in this state lessened the surprise Clouse felt at his announcement. The reins were shifting to someone new, and he thought first of the man's own wife as being a natural successor. Instead, the first name to be put forth was one that made his stomach sink.

Ra. Then again, and again. His own name, Niamh's, they were put into the mix, but still the tally steadily rose for Ra to take on this immense job. A maggot of panic squirmed within his guts, small but icily present all the same. She was the one who needed protection, not who should be responsible for protecting and guiding their group. It felt certain, and yet there was a part of him that felt like quite the asshole in thinking this. Ra was not incapable, and clearly had gained the confidence of the others.

He grit his teeth and looked down at his paws, abstaining altogether. Nothing he would say would change the numbers enough to make a difference, and yet he could not bring himself to raise his own voice so as to thrust this heavy mantle upon his sister.
Played by Vami who has 66 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Rashina Archer
Daegal spoke up, parroting his sister and their little sister Dierdre chants in cheer which causes a laughter in Ra, despite the air of seriousness around. She could not see the tension in anyone's faces. Mouseling spoke then, to her surprise stating her name as well. Clouse had brought him here to give him a home and Ra had never spoken a word to this wolf. Still, she offers a smile into the direction of the young voice.

Her. And here, a time ago, she had thought to leave this place. Return to Torbine, where her practice was revered. Had thought to convince Clouse to take her as far as he was willing. Then Niamh had come and in the both spirited and spiritual woman, Ra had found companionship by the comfort of their similar passions and so she had stayed. Maybe she would take the mantle until she could prove to Niamh she was the better fit for the job.

Ra waited to hear her brother speak. Something- anything. Yet nothing came and she could not see the tightening of his jaw as he grit his teeth. She could not see how he cast his eyes down and away from her. So, she speaks to those gathered: "I will do my very best." But would it be enough?
(This post was last modified: Sep 26, 2023, 06:50 PM by Rashina.)
"Moon Mother,
bring us your light, for the night is dark and full of terrors.
Played by Flywolf who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Daegal Archer

Their voices rose and the end choice was clear. Ra would lead them now. Daegal glanced back at his father, back at his littermate, and his eyes drifted over to his half sister chanting along. He hadn't spent much time with them - or any time, really, and he should feel bad about that... but he just couldn't bring himself to grow close to more siblings that might just vanish anyway. Not with Izzy still gone.

He turned now to Ra and made to dip his head - only to remember she couldn't see him. "Congratulations," he murmured, and if there wasn't a lot of heart in it at least he wasn't flat. He was happy for her opportunity... he just wished it wasn't because his mom was gone.

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 241 posts.
Inactive Deceased
His family comforted him and he was thankful, now completely surrounded, at least by those still with the pack. It gave him strength, helped soothe his nerves and release some of his tension. Still, guilt and fear both festered subtly alongside the cancer and smoke damage within his lungs.

Mouseling appeared and was given a nod, and then his wife passed put forth the first ballot, drawing his eyes. Ra? His daughter echoed the vote, nominating Clouse as well. It continued on like that, even their newest recruit giving confidence to the Archer. Fitting, but... he couldn't help but he surprised, and even worried, that they had just elected a blind alpha. Hopefully, that was just more small thinking on his part. After all, she'd clearly won the rest of them over, very few seeming to abstain.

Nothing he could have said would change the results, but his gaze did pass unto @Kaeruka for a moment; his vote would have gone to her. Niamh was a natural successor, but she had already been thrust into so much new nearly all at once. He couldn't bring himself to ask her to take on this as well.

Ra spoke up, and Hagar's mossy eyes settled on her lined features.

"Thank you for this, Ra. I will do whatever I can to assist."

He didn't want to be useless, perhaps could at least be a soundboard? Anything but nothing.
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